Need some prayers

..................My prayers are sent Steve,,,.......hopefully she gets the mri soon......if theres anything I can do
So sorry to hear this Steve, Treva and I will keep her and you in our prayers.
I hope we get an update soon that she did get a MRI dun so they can do what can be dun, Stay strong and be by her side if all possible
Thanks everyone!! Good news(kinda)...she had the MRI done asap..didnt have to go to Edmonton. She went and saw her doc and there were 4 alternatives. 2 she ruled out, and the other 2 options are that she can have the tumor removed and the kidney over time will regenerate itself(I thought only livers would do that) the other is to leave it. Apparently they think this could be a "dormant" tumor....or a very slow growing one...So it sounds like decent enough other tumors found and the one she has is a slowpoke. Thanks again all for the kind words, its amazing how it helps reading your responses!
That's great to hear Steve! Dormant or slow growing is good. Hopefully they can monitor it over time. And if she eventually has to have the surgery, it gets it out of there so she can have a long and comfortable life.

Continued prayers and wishes.
Sorry I forgot to update. I went to visit Marj last weekend as she had surgery on Tuesday. Surgery went well, she had it labroscopic, so the time spent in hospital was less than anticipated. The tumor was very confined, so the doctor is optimistic and they are going to do a biopsy.
All in all it went as good as can be anticipated, she looked very good and was glad to have it done and be home. Thanks everyone for their well wishes!
I must have missed this thread while I was moving...Sorry, Steve.

Your family is definitely in my prayers.
An update here folks, I just realized I hadnt updated and I apologize.
Marj had her surgery and is recovering nicely! It is a chore in itself to get her to relax! Doc called her this week and said the piece/tumor from her kidney was benign! She is ecstatic, even though they told her they "got it all" she was still hesitant/worried as they were told the same thing before her husband Terry passed away.

Thanks everyone for their well wishes and prayers, it worked!
This is great news to see this day Steve :cheers: That has got to be allot of weight taken off her shoulders and yours :glasses7: I am sure they will keep an eye on things so she continue enjoying life and move forward
Made my day here on the hill to see this update :colors: