Need vehicle hauled from Cali to Michigan or to BC



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
As title states I am looking to help get a vehicle from California to Michigan OR from California to BC....anyone??
Sorry, No secrets aloud on this site! LOL..You have to tell us what is being bought! We have a right to know!! lol..:protest::prayer::poke::dontknow:[-o<[-X:cussing::scratch::-\"
I'm making some Saskatchewan to BC trips this summer. I'll be empty heading west if anyone is interested.
You better plan on at least $1 per mile...

Fuel isn't a $1.25/gallon anymore.

Sounds like you need to find a carrier that hauls more than 2-3 cars on a rig.
You better plan on at least $1 per mile...

Fuel isn't a $1.25/gallon anymore.

Sounds like you need to find a carrier that hauls more than 2-3 cars on a rig.

Yes and to Michigan/Canada border is going to be around 2500 miles. If the person hauling doesn't have a back haul or another reason to go to the area it will be about a 5000 mile round trip.
Sorry, No secrets aloud on this site! LOL..You have to tell us what is being bought! We have a right to know!! lol..:protest::prayer::poke::dontknow:[-o<[-X:cussing::scratch::-\"
Unless it's a Ford or GM product (except Isuzu)... In which case, nobody here will care. ;)

- CK
No problem, maybe try that U-ship website . I did'nt think it would fly but you never know....
Jim is a member on another website I belong to. He hauls all over, or at least he did. All I can offer is a contact since I never had any dealings with him. If you check out the website you'll see they have open and enclosed car hauling. He used to give his trip schedule so you could see where he was and where he was going next but I haven't seen that in a while.
How much are we talking? I live in near Sacramento, CA.. San Jose is about 2 1/2 hours and as stated above its another 5000 miles round trip to Michigan I believe. But I'm a bored college kid. I would be interested if I can get gas paid for and make a little profit. My girlfriends dad has a trailer I'm sure he would let me use.
Fuel isn't a $1.25/gallon anymore.

Sounds like you need to find a carrier that hauls more than 2-3 cars on a rig.

I realize what gas prices think they are expensive where yer at?? Come up and pay our prices....its fricking ridiculous! I dont have a set time frame when the vehicle needs to be here other than by May 24 weekend, so if the hauler could organize a back load or be able to haul 2-3 that would work out better.

No problem, maybe try that U-ship website . I did'nt think it would fly but you never know....

I chkd it out and I got a "ballpark quote of $1000"

Jim is a member on another website I belong to. He hauls all over, or at least he did. All I can offer is a contact since I never had any dealings with him. If you check out the website you'll see they have open and enclosed car hauling. He used to give his trip schedule so you could see where he was and where he was going next but I haven't seen that in a while.

Thanks PA Dodger, I will chk his site out. Thanks!

How much are we talking? I live in near Sacramento, CA.. San Jose is about 2 1/2 hours and as stated above its another 5000 miles round trip to Michigan I believe. But I'm a bored college kid. I would be interested if I can get gas paid for and make a little profit. My girlfriends dad has a trailer I'm sure he would let me use.

You can figure out a quote and shoot me a pm if you like

Thanks all!

I just wanna point out that before ya'll think Im being a dick about this, Im not really, but how many have heard that delivery/shipping killed the deal?? Im putting it out there to see what a member is able to do it for. And if this deal is feasible...

Hey CC and CK.....sorry the secret upsets ya, but its NOYFB :poke::dontknow::lol:
I chkd it out and I got a "ballpark quote of $1000"<-- This sounds like the best deal but I would be real leary of some hack that doesn't have "kid glove care".

OK, so here's the plan. You get some tourist brochures for your home town, and a one-way ticket back to Cali and try to talk the present owner into a road trip vacation.
I bought my Dart from a member here who delivered for gas money plus a little more.He was up for a "Good Gut Alert" before I became a member here.
I chkd it out and I got a "ballpark quote of $1000"<-- This sounds like the best deal but I would be real leary of some hack that doesn't have "kid glove care".

OK, so here's the plan. You get some tourist brochures for your home town, and a one-way ticket back to Cali and try to talk the present owner into a road trip vacation.
I bought my Dart from a member here who delivered for gas money plus a little more.He was up for a "Good Gut Alert" before I became a member here.

Thanks PA, much appreciated!
Hey Steve,
I used Oakwood Transport from Ingersoll Ontario to bring my Duster home. They specialize in cross border car transporting. They make runs into the states on a daily basis and I found them to be reasonably priced. Here is there web site. Let me know if you need any more info.
Hey Steve,
I used Oakwood Transport from Ingersoll Ontario to bring my Duster home. They specialize in cross border car transporting. They make runs into the states on a daily basis and I found them to be reasonably priced. Here is there web site. Let me know if you need any more info.

Thanks Andy, I have heard good things about them!