"New" Lethal Injection - Prisoners "Afraid to Suffer"



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Aug 20, 2007
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Orland Park, IL
Here we go.... Now prisoners on death row are complaining about the new lethal injection drug. The prisoners are now claiming that the new drug is too cruel... The new drug caused the first guy it was used on to gasp, snore, and snort a little more than the "last formula" and now they are saying that it is too cruel and inmates are afraid to suffer...

what about their victims? Did they have a nice painless peacefull death??? I don't think so. So why should the murderer? Maybe we should bring back electric chairs, firing squads, hangings... I think that we should add a new one to the array; Let the victim's family beat them to death. Tie them down and let any remaining family members beat them to death... Like most of the murders did to their victims... Or make them die the same way that they did to their victims.... Then they'll be begging for the new Lethal Injection drug....

I'm sorry, I don't have any sympathy for these murderers. In this particular case a guy robbed a jewelry store, shot the owner and his wife, left them for dead and took whatever they wanted. The husband died, but the wife survived (she played dead after getting shot in the shoulder). The police picked up the guy 15 minutes later with the loot and weapons, not to mention that the wife positively identified him. His lawyer is arguing that he is not a violent man... REALLY? HE SHOT TWO PEOPLE, KILLING ONE, BUT HE'S NOT A VIOLENT MAN...

This is just another way for the inmates to delay their deaths. A waste of court time and tax payer dollars to even let them try to use this as an excuse not to be executed. Another game for the inmates.

In cases like this where he is without a doubt guilty. A victim identified him, and he was caught with the weapon and stolen jewelry 15 minutes later. --> HE'S GUILTY! Give them their shot and lets move on...

If you are so concerned about the "cruelty" of the new lethal injection compound, then DON'T KILL ANYBODY (unless it's self defense of course).

Here's the article below:

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Lawyers for a convicted murderer were making final pleas for his life on Tuesday, just hours before his scheduled execution in Missouri.
Herbert Smulls was convicted and sentenced to death for killing a St. Louis County jeweler and badly injuring his wife during a 1991 robbery. He is scheduled for lethal injection at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday.

His defense attorney, Cheryl Pilate, has an appeal pending before the U.S. Supreme Court and is seeking clemency from Gov. Jay Nixon, who said Tuesday afternoon that he was still weighing the clemency request. Pilate's arguments are mostly focused on the secrecy shrouding the execution drug.

State prison officials have refused to reveal from which compounding pharmacy they obtained their lethal-injection drug, pentobarbital. Pilate contends that the secrecy makes it impossible to know whether the drug could cause pain and suffering during the execution process.

The prospect of being put to death with a drug whose origin remains sealed "terrifies" Smulls, his attorney said. Pilate also said her client changed in prison, becoming a man who gets along well with other inmates and guards, and who has learned to write despite a low level of intelligence.

"I frankly cannot begin to tell you how distressing this situation is, that the state is going to execute a prisoner in his mid-50s who made one series of colossal mistakes that were in many ways out of character, because he is not a violent person," Pilate said.

St. Louis County prosecutor Bob McCulloch said talk about the drug is a smoke screen aimed at sparing the life of a cold-blooded killer. He noted that several courts have already ruled against Smulls, including U.S. District Court in Kansas City and the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

"It was a horrific crime," McCulloch said. "With all the other arguments that the opponents of the death penalty are making, it's simply to try to divert the attention from what this guy did, and why he deserves to be executed."

Smulls had already served prison time for robbery when, on July 27, 1991, he went to F&M Crown Jewels in Chesterfield and told the owners, Stephen and Florence Honickman, that he wanted to buy a diamond for his fiancee. He took 15-year-old Norman Brown with him.

Once in the shop, Smulls began shooting. Stephen Honickman pleaded, "Enough already, take what you want," according to testimony from his wife. The robbers took rings and watches, including those that Florence Honickman was wearing.

Florence Honickman was shot in the side and the arm. She feigned death while lying in a pool of her own blood but survived. Her 51-year-old husband died.

Police stopped Smulls 15 minutes later, and they found the stolen jewelry along with weapons in his car. Florence Honickman identified the assailants.
Brown was convicted in 1993 of first-degree murder and other charges, and sentenced to life without parole. Smulls got the death penalty.

Missouri had used a three-drug execution process since 1989, until the drug makers stopped selling those drugs for executions. Missouri eventually switched late last year to pentobarbital, and the state argues that the compounding pharmacy providing the drug is part of the execution team — and therefore its name cannot be released to the public.

Compounding pharmacies custom-mix drugs for clients and are not subject to oversight by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, though they are regulated by states.

The drug was used to execute two Missouri inmates late last year.
On Tuesday, Pilate said that previous testimony from a prison official indicates the state stores the drug at room temperatures, which could taint the drug and potentially cause it to lose its effectiveness.

Pilate also said she and her defense team used information obtained through open records requests and publicly available documents to determine that the compounding pharmacy is The Apothecary Shoppe, based in Tulsa, Okla. In a statement, The Apothecary Shoppe would neither confirm nor deny that it makes the Missouri drug.

Also on Tuesday, Missouri Senate Democratic Leader Jolie Justus introduced legislation that would create an 11-member commission responsible for setting the state's execution procedure.

She said ongoing lawsuits and secrecy about the state's current lethal injection method should drive a change in protocol.

In my opinion, it's a good thing if they do suffer.
They are getting executed for a good reason........
Because they are sadistic killers.
Their victims should have been so lucky.
In my opinion, it's a good thing if they do suffer.
They are getting executed for a good reason........
Because they are sadistic killers.
Their victims should have been so lucky.

I want the SOB's to feel pain before they die...
Time for the country club treatment to be over.

F@&k that, pain and suffering cost time and money. I'm all about keeping the cost down and as low as possible. 1 guy (or gal for female prisoners) with 1 .45 caliber handgun using a single hollow point bullet at close range. Problems solved.
F@&k that, pain and suffering cost time and money. I'm all about keeping the cost down and as low as possible. 1 guy (or gal for female prisoners) with 1 .45 caliber handgun using a single hollow point bullet at close range. Problems solved.
I agree...that would do it..save the money spent keeping these pos for years and their legal fees for the victums family...people that are rapists should be put in a cage naked with a male ape with their hands and legs tied,*** in the air..well you get the picture
Perhaps they should be killed the same way as their victim so they can feel what their victim felt before they died??
save the money spent keeping these pos for years and their legal fees for the victums family...people that are rapists should be put in a cage naked with a male ape with their hands and legs tied,*** in the air..well you get the picture

... All "lubed up" and ready to go.... :bootysha:

... Wait! No lube. They should have to "feel the burn..." :goodman:
I like the idea of bringing back the rope. Inexpensive, reusable, sometimes it's quick and relatively painless, sometimes not. Horse thieves used to be hanged, seemed a great deterrent.
speaking of deterrent, what about the old classic, hanged, drawn and quartered?
F@&k that, pain and suffering cost time and money. I'm all about keeping the cost down and as low as possible. 1 guy (or gal for female prisoners) with 1 .45 caliber handgun using a single hollow point bullet at close range. Problems solved.

I agree...that would do it..save the money spent keeping these pos for years and their legal fees for the victums family...people that are rapists should be put in a cage naked with a male ape with their hands and legs tied,*** in the air..well you get the picture

I am not talking about keeping the SOB's in prison. I am talking about the lethal injection hurting like hell as it kills them.
I like the idea of bringing back the rope. Inexpensive, reusable, sometimes it's quick and relatively painless, sometimes not. Horse thieves used to be hanged, seemed a great deterrent.

While I get the idea of reusable, people will be up in arms about racism (lynchings) so it wouldn't work.
I am not talking about keeping the SOB's in prison. I am talking about the lethal injection hurting like hell as it kills them.

I got what you were saying/getting at but I'm just looking at cost chemicals generally are not the cheapest. If you wanna make the rest of the death row people feel it, have the gun shot shown on the prison tv so they can be required to watch. Give just more time to think about how much time they have till the bullet goes through them.
Forget the justice and ethics end of this game. Here's why;

We all know what the end result is, all the same, so lets make it as functional as possible. How about a bullet? They're cheap, last I checked, and don't require any time taken or additional dollars from us, proceeding attorneys, judges and politicians that could be doing a different job for us. No way of knowing how much noise/ suffering goes on, measured in FPS, so no more BS from the guilty.

Forget jail. Take the money spent on feeding these people and pay an emergency/ urgent trial Judge to look at murder trials and get it over with, in a week. Put it in front of everything. You can argue cost, but which weighs more on tax payers? Expediting the trial, in front of others, or housing them in prison, only to be put down?

The problem with the legal system now, is an extremely abused word, known as "interpretation". "bla bla is not a violent man." is open ended, because the tense attached is current. The word "is" defines current. That's likely the argument being given by his attorney.

Regardless, they need to crank the volume up on finishing the job. Not because of ethical debate, or "eye for an eye", but because of it's functional property.
I'm not anti-death-penalty, but I am you-better-be-really-damn-sure-the-guy-is-guilty-before-you-execute-him. To that end...This whole issue is stupid. This is one of those issues that's so simple, people are overlooking the obvious answer.

Inert-gas asphyxiation is the way to go. Nitrogen is cheap and easy. The body doesn't have a pain/panic reaction cause carbon dioxide is still being expelled and the condemned just...Passes out, then dies within minutes. They may feel light-headed for a bit, but that's it. People accidentally die in low-oxygen environments every now and then, so it's obviously pretty painless/undetectable.

Other benefits: organ transplants are still possible, training is easy, no harsh chemical clean-up like cyanide-based gas chambers, nitrogen is readily available, equipment could be as simple as a full-face SCUBA mask hooked up to a tank of nitrogen, and there are isn't much in the way of convulsions that disturb witnesses and such.

Yes, I'm overly analytical about this sort of stuff...But this really is a no-brainer.
Getting rid of lethal injection is a great idea for organ donation. I wonder how a lung or cardio transplant would be affected by the gas? One of those cattle killing devices/ reciprocating rod would also get it done as quick as a bullet, only cleaner with no stress induced hormones into the bloodstream. That's also one of the reasons they use them for feed, so the cuts of meat don't become tainted with stress hormones.
Bring back public executions for high profile cases (child killers, other various kinds of scum etc). Fill a stadium and give the proceeds to the victim's families.
I'm not anti-death-penalty, but I am you-better-be-really-damn-sure-the-guy-is-guilty-before-you-execute-him.

Of course. That's why I gave the example that I did in post #1, a current case. In that case, no doubt, he was guilty. The cat caught with the canary in his mouth....

I have also heard that false prosecutions are increasing where DNA evidence proves the accused and convicted innocent. In these cases there should be a long waiting time.

This should be like Ron White describes Texas putting in a "fast lane" when there are more than 3 witnesses and no doubt, they go to the front of the line...

These are the people that we are talking about.
While I get the idea of reusable, people will be up in arms about racism (lynchings) so it wouldn't work.

Lynchings work for me.

I forgot about the gas chamber. Somebody mentioned that above. Then comes the question about spoiling the organs for donating...

The French Guillotine; quick, easy, low cost, it will "preserve" the organs for donating... Like the dentist says, "This may feel just a little pinch...."


Three guys are scheduled for execution. If the execution fails, the men get to go free. The first one asked, "face up, or face down?"

"Face down," he replies.

The blade falls and hangs up just before touching his neck, so he gets to go free.

The second guy is up, asked, "face up, or face down?"

He also replies, "face down."

The blade falls and hangs up just before touching his neck, so he gets to go free.

The third guy is up. And he's asked, "face up, or face down?"

"Face up," he replies.

As they load him in, he looks up and says, "I see the problem!"...
... All "lubed up" and ready to go.... :bootysha:

... Wait! No lube. They should have to "feel the burn..." :goodman:
Lmao..yep no anal ease for them...feel the burn..now thats some funny **** I dont care if you are religious or what have ye...