New snow here at the home front


Tony Fields

That's How I Roll
Legendary Member
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Columbus, Indiana 47201
We are getting hammered this morning. It's supposed to
do this all day into the night. It's 09:40 a.m. at this time.

Yep, winter is here.disgust


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I was just Talking to Richard and he said it came in fast this morning, Hunker down
Tony and Thelma, it started here last night here and we woke up to 2 ta 3' snow drifts
and 6 to 9'' of snow this morning.
It was sure weird seeing lightning and snow at the same time.

I was prepared and had the generator on the front porch just incase .
The wind did cover it up, but it will fire right up after a breather cleaning
so it don't pull all the snow in the filter :D I would have thought the roof over the porch
would have took care of it...not


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No measureable snow in the forseeable future here in the Chicagoland area, much to my kids' chagrin...:D You fellas stay safe...

Tony Field and Memike: Hope you had a Merry Christmas.

We have had no snow what so ever, a green Christmas
They are saying we are going to get hit later this afternoon
snow coming our way, love the snow.

Were supposed to have snow starting tonight....and then again sat./sun. Stay safe guys and gals!
wow, it is beautiful but I will be satisfied if you keep it up there and just post pictures for us to enjoy. We got 3.4" of rain which we needed and dodged the tornodoes again. It is 37 degrees and wind blowing 25 mph this morning. Stay safe and hope you don't have to fire up the generators, Joe
Yep it's coming down hard still In Indy. My dogs love it can not keep
In the house . But that s ok no work till next wed's plant closes down this time of year .
Yep... it sure looks like winter at your place Tony! The wind has just started to pick up here and they are forecasting lots of snow for us too.
Tony Field and Memike: Hope you had a Merry Christmas.

We have had no snow what so ever, a green Christmas
They are saying we are going to get hit later this afternoon
snow coming our way, love the snow.


Thanks Kenny!

Had a great Christmas.
I love seeing the pictures but you can keep all that white stuff. We was lucky yesterday and it all went south of us. Southern Oklahoma toward Dallas have the pleasure this time.
One and only good thing about this snow we're getting. I was supposed to leave on a Middle East mission this afternoon. Blizzard warning = base closure = mission cancelled (well, at least until my next one).

Although I am able to use the new snow shovel and salt I bought last year but didn't use because it didn't snow at all.
Hey Tony and Memike!

Nice pictures of the white stuff you are getting. Becareful out in that stuff, the first time each year it is easy to forget how slippery it can be.

No snow in Racine - Damn it! But at least what we got last week has stayed around to make it a white Christmas!

Stay warm...

Ma Snart

PS - Tony, I assume you have someone visiting you with their "Fix Or Repair Daily" pick up parked in your driveway .
Since Dec 1 we have had snow coming down every day since then. If it holds out 4 days more there will be a new record!!
A quote from Gary Varvel the editorial cartoonist for the Indianapolis Star;
"Well, it's time to shovel some global warming off my driveway."
Just started snowin here and Its makin fast,...Momma and the boys are at the casino,...just a little worried,...sent her a text tellin her It's time to be headin home...
Hey Tony and Memike!

Nice pictures of the white stuff you are getting. Becareful out in that stuff, the first time each year it is easy to forget how slippery it can be.

No snow in Racine - Damn it! But at least what we got last week has stayed around to make it a white Christmas!

Stay warm...

Ma Snart

PS - Tony, I assume you have someone visiting you with their "Fix Or Repair Daily" pick up parked in your driveway .

what am i chopped liver ? LOL my snow is real too Steve ! and we had a white christmas HAH ! lmao j/k stay warm out there in the cheese country !
PS its still snowing lol
Hey Tony and Memike!

Nice pictures of the white stuff you are getting. Becareful out in that stuff, the first time each year it is easy to forget how slippery it can be.

No snow in Racine - Damn it! But at least what we got last week has stayed around to make it a white Christmas!

Stay warm...

Ma Snart

PS - Tony, I assume you have someone visiting you with their "Fix Or Repair Daily" pick up parked in your driveway .

Belongs to my son-in-law Chris

It's a Toyota Tundra
We are getting in central pa plus high 35-40 mph winds tonight, Tony I sure like your garage.
I was on vacation for the past 11 days my first day back and I get called in early......... man was the snow coming down at 4am, wind blowing, drifting, even a snow plow was stuck on the highway.....most of the roads I was the first to make tracks ...deep tracks thank goodness for ditches to show me where the road was. My wife followed me to her place of work and then I headed the 20 miles to my job, a 25 mph line of cars going down a one lane, on a two lane highway just kinda go with the flow!!
We had 4" here just west of Detroit. Its beautiful, a welcome change from the 65 and sunny AZ winters that I have become used to.