New steel lines and really small bleeder



Sep 15, 2015
Reaction score
Shawnee, KS
So I just finished yesterday installing all the new steel lines from In Line Tube on my '65 Dart 270 hardtop. I have 9" drums all 4 corners. Bench bled the new dual master res and installed. All was going nicely until bleeding. I have a leak on the distribution block on top where the lines from the master. Seems like I can only attach and tighten these lines off the car. There just isn't enough room on the car to get a wrench on the top of the block.

Anyone know any tricks to make these seat?

Also, and I haven't gotten this far yet, but the front bleeders are surrounded by bolt heads and can't get a flare nut wrench on them even if I had one that small a size, which is really small let alone a bleed tube at the same time which ain't happening!

yep// messy job/ shop towel and a 1/4 inch drive deep well socket and the Mrs. helping me bleed the brakes :thankyou:
yep// messy job/ shop towel and a 1/4 inch drive deep well socket and the Mrs. helping me bleed the brakes :thankyou:

Thanks, that's kind of what I'm thinking about that bleeder. Any thoughts on sealing the distribution block connections?
Are you using regular steel lines or stainless steel? If stainless, you gotta really crank down on them!
Are you using regular steel lines or stainless steel? If stainless, you gotta really crank down on them!
They are regular steel, but on the distribution block you can’t access to tighten once installed on the car so I’d have to remove it to get a wrench on the leaker.
If block is bolted to chassis loosen / remove bolt and grab on it with vise grips / channel locks / etc and tighten some more. Unless you cross threaded it going in.

Bleeder screw. Yup. Deep socket. ( regular socket will usually fit. Unless it came from one of those Dollar Store sets)

Do it on the lawn. May leave small brown spot but it will grow back in the Spring.
dist block: can you remove the mounting bolt and get a small wood wedge behind it? might give you enough room.
I can remove the mounting bolt for sure. It was a struggle I’ll admit getting everything to line up at that point. No fault of in line tube. Quality stuff. Problem is the torsion bar is right in the way. Have to see how much wiggle room I’ve got with the mounting bolt removed. Still not sure I can get a wrench on it
i've got a few wrenches that have been folded, spindled and mutilated for a one off job. at a certain point of painassery it's worth bending a wrench or pulling the Tbar
I had the same issue using all new inline steel tubes. Use your tube wrench and tighten/loosen/tighten/loosen and tight again. The flare takes a bit to seat. Hope you had some brake clean handy! As far as the bleeder a standard wrench should be fine.
Hey Rusty, give me a call sometime if you need a hand. I would like to come over anyway & check out your projects.
Hey Rusty, give me a call sometime if you need a hand. I would like to come over anyway & check out your projects.
Hey Mike, thanks. I just might. I really don't want to have to tow to a garage to get this done. PM me and maybe we can figure it out. I'm not in a real hurry but really close to getting her driving.