New tv’s and the permissions they ask for.



Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
Colorado Springs,Co
Am I too paranoid about all the permissions these things ask for? I don’t want to use things like voice recognition and stuff, but it limits the what the tv can do (like Netflix access) without approval. It wants to do Samsung’s version of Siri or Alexa. Just makes me uncomfortable that these things are so advanced. Sort of a rant, but what do you guys and ladies think? Thanks!
Am I too paranoid about all the permissions these things ask for? I don’t want to use things like voice recognition and stuff, but it limits the what the tv can do (like Netflix access) without approval. It wants to do Samsung’s version of Siri or Alexa. Just makes me uncomfortable that these things are so advanced. Sort of a rant, but what do you guys and ladies think? Thanks!

Alexa can record your conversations and send them to anybody or everybody in your email list without notifying you...

I heard that on the news radio a couple of months ago...
Jeez, understand the technology and you can get around what ‘they’ want you to do by default.

Just look through the options and you will find a way to do it by digital input only...aka, password and key stroke.

The technology just makes what they want more obvious. You just have to do a little work to figure it out and make it work your way.
I would not buy a smart TV................ever.
Why not? It’s just a TV that can receive WiFi if you want it to..and ONLY if you want it to.

Technology isn’t evil, it just offers other options that you can choose...or not.

Even though the defaults make the other stuff a first choice, you can still control it and make it do what YOU want.

You just have to learn how it works.
I wont use the "google" word, but do an internet search....Google Amazon Samslung, Huawei those rich pricks have all have been busted for voice recognition and recording you. You want it you can have it...#ufuckinbetchanotalltechnologyisgood!! #fthat!
Even new refrigerators listen to every word you speak. Manufacturers want to know what you are saying in your house and everywhere you go so they can target you with the things you might want/need. Many of the new appliances listen to what you say (TVs are on that list).
My wife and I will be having a conversation one minute, then the next, she'll be browsing FB or something and the suggested ads are exactly what we were talking about. Freaks her out. Google used to have a feature built into Android that allowed you to turn it off on the phone but at some point, quietly removed it. Now you have to go into your account settings from a PC to do it. Alexa says they record 15 seconds to give them time to "respond" appropriately, then they were shown to have kept everything... wtf... Samsung, was, in the past activating the cameras in some TV's without consent, Nest thermostats pay attention to what room you're in so they can regulate environmental systems etc. We teach our kids, once its out there, it's out there. And then we turn around and buy the TV that listens to us and watches us... watch TV..., which gets transferred to some storage center, in some building, in which YOU don't have control over. And before you start saying stuff like "Well you shouldn't have to worry if you're not doing anything wrong".... to that I'd reply, in 10 years, when someone is going though a divorce and some attorney, and officer of the court, can subpoena your living room conversation from 6 months ago, from data center XYZ, then lets talk..... wtf... Technology is great, but at what point to we say enough is enough. I lost my **** when a neighbor flew a drone over my property when I moved in. Almost destroyed it. If you can't see or hear it from the street, which is 100 ft from my front door, it's none of your business. I don't want them suggesting things based on what I say or do in my own home. It's hard enough making sense of all the voices in my head.. :)
Fixed it.

Mark Zuckerberg tapes over his webcam. Should you?

I do, but turn it off when not in use, can't do that with a TV, lol.

Says who? Run it to circuit protector and turn the whole thing off. That's what I do. No vampire electricity.
The microphone on my Sony TV has always been off in settings. Using the remote to type search terms in the virtual keyboard is the downside but... I've dealt with it since day one. When I was loading/building the KODI app I had to type in long http:// web addresses and I did briefly consider buying a wireless keyboard to make that easier. I later found builds for KODI like NoLimits for example that load more than enough with just that one web address.
On this subject of TV's. Has anyone noticed a small blue light flash in the upper left hand corner of the set while watching a program? We have an LG in LR and a GE in BR. We are on Direct TV. Both at random times on various days will flash. When we had trouble with the receiver I asked Direct TV about it, they say they no nothing. Hmm!
On this subject of TV's. Has anyone noticed a small blue light flash in the upper left hand corner of the set while watching a program? We have an LG in LR and a GE in BR. We are on Direct TV. Both at random times on various days will flash. When we had trouble with the receiver I asked Direct TV about it, they say they no nothing. Hmm!

Same here, it happens occasionally. I have DirectTV as well, and no smart TV.
No smart phone here (cheap 10 dollar flip phone through tracphone, and yes I catch grief about it :D). I don't have a TV, my personal choice. I have tape over my computer camera, but I don't see myself as paranoid. Others may. :)
This paranoia, while true is entertaining.

Now imagine having phone calls cut off-disconnected because people listening to your phone call heard your family member ask you for classified information. All because uncle George asked how deep your submarine can go-and you and uncle George cannot call each other back for the rest of the day.

New tech or processes come out, and suddenly somebody with a high clearance sent money directly overseas to China which originally set off alarms and monitoring.

So now that you bought a chinese rubix cube (2004?) for your family member through PayPal through eBay, every other email you receive is duplicated and people you email ask you why you are sending duplicate emails.

You have echos on your phone calls(multiple effing phone calls), where you cannot hear your mother talking to you.

You report classified information on YouTube and YouTube is disabled for 30 minutes.

If the big gov wants you, they got you.
Commercially, that’s what I was complaining about (here on FABO) when I refused to share my phone number online-Ebay still got it without me.