Newest Spokamentro fuel theft strategy



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Just saw a story on the local "noos."

Gas thieves are now DRILLING HOLES in gas tanks to get fuel outta them.
The last round of $4.00+ a gallon gas, Sarah asked me if I was worried about my Ramcharger and it's 35 gallon tank sitting on the street.

Nope. If the thief wants to try to chisel his way through that plastic tank he'll be burying the hammer in his forehead.

If he tries to drill through it, then I guess he'll be roasting his *** on the street. I'd lose my Ramcharger, but he'd lose a lot more.
Yea it might make em think twice if they drilled through a steel tank and it'd spark!
I don't frankly you could get this to happen. The hole would be instantly deluged with liquid fuel. Even a battery powered drill, you could stick the thing into a bag. I ain't gonna try it though.
I have tried it with a battery powered drill and it wont spark. Its actually harder to ignite liquid gas than most people think because I have thrown lit matches in a bucket of gas before and its really really hard to get it to have to partially cover it and let the fumes build up and BOOM Shakalaka on the first try.

To get out of a tank the best and easiest way on steel tank is get a claw hammer and sharpen the claw part with a file and give it your best swing and it will open it up every time (of course is easier if you have the car up on a forklift with a bucket to catch the gas) . On a plastic tank get it at an angle on the corner with a battery drill so it don't go stream straight down into the drill but yet makes a low enough hole to drain it completely
LOL, in my parts days we'd had a rash of gas thefts around here. An elderly woman came in and bought one of those anti-siphon springs, and a locking cap. She asked me if there was anything else she could do.

I told her "you can only do so much," and told her, "I don't want to upset you, but they can always crawl under and beat a hole in the tank."

She sure wasn't happy to hear THAT LOL
you definitely don't want to try to siphon it ....that is a horrible idea ....I tried that one time and I can say that gas Tastes HORRIBLE ....I think I swallowed some too and I felt like throwing up for a couple days. bad bad bad bad ....did I mention bad idea
Rani, up until a few years ago, I've started hundreds of siphons. I finally "wized up" and got a bit more careful. I use a clear plastic hose so I can SEE in there, and or one of the parts store "orange pumps." Those are cheap and work well

When I was a kid, I need gas for the lawn mower. Went out and tried to get some out of the '60 Poncho we had. I ended up accidently swallowing a huge mouthful. Thought I was gonna die. Might be what's wrong with me now, LOL


It's not that new. Someone did it to a work van at my last job back in 07ish. Went as far as putting in a little valve so they could come back and steal a few gallons each night.
They don't need a drill, they use a punch. One good shot, it's much quicker than a drill. Using a rubber mallet is also quieter than a hammer.
I used to know a guy in high school that had 2 electric fuel pumps in his truck And a extra fitting in his tank for the feed and 20" of hose and used to go to gas stations and put the hose in the under ground tanks and fill up! Never got caught, don not know if the owners ever noticed. I miss NYC! Think he is doing 10-20 now......
I used to know a guy in high school that had 2 electric fuel pumps in his truck And a extra fitting in his tank for the feed and 20" of hose and used to go to gas stations and put the hose in the under ground tanks and fill up! Never got caught, don not know if the owners ever noticed. I miss NYC! Think he is do 10-20 now......

Well, evidently he "got caught" at something. lol
Try 7 bucks a gallon... around here, they hit large parking lots..don't know about drilling holes in tanks..
Years and YEARS ago there was a story about some guys with a van. Had a big tank in there and a pump, and the floor cut out. They'd park over the tops of underground tank fillers, drop down and get the tank open, and then stick tubing down and pump some out
It's not that new. Someone did it to a work van at my last job back in 07ish. Went as far as putting in a little valve so they could come back and steal a few gallons each night.

Yeah not new. Surprised we don't hear more of it.

Here's an article from 2011 .................

Some folks around here in the mid 70's would refer to siphoning gas as getting out the "Oklahoma Credit Card".
Any other terms?
Yea it might make em think twice if they drilled through a steel tank and it'd spark!

That happened to a mate of mine....steel fuel tank....the oxygen thieves just punched a hole in the tank with a screw driver.....he didn't drive the car much, but when he went to move it, he saw it was on empty, when it should've had 3/4 tank.
Then he noticed the dead grass at the back of the car.....had a look....and saw a hole punched into the tank.