no torch-- how to remove stubborn upper control arm bolt



Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
Shulte Ks
I 'm pulling the disc brakes from a 73 dart sport-- 3 upper control arm bolts are out no problem-- 4th won't budge-- i do not have a torch-- open to suggestions, Lawrence
The last one I got out........ I used my Matco air hammer, from the
nut side, loosen the nut up, but leave it on the adjuster bolt, then by using a blunt end chisel, the nut is used for holding/guideing your hammer chisel. You will probably beat the heck out of the nut, and will need to use an impact wrench to remove it, but it will be junk anyway. Spray a little PB blaster or the like, it may help in the end. Good luck
if nothing else-- I will saw-zall-- but I have to be able to cut the inside also -- basically leave the stuck bolt in the bushing & cut it so it pulls out of the mount, Lawrence
Suggestion: get a torch. even a propane should help (and propane accessories)...
The Demon I had originally came from the New York area. When I went to rebuild the front end. I had a hell of a time with those cam bolts. Soaked them for days. Used a couple different air hammers and couldn't get the bolts to even budge. Ended up sacrificing the upper a arms and using a sawzall to cut the bolts out. Had pretty much the same problems with the lower arms and the K member. Think I completely rebuilt that front end with California parts. Lesson Learned!
I use mapp gas. It still gets the metal red hot-unlike propane. You can get it at Advance Auto, Autozone, and even walmart. It burns hotter than propane. May not be hot like a welding torch, but in my opinion-damn close.
Suggestion: get a torch. even a propane should help (and propane accessories)...
Yep cuz sometimes all you need is a bit of warmth......and when you are done using it on the car you can roast some marshmallows with it....
A sawzall will work if you cut through the inner fender and the bolt. 1 bolt means 2 cuts.
Worst part of using a torch is the bushing catches fire.
A sawzall will work if you cut through the inner fender and the bolt. 1 bolt means 2 cuts.
Worst part of using a torch is the bushing catches fire.

What, You don't like the smell of burning rubber????
Good Luck with your project Lawrence.
heat it with map gas as hot as u can red is best and then shock it with cold water and then you should be able to pull it out with your hand
Heat it and then use an air chisel to walk it out. That's how we got my son's sticky one out of his Valiant.
thanks guys-- it is priority 1 today-- i have to make the donor car a roller again-- (wife dislikes the garage art sitting in front of the House too long!) Trying not to destroy the inner fenders(very nice shape) Lawrence

after 3 blades-- I put the persuasion hammer back in action!!

back & forth & it's done!!

I now have disc for my dart-- if I choose to go that route!
Thanks Lawrence