NO WAY srt headers in an A body



Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2009
Reaction score
cincinnati ohio 45251
i have read dozens of threads telling me SRT headers will fit in an A body.
so i got me a set.... NO WAY, NO HOW! will these fit with a stock steering box, or a hemi Denny rack Kframe, with out HEAVEY steering shaft mods...i might get them to work on my HDK with 4 universals on the steering shaft..
you have been warned!
and whomever keeps posting it is possible, QUIT!!!:mumum:
Reminds me of an old saying....."I can do anything, the impossible just takes me longer"...LOL
Did you get the Jeep SRT manifolds or the LX SRT manifolds. There is quite a difference between how tight they fit to the block.
Yes I agree it's been proven the SRT Jeep manifolds will work. However it's tight and not very pleasant to look at.

Get yourself a set of TTI headers and be done with it

Yes I agree it's been proven the SRT Jeep manifolds will work. However it's tight and not very pleasant to look at. Get yourself a set of TTI headers and be done with it Riddler
and the this look a hell of a lot better lol
In case you didn't know, yes, Jeep and LX manifolds are different. I've never heard of ANY lx manifolds fitting.
Oh yes, by the way mcat, the LX 6.1 manifolds won't fit in an abody. Sorry, just had to do that. lol

The Jeep 6.1 manifolds are a much better candidate, but I don't know if mods would be necessary, as there's usually not consistency among the various suspensions being used.

The main thing though is the LX version arch more outward toward (and into) the frame; the Jeep version goes more straight down, tucked more toward the block. I have a pair I bought for a 6.1 I want to put in my 'Tona and my car is all apart or I'd check the fit.

I will say, if you're using torsion bars, they will likely be dumping right above them and your exhaust pipes would have to make some abrupt turns. If the outer housing interferes with a stock manual steering box, you could likely modify the outer housing for clearance without modding into the port tubes themselves.

I will add also, I'm providing this input not from speculation but from owning a couple sets of LX and one set of Jeep manifolds.
The jeep manifolds work with modifications. One dimple on the drivers side and you need to cut the flanges off and reposition them to up and down bolt hole locations. I've never seen a single person say they work without modifying them ever.
I will assume that you are not talking about the early A's

if you are I would like to see a picture of this :)
I have the SRT8 Jeep manifolds on a 5.7 in an early A chassis, with my own home built rack and pinion/coilover setup. The 904/727 trans will need a trim for clearance at the starter bulge.