Old man’s memories



Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
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Winnipeg Manitoba
Sitting here watching a harvest moon, remembering how we on a 30+ below January night use to unplug the headlight on our snowmobile and could like it was daylight. Doing 70 mph through the bush trails. One old man memories.
Sitting here watching a harvest moon, remembering how we on a 30+ below January night use to unplug the headlight on our snowmobile and could like it was daylight. Doing 70 mph through the bush trails. One old man memories.
Not much snow in middle Georgia, but we used to go muddin like that.
It’s a moody Manitoba morning but I like it that way. Sitting by garden with my coffee, about 75 F. A new old man memory. Cool
Old man memory.
Using Dad’s Jeep to tow a Fiat 850 with no motor or brakes to the top of a fire break road and jumping the berms on the way down.
We often ended up upside down.
My pal kev and I were in the city with my Dart. Crossed Portage Ave and the cops pulled me over. One cop each side of car. They asked us to get out of car, so I did but Kev put up a fuss, well the cop opened the door, hauled him out and slammed him on the hood. The cop I was dealing with asked the usual questions sat in the Dart snooping around. Had taken my mom to bingo the previous night and she forgot her chips they were in a KEENS Mustard tin. You know with the tight fitting pressed on lid. Well he smiled and hooked his finger nails on the lid when it came off there was bingo chips flying everywhere. The other cop started laughing. I was smiling cop gave license and registration back sent us on our way. Still LOL even after 40+ years
At mid twenties doing stupid ****, I did a smoke show leaving the Lava Lounge in the 67 GTO. Well the cop got a good show.

Cuffed in the back, sitting in the plastic seat, he was pretty gruff about it all. When he learned I hadn’t been drinking, he asked if I built it. “Yessir”!

Got an “unsafe lane deviation”

I learned….a little.
At mid twenties doing stupid ****, I did a smoke show leaving the Lava Lounge in the 67 GTO. Well the cop got a good show.

Cuffed in the back, sitting in the plastic seat, he was pretty gruff about it all. When he learned I hadn’t been drinking, he asked if I built it. “Yessir”!

Got an “unsafe lane deviation”

I learned….a little.
Yup that which does not kill you only makes you smarter and stronger
Late one night after leaving the pool hall, I was driving my beater 75 Gran Torino Sport, my buddy Mark was driving a 67 Buick Skylark. He had his brother Bob in the passenger seat with him, and I had his brother Terry in the passenger seat of my car. Cruising side by side on a 4 lane street, about 40 mph, when suddenly the Buick swerves over and hits the right side of my Torino. Terry and I look over at Mark thinking WTF and Terry grabs the wheel of the Torino and cranks it into the driver's side of the Buick. After that, it was anything goes for several blocks that night, and anytime we were together. Beat the hell out of both of those cars.
When we were 20 something we would look around for $50 cars $12.50 apiece, filler up with beer and gas. Then out on the gravel roads. Had to walk many times, no cellphone back then
If you were running "top end" om I 75 in S. Ga. a 64 442, a 66 GTO and a 65 Stang...you can get past the overpass side by side at about 120,,,if everyone held their mouth "right". Just cause the Stand was not as wide.
If you were running "top end" om I 75 in S. Ga. a 64 442, a 66 GTO and a 65 Stang...you can get past the overpass side by side at about 120,,,if everyone held their mouth "right". Just cause the Stand was not as wide.
“If”……not saying you did, hypothetically….officer.:lol:
Bar hopping after work. My buddy in his 4.3 V6 Tacoma and me in my (locked in 4-wheel drive) full size Chevy. He's waiting for traffic and I ease up behind him and start pushing him into traffic. LOL. On the race to the next bar I got in front of him. I'm doing 70 down the highway and he starts bump drafting me.
Bar hopping after work. My buddy in his 4.3 V6 Tacoma and me in my (locked in 4-wheel drive) full size Chevy. He's waiting for traffic and I ease up behind him and start pushing him into traffic. LOL. On the race to the next bar I got in front of him. I'm doing 70 down the highway and he starts bump drafting me.
Yup, did similar things, buddy ran out of gas, so I pushed him down the road to the nearest open gas station.
When we were 20 something we would look around for $50 cars $12.50 apiece, filler up with beer and gas. Then out on the gravel roads. Had to walk many times, no cellphone back then
So many not too bright things we did when we were young(er), still wonder how the hell we survived all those dumb things.
Was with the old man across the lake almost a mile. He had just bought the new 14 ft aluminum boat, but he was using the 7 1/2 evenrude he had. The new boat was rated for a 20hp motor. Well it started raining so he fired up the 7.5 and away we went. Got completely soaked on the way back and when we got to the other shore the sun was shining. Never said a word jumped in the 67 Malibu drove 85 miles to Winnipeg bought a new 20 hp merc. Mom was just shaking her head. I guess enough is enough. :rofl:
I knew a guy that would ride his snowmobile like that. Crossed the lake one night and wasn’t quite where he thought he was when he came off it. The tree won, RIP Doug.
1974 Dodge Van headed up to Valley View (overlook) in the middle of winter with snow on the ground in Pennsylvania.

Van got stuck in the snow. The only thing I could think of was to take off my Woolrich jacket and put it under the real tire.

Got out, but burned a hole in my jacket. So I put it back on and head to my buddies house to "show off" my triumph. We still laugh about it after 40+ years.
1975, I had left the Air Force after 4 years active and bought a used 75 Roadrunner. The car was a real slug being a 318 auto but it sure was pretty. After work one day a few of us went for a beer or 2. After 3 bars or so someone said we should all pile in to Ricks Fury and go to Stans apartment to play poker. At around 2 or so it was time for me lo leave so I went out to my car and found out my car wasn't even there. Went back inside to see if anyone knew where I had it last and through the laughter I could hear how the hell do I know. I took off walking and ended up at my girlfriends house at about 4am. She was totally pissed and told me to sleep in the basement and never talk to her again. The next day I woke up around noon with the gf kicking me in the butt and asking a ton of questions I had no answer for. It turns out, Stan lived about 5 miles from my possibly ex girlfriend and we found my car later that evening at a dive bar I don't remember stopping at.
A lot of bad things could have happened that night but I guess someone was looking out for me. The gf and I made amends and were married about a year later. I sold the RR and bought a 72 Chevy C10 short bed. I didn't stop drinking completely but never even come close to being drunk again.
I was about 16, 17 and we had just moved to town
Back then, my only means of transportation was an old dirtbike

Anyway, i found my way to a local watering hole and got my drink on

About 1, I decide its time to head home...only, I have no clue where home is

Luckily it was a small town and everyone knew the old farmhouse we'd just moved into so it wasn't too hard to get directions

This was over 20 years ago, but I still remember how simple it was, head towards town, at the roundabout turn right, and just past the tunnel is the old farmhouse on the left

So, I fire up the old dirtbike and head towards town
As I mentioned, I had drank a lil and I might been a little tired so I might have zoned out a bit
Not really fell asleep but just one autopilot, you know?

When all of a sudden I'm up in the air
I don't know what happened but I felt like I hit a jump or something

So I pull over and look behind me and there is this roundabout

Ok cool, whatever
I turn my bike around and head back to the roundabout, then took a right, just like they told me

I went down to that road for a few miles but never saw the tunnel
What I did see was the town my grandma lived in

Now, I was out of it a little but I know I hadn't moved to the same town my grandma lived in

So I turn the old dirtbike around and head back to where I came from and a few miles in I come across...a roundabout

Now, I know they told me turn to the right when you get to the roundabout, so I turn to the right and a few minutes later I see the same bar again, the one I left almost an hour ago now

I figured this is some real twilight zone stuff here, but I wasn't gonna argue with the universe, so I went back inside and grabbed me another beer

To this day, I still don't know how I made it home that night
Here's two more that fit in here, I've told both of em before so rather than typing it all out, I just quoted myself

i caught a pretty cool cop the other day ...about 11 at night, quiet street cutting through an industrial turf on my way home
2 lanes, 1 light
im in the fast lane, some import is in the slow lane

when the light turns green i start to go, not racing mind you, just pulling out
well, you know this thing people sometimes do, where they pace you, and your not really racing but your not letting the other car pass?

well, he did that to me
so at about 45 MPH i had enough of it, and i stepped on it
1.5 seconds later, at 75 MPH i let off, and the moment i let off, the cop behind me lit me up

so i pulled over, killed the engine, turned the dome light on and put my hands on the wheel
he came over and asked if i had a drivers license
i said, i do, but im not gonna reach for it with that 9MM laying there (i keep it under the armrest)

when he asked if it was loaded i managed to refrain from explaining they would be rather pointless if not loaded, and simply said "off course"

he ran my license and CPL and throughout the whole deal i of course was very polite (as always) and the cop must have appreciated that because he let me off with a warning
now, if you ever been let off with a warning before, you know it ALWAYS comes with a sermon (or so im told, i never get pulled over)

so, the sermon went something like this:

Son, what you are not getting a ticket for is reckless driving
if you get on it hard enough to go sideways...and i was behind you, you were s-i-d-e-w-a-y-s...that is considered reckless driving
and then he tells me, your driving an orange duster, if you acting out you WILL get noticed

heres a fun story for you guys

i was out running some errands the other day in the wifes car when i got caught in a snow storm
at the time i still had the summer tires on, so she was a little squirmy

for some reason i was out on a section of town i dont often visit, and there is a big hill that dips down, almost like if you go far enough out of town, you drop off the edge of the world

anyway, as i was powering out of a turn, and the car slide sideways in the snow, all of a sudden i was reminded of a test drive i took some 20 years ago

the girl i was dating at the time had a friend who was dating some guy who was selling a POS camaro
it only had the six in it, and bald tires

for some reason i took it out on a test drive, probably just to drive it, i had no intention of ever buying it, shoot, i dont even think i had a license at the time

so i had taken this clunker out and as i came down to the bottom of the hill i lost it, i got sideways and didnt know how to get out of it, i spun and slid through some front yards, untill i came to rest against some serious pines

it was then i decided it was about time to bring her back in, only problem is...that hill
i sat at the bottom of it for about 10 minutes, getting up maybe 20 yards before i lost traction and slid back down
finally some guy in a ford truck decided to push me up the hill

i brought the car back, parked it with most of the damage on the street side so it wasnt to obvious and told the guy it wasnt really what i was looking for

oh, to be young and stupid again
One day I was coming home from Mankato Minnesota with 52000 lb soya meal in a hopper bottom coming north on the interstate 29 about 5 miles south of the border I watched this deer running down a fence line. Well the stupid thing never stopped or turned ran right into the saddle tank and under the tandems. Tractor didn’t even wiggle. When I got back to the yard I asked the mechanic if he would set my brakes for me deer parts hanging everywhere. He came flying out from under swearing, two other drivers and myself were just roaring