On a beautiful fall day we were prepping the classics for winter hibernation, sigh....



Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2014
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Vancouver island British Columbia
Yesterday was a beautiful fall day, and my youngest son has some reorganizing of his single car garge to do this fall/winter and a winter car project as well ( another vehicle ) i told him his Duster could spend the winter at my garage. My garage isn't massive just a two car garage but like a lot of you, one half is for my classic while the other is for storage and shop tools etc. Anyway thankfully I also have a small storage shed out side and with some major reorganizing was able to clear a space for his car. Once in the garage we put the " skates" under it and moved it up against the wall. I've left room to get around my 56 as I have a few things I wish to do over the winter AND I still have three weeks of insurance left on it so I can have a few nice fall cruises before it sleeps for the winter to. Anyone else putting their classics away yet?


Anyone else putting their classics away yet?

Sadly, yes. Both trucks have been parked in the shed/shop for the winter, although only one is up on "skates", as I have to be able to move it back and forth for a few more weeks in order to get to the table saw. Anyway, both are on battery tenders, as well as the boat (I fogged it a couple weeks ago), and I drained the coolant from both of them this year as I never got around to changing and/or checking the freeze point. Just too damn busy....

BUT, and this is a little bitter sweet, I did get my wife to agree that next summer we're going to empty out the 4-stall shed (2 wide x 2 deep) for a "proper" Mechanical Build-Out (insulation, heating/cooling, wiring, lighting, and compressed air lines), and by this time next year I should have a Shop, and not just a Shed!

(Gonna be a long winter for me.)
Heat definitely makes a difference! Fortunately it rarely gets very cold where we live, barley ever goes below freezing BUT it's very wet and so having a insulated and heated garage makes for more motivation during the winter, turn on some tunes, the dog laying on his bed and the projects go more smoothly. I don't have that much to do this winter, a couple oil leaks on my 56, one pretty simple the other requires a bit of work, and IF my kid has time I might help him pull the 4 spd from his Duster to replace the front bearing carrier seal that is currently dripping into a old cookie sheet in my garage. But I do not like working on my back, I'm getting too old for that stuff.