One of my highschool teachers got arrested



Oct 31, 2009
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My friend sent me a text and i confirmed it on the internet. A teacher i had for 1 semester in highschool got arrested for child molestation.

" booked on suspicion of eight counts of sexual battery, three counts of sexual battery with force and one count of lewd and lascivious conduct with a child under 14 years of age"

According to the article he is accused of molesting two children between the ages of 10-17. The kids werent students, but still horrible. :angry7:
I have absolutely NO USE for child molesters PERIOD
I do. its called taget practice.:-D if some jerk off came anywhere near my children i would hunt them down like the filthy trash they are and would make sure that they will never be able to look at another person agian. i would remove there eyes, hands, genitilia, then carve "child molester" in theree chest back and face. and that is if i was in a good mood.
I just think these people are sick and demented. A biproduct of our over-sexed world.

I disagree on the over-sexed world. These people are just screwed in the head. No rational person gets from looking at adults having sex to screwing children.
I had a hot female highschool teacher I wanted to molest me.

LOL, i think we've all been there to some extent. Oddly enough, the second semester of that year was with a hot female teacher that everyone wanted to motorboat.(had atleast DD's)
Don't think girls are not the same.

Girls now days can lead teachers on then cry rape after they get what they want....happens all the time......nasty little girls.
Don't think girls are not the same.

Girls now days can lead teachers on then cry rape after they get what they want....happens all the time......nasty little girls.

yeah, but its still up to the teacher to make the decision to take the experience to the spank bank and not commit a crime.
A biproduct of our over-sexed world.

I agree 100% that chillimos (child molesters) should all die (believe me he will get fucked with in jail/prison) but I do not agree with the "over-sexed world" comment. How do you figure that works? America is one of the most restrictive and hypocritical countries when it comes to any mention of sex. I bet right now even reading this some of you feel a little offended for no reason at all. People from other countries are free and open when they talk about sex and it is no big deal yet when they come to America and see our commercials they can't believe how many sexual innuendos there are.

I love sex and jump at the chance to bang my wife any chance I get and before I met her I would screw just about any woman that looked in my direction but I would never even think about nailing someone under 18, hell anyone under 22 is creepy. SO how do you figure that being "over-sexed" turns a person into a chillimo?

Not trying to start anything, just trying to figure out how that comment comes to play.
yeah, but its still up to the teacher to make the decision to take the experience to the spank bank and not commit a crime.

Yeah, true but do you have all the details on the accusations?

I'm just saying some of these girls are trouble and will make crap up for attention also and I have seen it first hand.

There is a girl down the street that seduced a neighbor boy one year older than her, whipped off her bikini and spread em doggy style on the bed and asked him to touch her, so just like any hormonal teenager he did, and immediately she got on the phone and told all of her girlfriends and when the word got to one of the girl's Parents, the girl cried rape.

That is just one instance.
I'm telling you, girls now days are freaking crazy in these schools and I have seen some crazy stuff, accusations and such and in most cases the little , innocent girls are lying through their teeth.

BUT if this guy DID do what he is accused of, he needs to pay dearly especially if the girls had ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with leading him on.
Yeah, but I agree, if they did lead him on he is still a dumbass.
I agree 100% that chillimos (child molesters) should all die (believe me he will get fucked with in jail/prison) but I do not agree with the "over-sexed world" comment. How do you figure that works? America is one of the most restrictive and hypocritical countries when it comes to any mention of sex. I bet right now even reading this some of you feel a little offended for no reason at all. People from other countries are free and open when they talk about sex and it is no big deal yet when they come to America and see our commercials they can't believe how many sexual innuendos there are.

I love sex and jump at the chance to bang my wife any chance I get and before I met her I would screw just about any woman that looked in my direction but I would never even think about nailing someone under 18, hell anyone under 22 is creepy. SO how do you figure that being "over-sexed" turns a person into a chillimo?

Not trying to start anything, just trying to figure out how that comment comes to play.

Actually, it depends on the country you go to. the hispanic countries are more open, i.e. some of them have prostitution legalized. But then as you get further east, sex becomes less and less of an open topic. In Japan it is almost sociably frowned upon to discuss things of a sexual nature if not in private. I dunno, all depends on how you see it I guess. Ten years ago, you didn't see nearly as many commercials centric around it. But this argument can go on for decades. It is simply a point of view. This is alot of f'ed up people out there right now is all I know for sure

This happened while I was in school at my school, Flowery Branch High School, school of excellence my ***
Well if we go to sharia law here just like "some" want then women will be stoned to death and shot even if they are "accused" of infidelity.

I kinda like things how they are.

Burkha's are not very attractive, and for some reason all that black makes the arm pits and other places smell really, really bad especially at Wal Mart for some reason.
The system is flawed when an 18 year old can get in trouble for being with his ~17 year old girlfriend (even if they're only a few months apart).

Canada is now an age of consent of 16 which I think is about right. It used to be 14 in every province except quebec, and 12 in quebec, which is just gross.

I don't think people in their 20's should even be looking at people under 18. Half your age plus 7 is the rule.
I had a hot female highschool teacher I wanted to molest me.

Me too.....but mine was in public school. I was in like grade 3, this was in the early 70's....knee high boots, mini skirt, blond hair and silver eyeliner........oh boy just like that song "these boots were made for walkin'" I gotta go diggin thru my old school pics
Just in the school systems around here (DFW) area its about a 50/50 mix of male AND female teachers getting busted (accused). I rarely read the follow ups.
Just in the school systems around here (DFW) area its about a 50/50 mix of male AND female teachers getting busted (accused). I rarely read the follow ups.

Being it's about 50/50 maybe if these people would just hook up they could leave the kids alone? just a thought.

I think the should have there balls ut in a vice and there legs kicked out from under them.... just to start.
I had a hot female highschool teacher I wanted to molest me.

Lucky you.
I can't say the same thing.
The best-looking teacher I had was my highschool sophomore-year Spanish teacher. Unfortunately, she was one my sister's good friends in highschool. And since my sister is 13 years older than me, my teacher had lots of stories about me when I was about 4 or 5 years old.
Talk about embarrassing!
Yeah, true but do you have all the details on the accusations?

I'm just saying some of these girls are trouble and will make crap up for attention also and I have seen it first hand.

There is a girl down the street that seduced a neighbor boy one year older than her, whipped off her bikini and spread em doggy style on the bed and asked him to touch her, so just like any hormonal teenager he did, and immediately she got on the phone and told all of her girlfriends and when the word got to one of the girl's Parents, the girl cried rape.

That is just one instance.
I'm telling you, girls now days are freaking crazy in these schools and I have seen some crazy stuff, accusations and such and in most cases the little , innocent girls are lying through their teeth.

BUT if this guy DID do what he is accused of, he needs to pay dearly especially if the girls had ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with leading him on.
Yeah, but I agree, if they did lead him on he is still a dumbass.

I'm sorry, but that line instantly made me think of clerks 2, except the sentence ends with "They even like it when you go A-to-M" :toothy10:

Anyhow, the article doesnt even say if its a girl or a boy. For we know he could have been trying to molest little boys. Even if it was a girl playing games, the under 14 part of it is inexcusable because any normal person recognizes the age and puts on the mothaficken brakes to situation immediately.