One step forward and three step backwards

This is a general comment i have a person living across the street whom is receving disability due to heart problems,back,knee problems can't work according to the state.But he constantly works side jobs [roofing,tile work ect] when not working he's smokin dope. No body in his house works they all collect something,meanwhile i work my *** off to scrape by and our tax dollars take care of them and others who abuse the system. And then when one of us workin folk needs help we gotta jump through hoops and most times get turned down. Did you know that here in Fla. being addicted to crack is considered a disability and gets you a check WTF. I'm sorry for your continuing problems if i were closer to you i would be glad to come help you out cleaning up and fixin stuff,economy sucks bad enough with out adding more pain and misery.

Turn him in, take pictures.

Obama care costs me an extra $200 every 2 weeks, with a reduction in health care from 100% to 80%.
Do the math, I am paying for the lazy f$cks.
I feel the need to add the following to what I have read here.

1. FACT : Medication DOES help Bipolar Disorder. I see it everyday working in the mental health field. Some folks are very resistant to taking medication. It helps A LOT with mood swings.

2. Not saying anyone on here is but, I also see people that abuse SSD The ones that get to me are the ones that only want to sit around and ***** about their problems and do absolutely nothing about working on a soultion. Both SSI and SSD are abused much much more than any politician or government entity want to tell you, believe me, I see it every day.
My PIA is due here in 13 miniutes. He may go for a trip in the lagoon as aggravated as I am today.
hang in there bud, it will get better (at least thats what i tell myself lol). at least you have an income even if its not a whole lot. i recently had to file for unemployment insurance due to a lay off. there is not a job one to be had around here.if your PIA DOES make it into the lagoon, WE WANT PICS !
All I can offer you are my heartfelt prayers, but you know you have them.
hang in there bud, it will get better (at least thats what i tell myself lol). at least you have an income even if its not a whole lot. i recently had to file for unemployment insurance due to a lay off. there is not a job one to be had around here.if your PIA DOES make it into the lagoon, WE WANT PICS !

Well, he didn't end up in the lagoon.... He did get wet after he did the chlorine test on the fresh water since I forgot to tell him he might want to move:angel13:. I have a 1/4 turn valve on a 3/4 pipe coming off the main line. The 3/4 line traveles about 30 feet through an opening art the retaining wall against the road and ends with a slight upward angle. He had parked about 15 feet in line with the end of that pipe. I had opened the valve where it would only shoot a 2 foot stream and he wanted to see how much pressure I had so I opened it full blast. Water hit the side of his car and ricocheted getting him pretty wet. I didn't shut off the valve until he said to because I was following his directions to the T:salut:. As my luck would have it his car door wasn't open or it would have been drenched because the line was perfectly lined up to drench the dash and front seat. I have enough water pressure to hit about 50 feet away.

As I thought the yearly fees will double because the state is in a budget crunch so just as normal they stick it to the small businesses. $1000 just to spend 10 minutes standing at the lagoon fence telling me that I need to mow the dikes and remove the new saplings is pretty damn expensive. $750 to do a 1 minute chlorine test. Maybe 10 minutes to do the paperwork. With all the rest of their fees it will be over $3000 this year. Then I get a $500 bill from the EPA for doing nothing. When I bought this place in 1996 the total yearly bill was $138 for this program that I am required to do. Back before I got hurt I could repair anything and now I pay dearly if I can find someone that will do things right.
I would be money ahead to get on disability and let the government support me and give me free medical.[/QUOTE]

Well there's the obama plan in a nutshell.
And its not the goverment supporting you, its the "hard" working Americans that are flipping the bill.
Its time we move on Quick !!!!!!
I would be money ahead to get on disability and let the government support me and give me free medical.

Well there's the obama plan in a nutshell.
Its time we move on Quick !!!!!![/QUOTE]

I have more than paid my fair share in taxes. If the going market is $12,000 per year for SSD I supported a couple of people every year for many years.
Disability isn't my way of doing things and that is why I never filed back in 2004/2005 when my doctor tried to get me to but since I am legally disabled it may have to come to that before it is over. I have always been an overcomer and have been able to make it work. I can no longer work for anyone and massive government cost increases along with everything else going up will break me. My gross income is off 75% from before I got hurt but the program costs have risen and I have no control. At what time do you just give up?
I have no idea what your going through as i have never owned my own business, but i will keep you in my prayers for a few steps forward!
I would be money ahead to get on disability and let the government support me and give me free medical.

Well there's the obama plan in a nutshell.
And its not the goverment supporting you, its the "hard" working Americans that are flipping the bill.
Its time we move on Quick !!!!!![/QUOTE]

I doubt you have worked as hard as I have. I have worked 12 to 16 hours a day for years with taking only Sunday's off. I recall many times we pulled 32 hours straight back when I owned a small mattress manufacturing company. I made lots of money and paid lots of taxes. Lets just put it this way if they paid me $1000 a month for the rest of my life I would never collect 1/4 of what I paid in just 10 years before I got hurt.
Nothing more frustrating that government bureaucrats setting up hoops for you to jump thru as if each one should be top priority. They could never meet their own mandates.

Where I live (unincorporated part of county), you are officially not allowed to do "major work" on your own vehicles, even in your closed garage. That is anything beyond changing oil or brake pads. It comes down to if busy-body neighbors complain. The DMV and Police love to set up "must do this now" hurdles such as always having an up-to-date insurance card in the glove box, regularly checking that your driver's license didn't expire, etc. Doesn't matter if you have insurance, etc, you must produce proof within 10 sec at all times. I read that CA DMV will no longer mail out license renewal reminders. You must regularly check your tags and send in the annual renewal on your own. If you miss it a few weeks, big penalties. An obvious subterfuge to raise money.

Re health care costs, a main complaint of the OP, Republican candidates are all ranting that they will repeal Obamacare. Sounds great until voters learn the details. Nobody wants a benefit taken away from them, so will probably be a backlash. The candidates refuse to detail their replacement plans. It reminds me of the Green Party who came to power in Germany promising to shutdown all the nuclear power plants, until faced with the reality of what that would do and they back-pedaled.
I dont mean to be noisy but how did you get hurt? what is wrong with you now? Why dont you get on disabilty? God knows you have paid enough in so you might a well get a little back. You can still work and draw disabilty. Im not being a smartass just asking. My prayers are with you and good luck.
Well there's the obama plan in a nutshell.
And its not the goverment supporting you, its the "hard" working Americans that are flipping the bill.
Its time we move on Quick !!!!!!

I doubt you have worked as hard as I have. I have worked 12 to 16 hours a day for years with taking only Sunday's off. I recall many times we pulled 32 hours straight back when I owned a small mattress manufacturing company. I made lots of money and paid lots of taxes. Lets just put it this way if they paid me $1000 a month for the rest of my life I would never collect 1/4 of what I paid in just 10 years before I got hurt.[/QUOTE]

You took it the wrong way.
What I said is it is the Hard working Americans like you and I that is flipping the bill.
We are the ones taking it in the shorts.
I dont mean to be noisy but how did you get hurt? what is wrong with you now? Why dont you get on disabilty? God knows you have paid enough in so you might a well get a little back. You can still work and draw disabilty. Im not being a smartass just asking. My prayers are with you and good luck.

I was hit by a car from behind while I was on foot. I was knocked in to a pick up that had the glass head lights. The glass headlight shattered and drove glass deep in to the right knee. When my heart would pump blood would squirt about 3 feet. My knee also had the cartridge destroyed from the impact. After I hit the truck, I bounced back and hit the car again. Those two hits on the car screwed up my back resulting in torn muscles and torn tendons. I have been to the two very best specialists I could find to see if there is any possibility of correcting my back. The results are the muscles and tendons were badly damaged and grew back in the wrong way causing massive scar tissue. There is so much scar tissue that they couldn't get a needle through to do a Myelogram so they had to go to a higher location up the spine to get it done. On the knee they did surgery and created scar tissue that I walk on instead of a cartridge. The right knee was pretty successful but I will be in a leg brace the rest of my life. I have pain down my left leg in the sciatic nerve coming from my back. At times I can do something as simple as pick up a pencil off the floor and if my back does something weird I am in bed for three days. I have done everything I can to overcome all of this. Before this all happened I was running my rental business and working as the car buyer for a large salvage that kept a 3500 car inventory. I bought 10 to 25 cars a day. I also hauled most of the cars I bought. It was nothing to work from 6 am to 9 or 10 pm because I loved what I was doing. Sometines if I couldn't sleep I would start hauling cars at 3 am. We kept two other storage yards in other cities so I could always go get some cars any time. Daily to even function with my back I take strong meds. Sometimes that doesn't even work and I have to take some additional prescription meds. I still do projects that require little to no bending and have to limit that to a couple hours at a time. What I used to do in a day now takes me a week to ten days if I am careful. My feeling decent hours are precious and I like to get done what I can. People screwing up my plans wipes out my day or week. Weather coming in also makes me hurt. Now I suffer from serious depression and anxiety because I can do nothing in life that I enjoy and I feel worthless. I have always worked long and hard but now it is over so it isn't easy. To put it bluntly I am a f'ed up mess and I am too damn stubborn and bull headed to quit. I just need to find a place where I am useful again because I am now a very unhappy person with life.
I doubt you have worked as hard as I have. I have worked 12 to 16 hours a day for years with taking only Sunday's off. I recall many times we pulled 32 hours straight back when I owned a small mattress manufacturing company. I made lots of money and paid lots of taxes. Lets just put it this way if they paid me $1000 a month for the rest of my life I would never collect 1/4 of what I paid in just 10 years before I got hurt.

You took it the wrong way.
What I said is it is the Hard working Americans like you and I that is flipping the bill.
We are the ones taking it in the shorts.

Yes, I did. I am sorry.
Sorry to hear of all the troubles Bill, all the gov bs costs, cuz 1/2 of those ***-clowns arent needed or wanted. Dont give up, keep fighting! .
One step forward and three step backwards and I am damn tired of it. I can't make a damn thing come together and if something good is about to happen then something with a bigger disaster has to f it up. Hell, it would be better for me to sell everything and draw a disability check rather than having to fight the system to keep my business alive. They can have it all because I am about finished with screwing around.

I hear ya, OKie, I'm a small business man myself, and I know, understand, and empathize with what you're going through, and saying here.