Our best friends (four legged) 2018 shots

Some good looking dogs here.

So here's my day. I been sick for a bit. Woke up a 4 AM cant sleep. Go in the living room and watch TV. My girl is gone for work for 2 weeks, I'm working two jobs. Fell asleep on the couch, thought I hear the dog whimpering but was so tired I went back to sleep.

Got up for work and the dog tore up my pillow, it's a buckwheat pillow so that's a huge mess. He also decided to piss on the bed and tear up a stuffed animal that I won for my girl at the fair. Got home start washing the sheets and notice he also took a crap on my garage coat..

Thanks bud....

Still love him tho.
Haha gotta love em! My Marshall stays outside now he was just to big and hyper to be inside all the time so I bought one of those wireless collar fences it works great (more on that later) I have had a huge problem with him chewing up stuff outside and digging holes. He has chewed up everything in his path from porch railing to my underpinning. He even chewed the abs speed sensor out of my truck TWICE!!! so I have been training and working with him he was really bad about chewing packages up so I talked to my ups guy and he started them in my vehicles for me. Well we must have a new ups driver because yesterday I get home from work and there is stuff scattered all in my yard. I walk up to it and am looking at it and he comes running up to me. I said "did you do this"? He tucked his tail hid his face and ran to the doghouse. Lol he knew he did wrong. I just dont know how to break a dog of something he knows is wrong but still does it anyway.
Aren't dogs just the best! Below are my two friends. The Lab Emma watching us sod our new lawn and the dachshund Monte protecting his prey catch. My buddies------------

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Dobs never chews, I'm not sure if it a combination of his (my) lady being gone or what.

I will say that I'm sure his whole routine is messed up as he not used to waking up early, pooping and being alone.

I take him to the shop when I'm working there but I cant take him to the carpentry job.

Hes my buddy, we go everywhere.

if I cant have my dog I dont wanna be going there.

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Two Fabo dogs Gunner left and Harley Right. Gunner is Mopar Mitches. They are buds for sure.
Rocky, a stray who found us, some times think we should have named him after John Wayne's character in the movie "The Quite Man", never gets into trouble, never causes a fuss..........in the hurt locker at this moment for a kidney removal.....I'm worried



Just came back from the Vet's office.............he didn't make it
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Just an F.Y.I. for those of us dog lovers, a really good book The Art of Racing in The Rain by Garth Stein is a story about a race driver want a be told through the eyes of his dog. It will take you on a emotional roller coaster ride however the ending is the best.
Rocky, a stray who found us, some times think we should have named him after John Wayne's character in the movie "The Quite Man", never gets into trouble, never causes a fuss..........in the hurt locker at this moment for a kidney removal.....I'm worried

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Just came back from the Vet's office.............he didn't make it

Sorry for your loss. It hurts.
I just dont know how to break a dog of something he knows is wrong but still does it anyway.
Seems like the key is to catch them right as they are doing it. Whatever 'it' is, and then get them to stop or do something else and reward them (if they pay attention). Easier said than done! Timing is everything. Five minutes later they're doing something else and don't know what we're all pissed off about.
Sometimes the things we think they know, they understand differently.
One time I was working the election and my neighbor walked my dog. She knows him well and it was fine but she didn't seem to know 'heel'. Since she always listens to him well, and 'heel' is something she does well, we were puzzled. I said lets try it right here. He said heel, and my dog walked over and stood next to me! Her understanding of heel was to stand by me. When I wasn't there it didn't make sense to her.


Quorra, she’s about 9 years old now.

She likes to occupy all of the blankets, enjoys Metallica and Cinderella (as well as other hard rock and Hair Metal groups)... she’s even figured out that there’s a “Play” button on the front of the laptop. I frequently come home to find her sitting on the recliner in front of my laptop, listening to music.

My girl we lost just before christmas and 3 days before her 11th birthday had her from a pup
Then we got a rescue from the shelter for the wife but has attached herself to me more so than my old dog



Our 2 boys. Roy is a 2 year old pure bred Basset hound. He's good company if not a little hard headed.

Bandit is our 13 year old Collie/Rough Collie mix. Far and away the best dog I've ever met. Incredibly loyal, great with all the kids, never causes any fuss. Only time he gets wound up is if he thinks someone's in danger.



My little Buddy Irving. He likes to stand on his hind legs in the pool and wait for me to throw a ball to him.

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Here's Sawyer, Gunny and Shelby. We lost Gunny earlier this year after 2 years fighting Cancer. Miss him bad!


this Diesel at 9 weeks,


Diesel at 5 months, about a month ago!


Here's Sawyer, he runs the household!


The normally stressed position!
Sorry to hear that, he looks like a cool cat.

Thanks, He was the best.

Actually all our friends pictures here are the best..........we are lucky to have them in our lives......
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