over priced junk

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mine leaked so i did the same but hay this way i get my point across ........ it lets me cut the bsing out of it and just say it right lol
well superdart340 thinks so lol hell i was not even thinking bout him but i guess deep down he thinks he is ether selling over priced stuff or junk idk but i guess he thinks i was talking bout him so nnow i did now he can get mad if he wants:hello2:
In general I don't care how much someone asks for their stuff....it is their stuff. What I don't like is when someone tries to sell something they don't even have in their possesion (and collects the money for said item) and when someone misrepresents an item (like not disclosing flaws). I'm not pointing fingers (especially not at you), or naming names.......I'm just saying....:glasses7:
well 1st as i said the 1st post i started said lot more but i didnt check it so lots of guys took it bad i was talking like ive seen stuff online like a 383 stock for sell for 8 gs really thats what i was talking bout is way over priced crap now asking a 175 of a 100 buck part thats supply and dam...... but any way its turned in to a pissy thing like ive said b4 i just dont getit but u know thats life
Ok over priced junk ive been on this site for over a year now :blob:
:protest:Now ive ive been looking at the for sale stuff and theres a alot of guys on there that ask whats right ...... but others have like 50 posts for parts and they bump and bump but there asking 2 times what the next guy wants :banghead:](*,)
i know im going to buy from the cheaper guy how bout u ? now im not saying any names or trying to make a place that a call out of the dum dums that over price the stuff :violent1:
Go to the Mopar Nats, you'll see tons of parts that people think are gold, but are way overpriced!!
i see it like this.....He has it.... i don't....i need it....its not available anywhere else, ....so i buy it...

or, i buy it if i cant make it for that....


But I sure as hell aint gonna buy no 2500 dollar cross ram intake for a smallblock. 700 maybe, but not no 2500 big ones. :wack:
I was taught at a young age by my Grandpa, "fair exchange is no robbery". Nuff said...
issue? i never relly had one tell superdart340 was saying i was talking bout him i was just trying to talk get some thing going thats was new for all to talk bout but it back fired on my any who c ya
if you post something for sale check to see what others like it are going for, and price it accordingly. its not super valuable just because you think you are hot ****.
DD, complain about ebay, complaining about sellers here can be a problem. It becomes personal.

Vote with your wallet. I feel that you really didn't mean it to go this far. Welcome to the internet.

'nough said.
DD, complain about ebay, complaining about sellers here can be a problem. It becomes personal.

Vote with your wallet. I feel that you really didn't mean it to go this far. Welcome to the internet.

'nough said.
well fear it aint over yet bud :banghead:
Asking price and value are personal opinions. Final selling price reflects what that buyer is willing to pay.

X2. Sad but true...it really does depend on $$ for me,as it does for anyone. An overpriced part will simply not sell or,sell later at a reduced price. Ocasionally I have seen real expensive stuff sell fast,but not in this economy..I have purposely priced stuff real cheap here just to help my fabo folks out. I have also had to reduce the price of certain parts by as much as 50% because of a newer and better alternative.](*,)

Oh well. Thems the breaks..
There's a guy here on CL that want $1600 for a late 70's 440 out of a motorhome because he "saw other 440's going for $2k on the internet" so he thought his was a good deal.

So I should get $85k for a 68 /6 Dart because I saw a 68 Dart going for $100k......so it had a hemi in it, its still a 68 Dart:banghead:
Man up, say your sorry and that you didn't mean it to get this far or single out any person.

It's all good my friend. :cheers:
I tried that bud he didnt take it so im done with him :hello2: as for any one more that ive pissed off sorry
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