over zealous moderator

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Well, I don't think you should take it personal. I also don't think it should push you away from the site. I don't really care for the F bomb just like I really don't like when people use that mogie flipping everybody off.
I'm not going to say I never use the F-word. I do. However, I was taught respect growing up. I would never say it in front of my Mother, sister, or any other lady for that matter. So what if you have to be 18, to be in the news and politics forum. We do have women there too. Do as you all wish, but I personally am not going to disrespect the ladies, such as Rainy and Cuda Chick, amongst others, who also belong to this forum. Just my opinion, carry on, and do as you please.
you guys who keep using women as a reason for keeping the f-bombs at bay are so naive - maybe using the F word is a bit rude and, like anything, there certainly is a time and a place to and not to swear but, women (if they are honest) are, in their own right, a LOT worse than men are.. believe me or don't, I don't care - I know the truth
-- I learn a LOT from the words people chose to use in their posts. I learn about their character and the amount of respect they have for those who read what they write. How else will I ever know who I should search out when I need something special.
"No matter what you do or say, you are teaching someone, something" --
-- X2 --
cry me a river. lol what a waste of bandwidth.
op, get over it. it's not a big deal.
but I guess the bomb bothers some.
Well, I guess I can only imagine what some of those girls look like that are dropping them F-bombs. Nothing like dating a sailor huh.I'm glad my wife is a lady.
Well, I don't think you should take it personal. I also don't think it should push you away from the site. I don't really care for the F bomb just like I really don't like when people use that mogie flipping everybody off.
So that is what they call them #-o Mogie :glasses7: I don't ether, I don't know how to take it but bad :glasses7:
Then in the N & P forum this same moderator goes and edits my post because of 'bad lingo' ? And another member drops the same word and it isn't censored?

I said it and got away with it. It's probably because deep down inside they think I'm otherwise awesome. They probably wish they could be like me in a lot of ways.
I'm not going to say I never use the F-word. I do. However, I was taught respect growing up. I would never say it in front of my Mother, sister, or any other lady for that matter. So what if you have to be 18, to be in the news and politics forum. We do have women there too. Do as you all wish, but I personally am not going to disrespect the ladies, such as Rainy and Cuda Chick, amongst others, who also belong to this forum. Just my opinion, carry on, and do as you please.

though I agree with your stand, I have to ask, how does your avatar fit into that ?
I said it and got away with it. It's probably because deep down inside they think I'm otherwise awesome. They probably wish they could be like me in a lot of ways.

you dropped the bomb. lmao awesome ? only in your mind.
First let me go off topic with a craigslist rant.
I listed a tig welder last weekend. Got two emails and a phone call on Wednesday from a person who seemed to want it bad. (Or is the correct word "badly"?).
Sure enough, they didn't show up today and didn't answer my text or calls to find out if they were every going to get here.
Where I'm going with it is that as far as your "for sale" problem, someone is always going to have issues how the ads are run.
They always have they always will.
It isn't a perfect world.
My advice is take what is given if it works for you.
I opt out of using it for several reasons.
Next is the problem word. It is my understanding that vulgar words are not allowed in the public threads primarily because some people have children who view them.
Seems reasonable enough.
Next is the moderator question. In my opinion a moderator is sort of like a shop steward. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.
Ideally a moderator (and shop steward) should be "fair to all and a friend to none".
But you and I both know that doesn't always happen. But they try.
Did I mention it's not a perfect world?
First let me go off topic with a craigslist rant.
I listed a tig welder last weekend. Got two emails and a phone call on Wednesday from a person who seemed to want it bad. (Or is the correct word "badly"?).
Sure enough, they didn't show up today and didn't answer my text or calls to find out if they were every going to get here.
Where I'm going with it is that as far as your "for sale" problem, someone is always going to have issues how the ads are run.
They always have they always will.
It isn't a perfect world.
My advice is take what is given if it works for you.
I opt out of using it for several reasons.
Next is the problem word. It is my understanding that vulgar words are not allowed in the public threads primarily because some people have children who view them.
Seems reasonable enough.
Next is the moderator question. In my opinion a moderator is sort of like a shop steward. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.
Ideally a moderator (and shop steward) should be "fair to all and a friend to none".
But you and I both know that doesn't always happen. But they try.
Did I mention it's not a perfect world?

And we can't catch all the infractions. We as moderators are volunteers and we don't have a set schedule. (thanks for that) We do our best to keep the site running smoothly and keep everyone happy so no one is offended. It's quite a balancing act I might add. I can't speak for the past but we have a very good crew now and we want nothing but the best for the site and you members. Remember, There are 42,000+ members and there will always be disagreements of opinion and problems. tmm
.......FiretrUCK.....and what the FiretrUCK is going to happen?
Louie, Just trying to clear this misunderstanding up for you.....Your f-bomb was edited during the time the thread in question was in the General Discussions forum. The thread was later reported & moved to the N&P forum.

Please don't place blame where it truly doesn't belong. We as Mods do our best here to help FABO. Thanks for your understanding :D

What I find interesting is the OP Louie has been on FABO several times today, but has yet to respond to the truth about what transpired posted above.....And just for the record, I didn't delete his f-bomb, so please don't whine to ME. I posted because I was defending the Mod Squad we have on board now....

If you're going to complain about the Moderation going on here, please have the decency to apologize when you've made a mistake.

We ALL make them from time to time. I'm human last time I checked :D
though I agree with your stand, I have to ask, how does your avatar fit into that ?

Sorry, guess I miss the correlation between my avatar (my car, with the 3 pretty ladies that just washed it) with using foul language in front of women. I didn't curse in front of them either.
I see the job of the moderator as being necessary to keep our site running by established rules. without rules, it would go downhill fast!!? yes. i'm sure they can make a mistake as we all can. if someone makes a mistake, just man up and admit it, no problem. member or mod.?? right. and enjoy this site for all the good info and social benefits it provides.

we have all cursed I imagine. . I rather not and have worked for years to have "patience" and self control. I was also raised to have boundaries and manners. cursing was not considered O K around ladies and children. and better be careful what was said around your older friends and relatives! that was just part of growing up in rural deep South.

seems I remember the "cihld abuse" act of having your mouth washed out with soap!!!?? ha better than a whipping with a peach switch??? ha
there is no right or wrong - the F-word doesn't belong on here and when a mod finds it, it get edited - that's how it works. If you swear, you swear - F%#k it. If you don't, you don't - to heck with it. If you think that you are somehow above or better than others because you think you are taking some kind of moral high road for not swearing.. you're just sad and as badly as I want to say f^&k U - I'll take the high road here.. sorta- :tool: :twisted:
We can use a capital letter and everyone knows what you mean.
But you can't actually "say" it.
I've seen that somewhere else with a different topic.
I'm having both deja vu and a logic loop at the same time.
It hurts.

Burger, bugger, booger.
Know the difference.



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there is no right or wrong - the F-word doesn't belong on here and when a mod finds it, it get edited - that's how it works. If you swear, you swear - F%#k it. If you don't, you don't - to heck with it. If you think that you are somehow above or better than others because you think you are taking some kind of moral high road for not swearing.. you're just sad and as badly as I want to say f^&k U - I'll take the high road here.. sorta- :tool: :twisted:

as said before, women and children are on this site, and therefore no place for the "f" word, in my opinion. and if refraining from using that word is "taking the high road" then so be it. and if anyone thinks that I think I;m "better" than anyone else, then they do not know me at all.

trying to have manners should never be apologized for.

I admit to usisng the word "chi*" as here in the country it is as common a commodity and basic to life here as "dirt"! ha
Sorry, guess I miss the correlation between my avatar (my car, with the 3 pretty ladies that just washed it) with using foul language in front of women. I didn't curse in front of them either.

I guess I mention my disrespect to women as in people posting inappropriate pictures that expose like a porno site, and plenty of examples in the postings throughout this site. I agree that cuss'n just displays the "tackiness" of the person that's posting, as well stated in this thread. Points can be made without being tacky, just ask the judge that passed a prison sentence to a criminal. :D
If a person has to fill his post with cuss words, or giving someone the finger, they probably have no point worth making. Probably a person I wouldn't waste 10 seconds on talking in person either... lol
Last point, there are kids, young kids, that visit this site. How about respecting them?? Why not post pictures and use language in every post as if your sending it to your local 4th grade class? Oops, that wouldn't work either, 'cause I go to Walmart and see how "adults" act, talk, and dress in front of their kids and everyone else's..... and they post here too...... :cheers: So onward we go, clan ! :eek:ops:
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