Paint shop Jail...Looking forward to release date.

Look man obviously you are not grasping the fact that we both want him to get his car back. Ive seen too many shops that close down with people ending up not being able to get their cars back due to leins and all other types of bullshit. I understand the fact about warranty issues with someone elses bodywork, but its better to get your car back primered and find somebody else to squirt it, then have the car sit locked up at a shop that folded due to financial issues. I wasnt bragging about what I know Im just confident in my abilities so take it how you want. This isnt a debate between me and you, its sharing experiences in order to help this guy get his car back in one way or another so chill out.
One thing I have to say is if you are getting payed to do a job{auto body} then do it. Give a time so the person can have an idea when his car is going to be done.With auto men your stuck. The last body guy and I had a trade off I build his car and he do all the body work on my car. It came down to him saying mechanic work is worthless and body work is golden and he wanted money for the work he was doing and he pay me nothing for the work I was going. WHAT AN ***. S I had to pull my car out of that shop. The guy that has it now took the car to his shop ,went over the car complete and then gave me a price and a time when it was going to be done. He said it would take six weeks and it would painted.That was last year in September. It is still in auto jail with every excuse you can come up with.I am so tired I wont even go see the car for pictures. I look at it this way if you get money to do something then do it,finish it and get the rest of the money and then move on to the next thing.Oh he promised my car would be painted this weekend.I am not holding my breath. Mark
Dartcuda1, sounds like we have the same body guy. Looks like we're in this together.
Yes we are, I talked to them Sunday and he said this week coming it will have paint and I will be excited.Little do he know there is nothing that will excite me Know.Like I said I'm not holding my breath
All I can say is ya he's paid a lot,but that should give some credit at the shop. The painter should not be looking for more money...and ya body work is a ton of work. ENDLESS attention to detail...and lots of SWEAT!
Check me out! After months of waiting, and you guys listening the dart finally got painted. What you see is all that was painted. Still waiting on hood, doors and everything else. But man what a relief.


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I have a pic of the drivers side but it will not load for some reason.
Looks good man.. I like the color.. finally seeing some progress must feel pretty good.
From the pictures it looks nice and straight.
Looks great I love the color. I hate to say it but some Body Shop guys seem to be the laziest people on the planet. Don't get me wrong some guys work very hard but other just don't seem to care how long it takes as long as they are getting a check every friday. I sent a client of mine to the body shop that I was using at the time because the painter painted my 69 Formula S car when he worked out of his house, and it looked great and the price was fair. They kept her car for 17 months and it was still in primer I had to tell the owner of the body shop that he had 15 days to get the car painted or we would be back to pay for what was done and take the car out of there and I would not send them anymore work. you have to give the body shop a dead line and stick to it or they will just milk you for everything they can.
The color is FJ5 sublime green. (Or it is supposed to be). I haven't seen the car in person. He sent me the pics.
Congrats on finally getting it squirted. Now the fun starts.
Just an update: two months after paint the painter is currently sanding the car getting ready for the tail stripe and hood to be painted black. With any luck I'll have it back by thanksgiving. Sorry, I don't have any new pics.