Please Help Me All Of You

I don't know how I missed this thread for so long. I have IN, AL, and a few others.................should I even send them?
74360duster last two post on this was on 2/18/9 and the last one was a month later on 3/16/9!
Did he move?????????????
he guys. it has been kinda a mess lately. i run service dept. in a local chevrolet dealership. and its been kinda hectic lately. we weren't sure if we would make the first cut of all the dealerships. luckily we did. they closed 8 dealers in a 60 mile radius of us. thank goodness i still have a job for now. i spoke one evening the the old man and let him know you all had sent me a bunch of license plates and he was so excited. said he would be in around the next week because i had ordered him some touch up paint and his sunvisor was broken on his impala. so i thought i might as well take the plates on into work. i had them on my desk and he ended up coming in a couple days ahead of when he said he would. i did not have my digital camera there since he was not supposed to come in until the next week. my fault for not being more prepared. but i gave him the license plates and he got a little teary eyed. he gave me a hug and told me that he wished there were more people in this world like you all and i that would go out of our way and spend our own money and time to help and old fart like him out. i told him we appreciated what he did for us in WWII. it kinda got me a little teary eyed myself. we talked for a while and he is such a great man. i would like to drive to his house and spend an afternoon sometime. he and his wife never had children. i am sorry about not posting on here. but the whole job thing has been bugging me pretty bad and i thank smallblock for pm'ing me and remind me to finish up this post. the old man is supposed to next time he comes up bring me a list of the license plates that we did not collect. we ended up with about 30 states for him. and several canandian and 4 from australia and 1 guam motorcycle plate.thanks to all and god bless.
It's good to hear he liked getting the plates, and you were able to thank him for his service in WW2. I really hope you do get to spend some time with him, it would be good for both of you.
I`ve been waiting to hear this part of the story for some time, I`m glad to know he`s in possession of the plates. It`s probably tough for an 80something year old to grasp the whole wwwdotcom thing, you should get him in front of a computer and show him this thread sometime, I think he would like it.
I`ve been waiting to hear this part of the story for some time, I`m glad to know he`s in possession of the plates. It`s probably tough for an 80something year old to grasp the whole wwwdotcom thing, you should get him in front of a computer and show him this thread sometime, I think he would like it.

i may try to do it or may just print off the pages and could mail them to him.