Pop Quiz!

I use two finger search and destroy typing,I'm getting a lil' faster at it.
My typing teacher in high school was a total FOX! She wore high heeled boots or strappy heels with mid thigh skirts. She also always walked the classroom as she taught (watching us type).
Let's just say I had a thing for her and quickly learned that if I learned to type without looking, I could instead watch her walk around the whole hour. :sign7:

Lets just say I can really type, I learned really fast, and I took typing 2 years in high school. 8)
been trying to get more people involved in chat for a long time.... I think I helped revive it a few years ago along with some help of Thrasher340 and another... it came back and has waned off a bit. I am real busy anymore and cannot get on it as much as I would like. Yes... if your slow at typing its hard to do. Yes sometimes many conversations are going at once... however there is a feature where you can have a one on one conversation as well. So if you and someone are trying to have a convo just basically go to a private chat. There has been loads of great conversation there and lots of sweet parts deals made there too ;). If your shy about it.. dont be... bust in and type in a "hi" and you will see its alright. The evenings are usually the best time and usually you will find four or five people in there chatting. Sometimes no one is there, so hang out for a few and someone will chime in. During the day... good luck... no one there. Check it out... we dont bite.

been trying to get more people involved in chat for a long time.... I think I helped revive it a few years ago along with some help of Thrasher340 and another... it came back and has waned off a bit. I am real busy anymore and cannot get on it as much as I would like. Yes... if your slow at typing its hard to do. Yes sometimes many conversations are going at once... however there is a feature where you can have a one on one conversation as well. So if you and someone are trying to have a convo just basically go to a private chat. There has been loads of great conversation there and lots of sweet parts deals made there too ;). If your shy about it.. dont be... bust in and type in a "hi" and you will see its alright. The evenings are usually the best time and usually you will find four or five people in there chatting. Sometimes no one is there, so hang out for a few and someone will chime in. During the day... good luck... no one there. Check it out... we dont bite.


I'm hangin' nobodies knockin'!