Pops isnt well...



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
I got a call from Dad today, I figured it was about the gift and card I mailed him for Fathers day. Well the opposite, he is back in the hospital. This time it is with kidney problems, they are only operating at 15%....not good. He wasnt able to shed much light on it, now whether he was dodging questions/answers I dont know. He couldnt even tell me if he had an MRI or an Xray.

He was in the hospital a couple weeks ago for a prostate issue. He told me that time it was for a urinary tract thing...well found out today it was prostate related. He will find out more on Monday what the issue is. He has a form of cancer called Multiple Myeloma and Diabetes(takes insulin needles) twice a day.

He is only 69 years old...

Thanks all
Boy, Steve, sorry to hear. Lost my Dad at only 71. His father, my Gramps, lived a few days past his 100th birthday. Dad's Mom, my Gramma died in her early 50's.
Hey Steve. Very sorry to hear this. I will pray for you and your father. You have my sympathies.
I will keep you guys in my thoughts cause my prayers will get stuck in customs.

Hope I gave you something to smile about:D