Pops isnt well...

still prayin for him and you .

Thanks Asa!

A little update, spoke to Dad today. Its been about a week since we spoke and I didnt want to bother/hound him, so I left it for him to call me.
1st biopsy, no good(not enough sample??) His doctor wasnt impressed. Sent dad for a 2nd one and again its lousy!! WTF is with doctors? Both the specialist and surgeon are located in Peterborough. COMMUNICATE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! So no usable results from 2 biopsy, a 3rd MAY be scheduled.

Dad is now going for dialysis, he went 4 times last week and has 3 in the upcoming week. They will test his kidneys effeciency after being on dialysis for a while.

His multiple myeloma doctor is located in Oshawa, so he is travelling in opposite directions to see different doc's. One symptom of multiple myeloma in its 2nd stage is kidney dysfunction. This is from what I have read on the net. I ask Dad lots of questions and I get "I dont know". For example asked if his myeloma doc knows about his kidney issues and if this is a direct result of his myeloma..."I dont know"
Dad have you asked about a kidney transplant? I can get by with one and a 45 year old diabetic kidney has gotta be better than a 69 year old one running at 15%. Dads answer " No, I dont know"
WTH, start investigating/asking questions!! My kidneys are only gonna get worse, so best to get your mitts on one now!
Frustrates the heck outta me, as I dont want our entire conversation to revolve around his health but if I was to go with him to the doctor I would feel better.

Anyway I didnt ask him about stemcell/bone marrow transplant for his multiple myeloma as I figgered he had probably had enough of my questions....

Thanks for listening/reading and the well wishes.
Love and help,the best gifts family members can give. Also,can be the most frustrating... Hang in,man.
Prayers continue for your pop, yourself, the entire family and the medical staff. God please leave no stone unturned....

Bill, I got this sinking feeling that no questions are being asked at the Doc's, (or not enough anyway) and I think we know that most Doc's need prodding right??

Ain't dealing with parents fun?!?,....Sending well wishes and prayers back at ya.

Oh aint that the truth! Im afraid that there is small window of opportunity for a kidney transplant, and stemcell but he hasnt asked his doctor :banghead:

Thanks all!
Hey Del, maybe I could get better answer in person from Dad. Its just when I "quiz" him, Im not sure if he is telling me everything. Obviously his kidneys have his family doc worried and he acted on it pronto! Just weird that no IV, but at least we will find out results from the biopsy. Thanks Del!

Just caught this thread. Hope your dad is getting better.

Don't believe everything your dad says if he says he's ok. I kept asking my dad how he was when he was battling cancer and he kept telling me that he was ok. I found out at his funeral that he only told his best friend that he was suffering. He didn't want us to worry about him. Make sure that you stay on top of it and maybe ask his doctors what's up.
Just caught this thread. Hope your dad is getting better.

Don't believe everything your dad says if he says he's ok. I kept asking my dad how he was when he was battling cancer and he kept telling me that he was ok. I found out at his funeral that he only told his best friend that he was suffering. He didn't want us to worry about him. Make sure that you stay on top of it and maybe ask his doctors what's up.

Thanks Karl...not sure how that would fly if I called his Doctors..I would somehow have to get their contact info. I gotta figure out a way though...
Just found this thread and my thoughts are with you and yours buddy . Keep your stick on the ice I was/am hoping for Pops to make an appearance at the Fest again this year so hopefully he'll stop being stubborn and get this sorted now , I have a few older buddies who pull the same thing from time to time when the doc says straighten up and do this or that they come back from the visit and play dumb until we badger them into spilling the beans then we ride heard on em for a while till the new thing becomes the regular thing for them eh !
Just found this thread and my thoughts are with you and yours buddy . Keep your stick on the ice I was/am hoping for Pops to make an appearance at the Fest again this year so hopefully he'll stop being stubborn and get this sorted now , I have a few older buddies who pull the same thing from time to time when the doc says straighten up and do this or that they come back from the visit and play dumb until we badger them into spilling the beans then we ride heard on em for a while till the new thing becomes the regular thing for them eh !

Thanks Chris, Dad definitely had a blast last year and I was hoping we were going to make it this year!

Well I spoke to Dad earlier this week and he definitely sounds and feels better. Energy level is up, appetite is up. Still going 3 times a week for dialysis and he says he can "feel" a difference. So that is goond news!!

The bad, is that his Multiple Myeloma has "ramped up". He was to his Cancer specialist last week and they have him going to the
Cancer clinic in Oshawa. Dad is very comfortable with him. Dad and Jo-anne(his gf) have some learning/research to do on eating habits etc. They took a couple of stem-cell samples so they could analyze treatment for him. There is no cure, so the best we could hope for is treatment and quality of life. Dad started on a bunch of new pills which includes Chemo. He will be going once a week to the clinic at the start to see how everything is "going". He said the Chemo didnt affect him, but he had just had it that day and I think its going to knock the $hit outta him.

Thanks all for the prayers/well wishes, it helps and means a lot!

Steve n Pops
Thanks for the update on your Pops. He is getting the best attention available from modern medicine and his family. Prayers continue!
Thanks for the update on your Pops. He is getting the best attention available from modern medicine and his family. Prayers continue!

More prayers sent for pops to fight through

Thanks for the update Steve. Prayers continue for your pops.

Thanks guys! Im hoping he fights as much as possible. He wasnt one to lay down in his younger days, but he's been taking a bit of a ****-kicking lately.

Good news it that Im going to take a couple extra days off in August and fly home to see Lori/kids and dad! It was going to be for dad and I to go to Moparfest, but he aint up to it. We will put some miles on the cuda while im home :burnout:
I thought you have been quiet lately so I searched you (stalkerish?) and found this thread. Sorry to hear your pops isn't feeling well. Wishing you all the best.
Been a while since I posted here, but I thought I would update, as I got to spend some time with Dad over the holidays. The past couple times I came home Dad hasnt been very good. Chemo has been knocking the heck outta him and his meds were messing him up pretty bad.

His current status is ok, well better than it was anyway. He now doesnt have to do dialysis anymore! YAY!! Im surprised by that as it is unusual for people to be able to "quit" dialysis. His 1st 4 month round of Chemo is done(been done for about 2 months), and his meds have been lessened/changed, so he doesnt have the mood swings that he was having.
He now has a tough decision ahead of him. He has an "opportunity" to get admitted to Kingston General Hospital in their Oncology clinic. Basically going for Stem cell transplants and more Chemo. This time the Chemo will be even heavier than his 1st round. This is a very tough decision for him and everyone involved. The treatment could very well take him. This is approx a 2 month process. Kingston is 3-4 hours from home for him and he is worried about being away from home and surviving the treatment. There are no guarantees he will survive it, especially seeing as he is NOT eating much and is around 135 pounds now.
This isnt a poor me thread, but Im hoping good karma and wishes will help him pull thru this, although there is no cure his rare form of Myeloma.

here are pics I took tonight of Dad n me and his brothers/my Uncles. My Uncle Ron(in the dark plaid) is on Dads right and my Uncle Rick is on his left.

Thanks all for the lending of your "ears"


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keeping you and POP in my prayers along with 4 of my friends battling this awful disease right now. Two of them have small kids which makes it hard. Praying for research to find a cure. Stay strong and spent as much time letting him know you are thinking about him as you can.
Great pics Steve!!! I love the three brothers together. :thumbrig:

I know how rough it must be for all of you involved. I still think the opportunity for the new hospital/treatment is a good idea, as long as Pop is on board.

It's amazing what can happen when the newest medicine/technology is employed. Linda and I were so fortunate to move near one of the better cancer/research hospitals in the US, even before we knew we would need it.

I wish all of you the best, and our thoughts and prayers will always be with Pop and the rest of your family!