Pops isnt well...

Thanks all!
Rick I hear ya on the treatment, still trying to stay positive, but Dad has been fighting this for 8 months and it has really knocked this **** outta him. Not sure if he could endure this round.
Some more prayers have been sent,
Continuing to pray for your dads health, and for your entire family! I know its gotta be hard being away from them and having your dad not well, and Gods blessings are needed more than ever!!
..................Steve, Patty and I are sending more prayers to you, your dad and the other family and friends.......We really feel for you buddy........K+P........
You and Pops are in my thoughts buddy , hopefully he can get a few pounds on , have you tried the cookies ? they really helped a friends appetite even more than the marinol pills. Fatten him up some and hide his stoggies eh ! Keep up the good fight guy's .
Prayers for your dad and your whole family.
Stay strong ! Steve.

Thanks all, it means a lot.
Chris, he is eating "some"...what he eats in a day equals what I would have for lunch. It aint much and EVERYONE is telling him he needs to eat. I realize the Chemo has knocked the **** outta him, but food intake isnt just for the body but the brain as well. If it took me eating something that tasted like crap to give me a "fighting" chance I would do it. Obviously I love him, but he is frustrating the heck outta the people that are trying to help him....

Thanks again!
Yeah the " Right Cookies " are a little coarse but it's funny how the more you eat the hungrier you get eh , I'm sure there has to be a club nearby.
Can you find any watermelon? That's the one thing that people seem to be able to eat when nothing else appeals to them....
Hey Chris, "cookies" arent for Dad LOL, maybe his being an ex cop and ex jail guard..LOL
David, I will menton the watermelon to him, see if we can get him to try it.
Morning Craig! Thanks for posting, ya been a bit of a stranger round here bud!!

Thanks again everyone!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your dad starts eating more to help him gain some strength back.

He is a heck of a guy and I know he means alot to you.

Prayers sent
Hey all, just got back from a bit of a whirlwind visit back home. The City of Toronto contacted me for testing for job opening, so a last minute chance to visit Dad was in order.

He has decided to go ahead with chemo and stem cell transplants. This is going to be the worst chemo he has had to date. To top it off, he is in the worse shape I have seen him. Dad weighs 137 pounds. He starts chemo today and Friday, then at home for a couple weeks, for homecare treatment.
His birthday is March 22, he will be 70, way too young to be passing on yet. Im hoping that with all the well wishes and prayers, he will pull through this part and see his 70th birthday.

Thanks all
Sorry to see this Steve. Hope your dad pulls through this.

The chemo seems to interfere with their ability to taste. Things have no taste or bad taste that they used to like.

Try some cooking some chicken breasts with lemon pepper seasoning or Montreal Chicken seasoning. I know someone on chemo that still likes the taste of those still and will eat them.
Prayers sent! Don't forget our Dad's are tougher than we may think.

Thanks David, I sure as heck hope so.

Sorry to see this Steve. Hope your dad pulls through this.

The chemo seems to interfere with their ability to taste. Things have no taste or bad taste that they used to like.

Try some cooking some chicken breasts with lemon pepper seasoning or Montreal Chicken seasoning. I know someone on chemo that still likes the taste of those still and will eat them.

Thanks Karl, EVERYTHING I mean everything to him tastes like garbage. In my mind its simple, eat OR die.....
I wish I was at home and cooking up a storm for him.

Thanks again guys