posting from the Emergency room



1971 Dodge Dart Swinger
May 10, 2011
Reaction score
Williams Lake, BC, Canada
So while working in a natural gas camp in the middle of nowhere i collapsed due to extreme chest pains. I was flown by helicopter out to the nearest airport whete an ambulance was waiting. So preliminary tests show nothing wrong so now i lie here awaiting the doctor to go over my chest xrays then release ne if he doesnt find anything. Been waiting for the doctor for the past three hours and i got bored so started surfing the net from my phone.
!!DAMN!! Best of luck to ya buddy. Keep us posted.

I've been lucky. 64 and no heart problems..............yet, but my arthritis is now so bad I cannot work up any "body heat" anymore.
You just wanted some attention!!! Hope all turns out well. Be mindful to those chest pains!
I hope they don't find anything serious buddy!

Nothing a good swig of white lightning can't take of!

I can get all you want if you need it!
So the doc just left. Nothing appears to be wrong that he can see. But ill be here for another two hours because they have to redo the blood work and another EKG.
You'll be there a while. IIRC, it takes about 6-12 hours for the enzymes to show in blood work from a heart attack.

Hope things are OK with you.
Well, that's hardcore, posting on FABO from the emergency room. :D

Get well soon!
Hardcore and something I hope never to do. This heat can sneak up on you. Working feeling fine and then after just so long, you are beat.

Hopefully you just overworked yourself. Fine having a EKG, blood tests--make certain they use a clean fresh needle, it happens ! If all seems fine and doc says chest x ray, I don't know. All those "harmless" dental x rays are now looking not so harmless afterall. Instead of every 2 years, I seen every 5 years now to limit your risk

Good luck, hope they kick you out of there soon, lol
Don't let that rear swap get to ya':D. Seriously, hope they don't find anything major, but hope they can tell you what happened. Good luck and keep us posted.
Hope all is well with you, the Dr sounds like he's really giving you the once over. Best of luck!