Prayers needed for my wife



Senior Member
Oct 23, 2009
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Modesto, CA
Please if you can, say a prayer for my wife Dee. She went to the Dr. yesterday and had lab work done and the results were not very good. She is going to UNC Medical Center next week for further tests for what may be cancer related issues. I got the news yesterday and have been a wreck since then. They are unsure of where it could be or the severity of it but after the next appointment, we should know more. Thanks and God Bless.
Tom Prayers on the way from me and my family
Prayers and good thoughts on the way!!! Hang in there and be strong for Dee.
My wife is a 15-year breast cancer survivor and a strong positive attitude is key to beating that beast.
Prayers going out right away for your wife and your family. Hoping for positive results with the testing.
Prayers sent for your wife and you.
God Bless

My prayers are also going out for Dee, yourself and your entire family. May the power of God bless you with peace and healing during this time of challenge. May He lay His hand upon Dee and guide her through her healing and bring His many blessings to your entire family. I will also pray that it is nothing serious and His grace will allow this to pass as nothing more than a minor inconvenience and an opportunity to praise Him for his blessings. May God keep you all in His hands!!
Praying for your wife and the family. Keep your spirits up.
Treva and I will keep Dee and you in our prayers for a good out come, We had a scare about 8 years ago and Treva had a mas removed and all was fine, stay strong and positive Tom, God bless you and Dee, as we pray for Dee to see this threw and just a bad memory in the past as all will be fine....... Mike and Treva
Prayers for Dee and for your strength. I hope this is nothing, but should it be, she may need to draw her strength from you.
I'm so sorry to hear about it, Dustermaniac! Hope you're holding it together all right. Prayers a' comin' for sure!
Thanks to all for the prayers. She is putting it in God's hands and is very optimistic that it is not going to be anything major. Her White Blood Cell count is very good but the hemoglobin levels are of a concern to her Dr. I just showed her this post and Dee and I are very thankful for all the prayers and we will keep you all updated.