I'm a mechanic that works on them
do you really think it's a good idea posting this young mans address.
this is between the seller and buyer.
and I ain't buy'n
Would you feel the same way if it was your money?
Yeah justin are you going to give me my money or not
x2 someone needs to take a stand against this crap and let others know that we will not sit idly by and let them walk away with our money without consequence.I'd be at the courthouse bright and early tomorrow filing charges for bad checks.
Yeah justin are you going to give me my money or not
You might just be in for a big payday.
Civil Penalties
Ohio. The greater of $200 or three times the amount of check and attorney fees (no maximum).
Virginia. Lesser of $100 or three times amount of check.
Criminal Penalties.
Ohio. Misdemeanor: Up to 6 months in jail, $1,000 fine, or both. Felon: Up to 5 years, $2,500 fine, or both.
Virginia. $200 or less fine or 10 days to 12 months in jail, or both. One to five years in the penitentiary or fine and jail, or one to ten years penitentiary in discretion of court.
yea I would ! I don't send my money off blindly, like some do.
It's not quite that simple. Just having a check bounce is not a criminal offense. The law is about intent, and with that, you must prove from the outset that Justin's intent was to defraud you. The evidence will show that it was a legitimate deal that went wrong and that he simply owes you a debt.
You can get a civil judgment against him, but the best you can hope for is a lien against whatever assets you can prove are his,
In Oklahoma, it is that simple and from reading the Ohio laws it also appears to be that simple too. The pm that was sent about the check shows that it might not clear the bank.
My point exactly. Justin gave the OP a heads-up that the check might bounce and asked if he could hold off before cashing it. That shows the intent was not to defraud, but that he simply did not have the money. Debt is not a crime, fraud is.
It's the difference between manslaughter and murder. In each situation, someone ends up dead. Someone steps out into the path of your car on the highway and you hit and kill him, it's an accident and therefore manslaughter. No criminal charges, but you are open to civil litigation.
Same car, same person, but in this case you know exactly when and where he's going to cross the highway and so you speed up and run him over. That's murder, a crime and also a civil deal.
All laws are based on intent. What did the person intend to do, not what he actually did. In this case, while Justin has come off as a greedy and dishonorable, neither of those qualities are criminal. They SHOULD be, but they are not.
So if he did not mean to bounce the check why wo'nt he answer his phone or contact me .I know for a fact he knows the check was not any good.And he is on here a watching this thread and not saying a word