Project- Bills Buggy

After reading.... It sounds like the choice is pretty clear... You just are over thinking the pros and cons of each so much that it's making it to easy for you not to know the clear choice. Sounds like your a fan of buckets, sounds like your a fan of floor shifting, sounds like you have the buckets already and sounds like your wife might be disappointed if you don't get to use the present she got you lil. All that said... I'm going to say... Go buckets!.

Yes your looking at getting the buckets redone... BUT you can always sell the bench seat to recoupe some cash ( I sold the bench out of my duster a few years ago here on fabo. I think the guy gave me $650 bucks for it.... Cost me $100.00 to ship it across country but still had a good chunk left over). I only paid $500 for my duster when I originally got it... So the seat alone paid for my car and then some lol.

From personal experience I will say that you can beat the comfy old springy feel of a bench seat and being able to have your lady under your arm. But when I switched to buckets the interior feel of the car changed drastically. Now it feels tight and firm and sporty (the seat/shifter combo that is haha).

Up to you but I'm thinking buckets is the way to go!

Well.. I have been know to over think things before (just back up about 10 pages and review the passenger side fender dilema.. LMAO ..or the debate to put a 71 front clip on the buggy.. To be honest, I wanted the quarter stick, she just surprised me with it.. bench or buckets, im using that puppy.. Just havent decided.. and your absolutely right, I am just trying to go over all the pros and cons either way.. and there are good arguments to be made for either direction.. Like I said, this decision will take some time for me to decide.. but just like the front clip and fender decisions, once I make up my mind I will go full tilt for which ever way I choose.. I agree the buckets would give the buggy a more sporty feel, but there are some cool things about the bench as well.. I have been spending some time this evening searching for pics of the aftermarket shifter/bench combos on this site.. not as many pics as I would've expected.. lol... I appreciate the input my friend...
Bill, I'm with DusterDude72 on this one. It sounds like you made up your mind already. You just need to take the leap. The shifter and bench seat will be a compromise you won't be happy with. That's a short shift arm on the quarter stick. You'd be better off putting in buckets and mounting the shifter where it feels comfortable for you. You definitely didn't build a sleeper so it's time to "muscle up" the interior. The bench would work better with a 4 speed shifter anyway.
As for as the wife and bench seat dilemma, put the bench seat in the living room and watch car cruise videos through the winter.
Bill, I'm with DusterDude72 on this one. It sounds like you made up your mind already. You just need to take the leap. The shifter and bench seat will be a compromise you won't be happy with. That's a short shift arm on the quarter stick. You'd be better off putting in buckets and mounting the shifter where it feels comfortable for you. You definitely didn't build a sleeper so it's time to "muscle up" the interior. The bench would work better with a 4 speed shifter anyway.
As for as the wife and bench seat dilemma, put the bench seat in the living room and watch car cruise videos through the winter.

LOL.. well, I think we'll still use the couch to watch car cruise videos during the winter months... but I see your point, and I thank you for chiming in... definitely good stuff...
So after much discussion at the garage tonight, I believe im just gonna 'take the leap' as Dan says LOL .. and go with the buckets.. C'mon springtime! LOL
Glad to hear bill, sounds like your a man on a mission. I'm sure once it's all done and you have a seat in it with on hand on the wheel and the other on the shifter you will probably say to yourself " why did I even second guess this?". It's going to look and feel great I'm betting!.

Glad to hear bill, sounds like your a man on a mission. I'm sure once it's all done and you have a seat in it with on hand on the wheel and the other on the shifter you will probably say to yourself " why did I even second guess this?". It's going to look and feel great I'm betting!.


Im thinking your probably right! LOL
Put feet on the Bench and put it in the "Man Den or "Man Cave" or the Man somethin don't part with it just use it else where LOL.
Put feet on the Bench and put it in the "Man Den or "Man Cave" or the Man somethin don't part with it just use it else where LOL.

I did think about that.. LOL .. However I may decide to sell the bench. Even though it needs restuffed (on the drivers side) and will need recovered, its still a nice bench with headrests... We'll see though...
For what it's worth, I saw another member's gallery where they had a bench seat and a shifter like yours. After looking at the picture I think you're making the right choice. The bench seat and shifter combo looks like it may be a little awkward for someone as tall as you.

And that was always my main concern... I do not want to have to be leaning forward the whole time having reach for the shifter... So.. I believe im making the right choice as well
Your trying to go bench seat. And I am trying to go
My wife likes the bench. It is in mint condition. But I like buckets.
Your trying to go bench seat. And I am trying to go
My wife likes the bench. It is in mint condition. But I like buckets.

Oh I am going to buckets... I have the bench in there now.. lol... I was originally just thinking about keeping it cause Monica likes it... but comfort is gonna win out for me...
Spring will be here soon. I have to get my leaky yolk to seal up, or I won't be anywhere with my ride this spring. I am gonna micro sleeve it, and a new seal. If I can get that big nut off. ugh!!
Spring will be here soon. I have to get my leaky yolk to seal up, or I won't be anywhere with my ride this spring. I am gonna micro sleeve it, and a new seal. If I can get that big nut off. ugh!!

rear end leak?
rear end leak?

Yeah, the yolk seal is leaking. I just did a ton of stuff. Even changed the rear end fluid. I did find out I have a sure grip posi. However, the damn yolk seal is leaking. Theres a big nut to take that off, that is about 240 pounds of torque holding it. I don't have a gun to remove it. I may try to borrow a powerful electric one.
And hope the things slides out after the nut is off. Then micro sleeve, and a new seal. I am hoping.
ahh ok... yea that doesnt sound like any fun. I changed the rear end in the buggy from 7.25 to an 8.75, but then after a season I tore it down, and sent the rear end out to be rebuilt... all new seals, new gears (went from .323's to .355's) and had new bearings and all that pressed onto the axles, and then the guy who rebuilt all that for me re-installed the rear...
ahh ok... yea that doesnt sound like any fun. I changed the rear end in the buggy from 7.25 to an 8.75, but then after a season I tore it down, and sent the rear end out to be rebuilt... all new seals, new gears (went from .323's to .355's) and had new bearings and all that pressed onto the axles, and then the guy who rebuilt all that for me re-installed the rear...

Nice choice! I have 276's...Blah! But I need one more season out of this rear end. I should be able to get it right. Or check my fluid a lot...LOL
I hate to switch to a 8.75. I will lose my new rims!! There 5x4 inch spread. But eventually I will have to, when I switch to the V8.
Nice choice! I have 276's...Blah! But I need one more season out of this rear end. I should be able to get it right. Or check my fluid a lot...LOL
I hate to switch to a 8.75. I will lose my new rims!! There 5x4 inch spread. But eventually I will have to, when I switch to the V8.

find an a-body 8.75.. axles are small bolt (5 on 4) luckily for me, I found a set of axles that have been drilled for big bolt, so if I ever decide to go big bolt I can...
find an a-body 8.75.. axles are small bolt (5 on 4) luckily for me, I found a set of axles that have been drilled for big bolt, so if I ever decide to go big bolt I can...

Thanks for the tip!! Not to sound stupid. But which models would that be? and... What about the front disc though? I know I would need to convert. Where there front disc set up with 5x4?
Thanks for the tip!! Not to sound stupid. But which models would that be? and... What about the front disc though? I know I would need to convert. Where there front disc set up with 5x4?

if im not mistaken, any a-body with an 8.75 in it was small bolt pattern... now small bolt disc setup is getting very hard to find and its EXPENSIVE when you do (i believe there are aftermarket options as well, but also pricey) most peope when they go disc, convert to big bolt pattern...its easer to get and more affordable.. in which case I would consider an 8.25 rear end... that would also be cheaper than an a-body 8.75
if im not mistaken, any a-body with an 8.75 in it was small bolt pattern... now small bolt disc setup is getting very hard to find and its EXPENSIVE when you do (i believe there are aftermarket options as well, but also pricey) most peope when they go disc, convert to big bolt pattern...its easer to get and more affordable.. in which case I would consider an 8.25 rear end... that would also be cheaper than an a-body 8.75

Thanks Bill. I will try and locate an 8.25. And hope it bolts right up without a lot of modifying. I was on the phone with my brother. And he told me the same thing about the aftermarket stuff. To stay with the 5x4. They make it...but not cheap. My wheels are brand new. Just trying to keep them.
Thanks Bill. I will try and locate an 8.25. And hope it bolts right up without a lot of modifying. I was on the phone with my brother. And he told me the same thing about the aftermarket stuff. To stay with the 5x4. They make it...but not cheap. My wheels are brand new. Just trying to keep them.

I hear ya... I will most likely eventually go with big bolt... the wheels I like arent available in small bolt anyways.. but that project is WAY down the road... when you find all the pieces to the puzzle, sell the wheels you got now and recoup some of the $ and buy another set... thats all..
So, not really a huge deal, but I had tweeted Mark Worman of Graveyard Cars the other day, just to tell him I liked the show, and to show him the buggy... he retweeted the pic... pretty cool...


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