I'm done for a while I broke my ankle last night and cant get too my model table sorry yall
I'm done for a while I broke my ankle last night and cant get too my model table sorry yall
build it I want to see it
no its white now . Yes they did make a nash bridges kit but you should see the price on one lol I paided 19 shipped for this to get a nash kit from model round up was like 100 bucks lol
I looked on ebay cheapest was 55 and 10 shipping so ya I picked the 19 buck one off Amazon lol it's the same kit with the top cut off any way I just had to cut the top my self lol also I'm going to have to make my own vert bootDang, I have like 5 or 6 of them. Even e-body models have gone up, sheesh...
thank brother btw it's not broke at least I dont think I can walk on it again and its getting better every day. So I guess I sprang it really bad .Sorry to hear this...