"Protesting Sexual Harrassement" with Black Dresses at Golden Globes

Its a two way street, a casting couch only can exsist if theres poeple willing to get on it.
Its a two way street, a casting couch only can exsist if theres poeple willing to get on it.
I agree. If an actress job will pay say 1 million $$, and she has given "it" away for free, does not the couch look like a good business career move!?

Personally I will be glad when ALL the wronged women have come forward and we can talk about other things!!
funny, i saw a little of it on TV (the sound was down since i was out for breakfast)
seen i dont know who, looking like a prostitute wearing a dress that wouldnt cover up a 5 year old and whining about women being sexually harassed
how bout this, you dont dress like a harlot and perhaps people wont jump to conclusions?

now, i understand its a two way street, and rape is wrong but you got all of hollywood peddling a worldview where a womans value is measured by her bra size and where sex is something freely to be enjoyed whenever, wherever by whoever and with whomsoever and now they are reaping the consequences of it
now, i understand its a two way street, and rape is wrong but you got all of hollywood peddling a worldview where a womans value is measured by her bra size and where sex is something freely to be enjoyed whenever, wherever by whoever and with whomsoever and now they are reaping the consequences of it

I have tried a couple times to have discussions about how males are genetically programmed to be visual and when females conspicuously make their appearance to be suggestive, it fuels the behavior...but it gets nowhere...no one has a problem with saying females are affected by their hormones, but they ignore the fact that male hormones are powerful and say men should just "grow up."
I have tried a couple times to have discussions about how males are genetically programmed to be visual and when females conspicuously make their appearance to be suggestive, it fuels the behavior...but it gets nowhere...no one has a problem with saying females are affected by their hormones, but they ignore the fact that male hormones are powerful and say men should just "grow up."
Even though I agree with the hormone thing, these predators use their power to remove even the most modest clothing. Just because I see a little leg isn't going to make me jump her bones and maybe that makes me "grown up?". No, that makes me a moral person. Morals in this country are in the tank and it isn't just men.

When Beyoncé and Miley, and a host of other sluts stop tweaking and gyrating in next to nothing, and they shut down all of the plastic surgeons who are doing boob jobs, maybe the argument can be had. Until then, just more publicity hype that goes in one ear and out the other!
Even though I agree with the hormone thing, these predators use their power to remove even the most modest clothing. Just because I see a little leg isn't going to make me jump her bones and maybe that makes me "grown up?". No, that makes me a moral person. Morals in this country are in the tank and it isn't just men.
Morals also cover clothing
I was searching for something this morning, early westerns.......and here is O'phatphra giving HER big speech on the big deal. I don't watch that ****. I also do not support (knowingly) any media or movies that are largely dominated by these retards. THESE PEOPLE ARE THE ENEMY. THESE PEOPLE are the ones TAKING DOWN THIS COUNTRY
Its a complicated issue.
I agree with the statements on how men are programmed and how women want to have a look that takes advantage of that programming then complain and sue when a man makes a somewhat lewd comment.

But I also know there are those out there that will take it further and use their power to extort sexual favors or get away with over the top bevavior ( maybe like.... Grabbing them by the pussy? ). But those narcisists exploit everyone around them... Men and women.

Doesn't matter how someone is dressed, doesn't give anyone the right or opportunity to assault them. Period!
Govt issued clothing to look like 16th century puritans coming up.

Please never go to a beach... people are never covered up. :) The sexual assaults will be horrific in numbers.

The casting couch bs is about POWER, nothing else. Some of the women have been raped and unwilling to participate. Can't paint the situation with a broad brush just as the next paragraph lays out.

I do believe this retribution stuff for things that may have happened many years ago is a little ridiculous. If it was a crime, report it. People being fired or resigning is a little extreme in some of the cases.
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The feminazi movement is alive and well and men have themselves to thank. It's going to get much worse before it's done. Get your cast iron jock protection while you can.
Yea, I was thinking something along the lines of what Dell said.
I'm afraid our next you know what was there.
And, of course, 99 percent of the stuff Hollywood produces is rubbish.
Can I go OT and recommenced a movie that is not on the popular radar.
A friend recommend it to me.

I don’t give a flying **** what a woman wears or doesn’t wear, no man or anyone in a position of power has a right to touch them in any way, talk to them in a disgusting way or threaten to black ball them in any profession.

Hollywood is full of douchbags for sure but it still doesn’t excuse the actions of those men.

Personally I’d like to see the women and young men start coming out about how they are treated in Washington DC. Rumors of that **** have been around longer then the casting couch.
I don’t give a flying **** what a woman wears or doesn’t wear, no man or anyone in a position of power has a right to touch them in any way, talk to them in a disgusting way or threaten to black ball them in any profession.

I agree pretty much Joe, but there ALSO has been way too many of these women that have "come forward" after decades to pile on, or worse, some of them came back for seconds, thirds, or numerous chances to be abused. That does not say "credible" to me
what I understood was in 2020 your gonna have the biggest lib next to Rosie running for office .
How many ugly or fat women are hired by the Weather Channel, ABC, NBC, Espn, Fox Sports, etc? Hmmm....Are these corporations sexist? Do they think all men are 70 IQ (speak for yourself)? Do they think only sex sells? What must these women think, including all the Girlie "detectives" on HLN?
Once all of this sexual abuse is exposed and "purged" from society, what's next? What I mean is that, since the beginning of time, a fair percentage of persons with wealth and/or power have found ways to abuse the rest of mankind. That is never going to change (something about having subordinates seems to frequently morph a person's character somehow) You don't see dictators change for the better, they seem to always tighten the screws more and more.
Once all of this sexual abuse is exposed and "purged" from society, what's next? What I mean is that, since the beginning of time, a fair percentage of persons with wealth and/or power have found ways to abuse the rest of mankind. That is never going to change (something about having subordinates seems to frequently morph a person's character somehow) You don't see dictators change for the better, they seem to always tighten the screws more and more.

The problem is too many except it because of the reason you stated. That thinking needs to change.

What’s next? Case by case elimination of anyone who acts like that. Sooner or later (gonna take a long *** time for sure) people will realize that it’s unscceptable behavior. That culture should not be accepted.
I think there are creeps out there sexually harassing women, beyond acceptable terms. I also know there are people in power that use said power to get what they want and those who will give it to get what they want as well...then there are some who can't accept what they'e done or the label they would forever have stamped on their foreheads so they turn what was choice into forced.

The rest of it, black clothe protests yada yada are the jerk Hollywood types who wanna exploit the whole thing to help their pop status and or career meanwhile even some or most of those people are guilty of the same on one side or both at some point.
Everyone in that golden globe audience is souless, its a club full of souless fake people who want fame and will do whatever helps their career or pocket book, on one hand.. then the other is....remember these people are screwed in the head...make up, dress up, pretend. Idiots are some that actually fall into character in their real lives..kevin spacy....wether its their wacked philosophy or some "special" interest dictating wether they will make it or not wants, and i emphasize "special" because of all the twisted views and lifestyles out there... regardless they are all making there way through marketing and entertainment straight to your kids to sculpt the next generation ....and all for money and politics. Its so bad anymore, come on... think about it...they are up there protesting sexual harassment , meanwhile gleefully cheering a movie depicting a teen boy groomed by an gay adult man....with opera windbag right along side them cheering with thoughts of her running for potus. Seems like the only focus Hollywood has anymore is on black power, murder, and make the rest gay...especially those white people.

Does any of that bother any of you?
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