"Protesting Sexual Harrassement" with Black Dresses at Golden Globes

I think there are creeps out there sexually harassing women, beyond acceptable terms. I also know there are people in power that use said power to get what they want and those who will give it to get what they want as well...then there are some who can't accept what they'e done or the label they would forever have stamped on their foreheads so they turn what was choice into forced.

The rest of it, black clothe protests yada yada are the jerk Hollywood types who wanna exploit the whole thing to help their pop status and or career meanwhile even some or most of those people are guilty of the same on one side or both at some point.
Everyone in that golden globe audience is souless, its a club full of souless people who want and will do ever you or some other "special" interest, wants, and i emphasize "special" because of all the twisted views and lifstyles that are all making there way through marketing and entertainment to your kids to sculpt the next generation ....and all for money. Its so bad that... well, come on and think about it...thet are up there protesting sexual harassment , meanwhile gleefully cheering a movie depicting a teen boy groomed by an gay adult man....with opera windbag right along side them cheering with thoughts of her running for potus. Seems like the only focus Hollywood has anymore is on black power, murder, and make the rest gay...especially those white people.

Does any of that bother any of you?
Excellent Post. Hollyweird is the biggest hypocrites. They all knew. Now they are self righteous.
On top of what you posted, they are against guns, but watch the gun violent movies that the kids watch.
They are for Global Warming, yet they are "Do as I say not as I do" mindset with private plane and multi house
around the world.
These snakes are fed. And there is plenty of food coming there way by us the people.
You watch a movie and you feed the snakes.
When Beyoncé and Miley,
^^^ ^^^^^^^ and a host of
other sluts stop tweaking and gyrating in next to nothing, and they shut down all of the plastic surgeons who are doing boob jobs, maybe the argument can be had. Until then, just more publicity hype that goes in one ear and out the other!
these two are so ugly, they have to do that , can`t stand to look at either one of them !
How many ugly or fat women are hired by the Weather Channel, ABC, NBC, Espn, Fox Sports, etc? Hmmm....Are these corporations sexist? Do they think all men are 70 IQ (speak for yourself)? Do they think only sex sells? What must these women think, including all the Girlie "detectives" on HLN?

Remember when CNN got in trouble for a commercial talking about one of their female anchors being sexy and using the to sell the show she was on?
I was searching for something this morning, early westerns.......and here is O'phatphra giving HER big speech on the big deal. I don't watch that ****. I also do not support (knowingly) any media or movies that are largely dominated by these retards. THESE PEOPLE ARE THE ENEMY. THESE PEOPLE are the ones TAKING DOWN THIS COUNTRY
Agree, look at commercials. Remember Brooke Shields in her Calvin Kleins, with nothing between her and them? And how they sexualize every damn thing there is. What about that beauty queen in CO that was murdered? The list goes on.....