proud daddy... :)

the big fear is that there is still time for her to make a stupid decision that really effects her for life.. gotta hope it never happens.. you just never know. we have tried to expoose her to everything possible for us and just hope the good head on her shoulders wins out..
Agreed!! Hopefully she has great friends with the same mindset... Social media is another poison of society.
ok i gotta brag a bit about this kid.. its a little long and hopefully i can type it and make it make

so in order for her to become a chief petty officer (CPO) in the sea cadets she has to staff a recruit training. this year she decided to do it over her christmas break from school.. i took her and jamie to the airport christmas day. takes a lot for a kid to give up their christmas vacation in my opinion for something like that.. she really wants to be a CPO though. she as a Petty Officer first class (PO1) is the the highest rank and Lead Petty Officer (LPO) of her home unit, unless one of the other cadets rank up before her.. the closest two are a full rank behind but already had their staffing a recruit training in the books so if she didn't get this training in there was a possibility of being passed.

a coupole days before they left for corpus christi the training commander informed her that she (and two others) will be staffing recruit training (what they signed up for) plus helping out staffing the Petty Officer Leadership Academy (POLA). that took her back some.. luckily she still has all the information from when she went through POLA.

she reports to the the ship (USS Lexington) the day after christmas with the rest of the staff (a day before the other cadets).

now i don't know when all this stuff when down but i assume it was a day or two in to the trainings..rylee was in charge of the POLA charlie unit and i guess helping in recruit training too.... aparantly the CPO cadet was training the POLA cadets how she wanted and not how the lieutenant wanted. because of that the lieutenant demotes the CPO and promotes rylee. now rylee is no longer helping with recruit training and is in charge and running the entire POLA training (answering directly to the lieutenant) plus directing the charlie squad. thats pretty damn awesome...

as i'm watching the live stream of graduation rylee being a squad leader had to get on stage in front of a large room of cadet family members and call each member of her squad up. thats something i'm not takes some balls to get up in front of a bunch of strangers like that in my opinion.. so she does that with her voice pretty much gone from haveing to command all week.. it was actually kinda funny. once all the POLA cadets were on stage the lieutenant is speaking and awarding two honor cadets from POLA. then he adds a third.. a honor staff cadet which he awarded to rylee... talk about a proud dad.. that kid was thrown into the fire and impresses someone enough to get that award.

i think she will look back and be glad she went to training this past week. she ended up knowinhg like 5 people there that she had met at previous training which i think is pretty cool...

oh one other thing i got a kick out of. being that the CPO got demoted and rylee got promoted they had to bump another girl up from just being there for POLA training to be in charge of ALFA squad. that girl was awarded honor cadet. really cool.. funny thing is she was also from new jersey. i told rylee, see that. jersey girls kick *** and take no ****. aparantly after they both were awarded honor cadets they were talking **** about being from jersey. and jersey girls being at the






She's definitely something to be proud about most kids these days don't even want to quit playing a video game or go do something constructive or creative , she is getting hers in early.....You did a great job!!!
ok i gotta brag a bit about this kid.. its a little long and hopefully i can type it and make it make

so in order for her to become a chief petty officer (CPO) in the sea cadets she has to staff a recruit training. this year she decided to do it over her christmas break from school.. i took her and jamie to the airport christmas day. takes a lot for a kid to give up their christmas vacation in my opinion for something like that.. she really wants to be a CPO though. she as a Petty Officer first class (PO1) is the the highest rank and Lead Petty Officer (LPO) of her home unit, unless one of the other cadets rank up before her.. the closest two are a full rank behind but already had their staffing a recruit training in the books so if she didn't get this training in there was a possibility of being passed.

a coupole days before they left for corpus christi the training commander informed her that she (and two others) will be staffing recruit training (what they signed up for) plus helping out staffing the Petty Officer Leadership Academy (POLA). that took her back some.. luckily she still has all the information from when she went through POLA.

she reports to the the ship (USS Lexington) the day after christmas with the rest of the staff (a day before the other cadets).

now i don't know when all this stuff when down but i assume it was a day or two in to the trainings..rylee was in charge of the POLA charlie unit and i guess helping in recruit training too.... aparantly the CPO cadet was training the POLA cadets how she wanted and not how the lieutenant wanted. because of that the lieutenant demotes the CPO and promotes rylee. now rylee is no longer helping with recruit training and is in charge and running the entire POLA training (answering directly to the lieutenant) plus directing the charlie squad. thats pretty damn awesome...

as i'm watching the live stream of graduation rylee being a squad leader had to get on stage in front of a large room of cadet family members and call each member of her squad up. thats something i'm not takes some balls to get up in front of a bunch of strangers like that in my opinion.. so she does that with her voice pretty much gone from haveing to command all week.. it was actually kinda funny. once all the POLA cadets were on stage the lieutenant is speaking and awarding two honor cadets from POLA. then he adds a third.. a honor staff cadet which he awarded to rylee... talk about a proud dad.. that kid was thrown into the fire and impresses someone enough to get that award.

i think she will look back and be glad she went to training this past week. she ended up knowinhg like 5 people there that she had met at previous training which i think is pretty cool...

oh one other thing i got a kick out of. being that the CPO got demoted and rylee got promoted they had to bump another girl up from just being there for POLA training to be in charge of ALFA squad. that girl was awarded honor cadet. really cool.. funny thing is she was also from new jersey. i told rylee, see that. jersey girls kick *** and take no ****. aparantly after they both were awarded honor cadets they were talking **** about being from jersey. and jersey girls being at the

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It’s great to see this level of dedication at such a young age, it’ll serve her well!!!
Amazing young girl. The most important thing you do in life is raising kids. Nothing is more important then that. And you are acing it. Congrats!
OUTSTANDING, that is awesome!!

"Jersey girls kick *** and take no ****". Of course they do, my wife tells me that daily.................:lol:

Mega kudos to Rylee!! Sure sounds like she found her calling! appears she's no longer the shortest!!
rylee had her sea cadet (the Navy youth leadership program) banquet saturday march 22,2025

she commanded the color guard (as she has since last summer). hopefully one of the fathers will get me video of the color guard and rifle squad coming in. it was pretty damn cool.

she won 3rd place in the toast master speech contest. coming in top three means she has to get up in front of everyone and give the speech. first place won $300 and 2nd and 3rd place got $100 so she walked out with 100 bucks. not bad.

being LPO (lead petty officer) she had to call the cadets and alumni up and lead them in reciting the sailors creed. that was pretty cool.

she was also awarded sea cadet of the year for her unit. that surprised her. the kid got a lot thrown on her and sacrificed a ton of time for sea cadets so all that work paid off for her. . I'm not sure how she does it all to be honest.
then jamie won the basket with the good booze in it that she wanted. lol.

in school she built a horse shoe flag for the silent auttion at the banquet it brought in $150 i believe. the guy who bought it loved it and it was going to hung in his bar area.

all in all it was a pretty good night. all of the cadets looked and did great. lots of high ranking retired military had nothing but great things to say about the unit. i gotta say, all you hear about these days is how pathetic the younger generation is. let me tell you, thats just not true. like a Vietnam era Marine told me last night while praising the cadets, if you are looking for the bad all you'll see is the bad. now that makes a lot of sense and refreshing to hear.

on march 15th she had and passed her chief boards. she had a zoom call where she had to sit before 3 chiefs and two adult officers where they shoot knowlege questions and run scenarios by her and ask how she would handle it. as of friday it wasn't showing she was promoted yet. . headquarters i believe had to ok the promotion to chief after passing the boards. sunday morning rylee texted me with this.this had to post sometime late yesterday. now they can have the pinning ceremony and make it all official.
really proud of that kid. she has done a ton of work, sacrificed a lot of time with her friends, spent a lot of time away from home for training every year to get the CPO (chief petty officer) position. it finally happened. chief is the highest rank they can go. she still has two years left int he program. she will pass her experience to the younger cadets getting them ready to take the unit over once she graduates from high school... i'm sure they will push more responsibility on her to..

Congrats Joe!! And Atta girl to Rylee.

The Vietnam era Marine sounds like a good dude. I wish more people had that outlook on various aspects in life.

Congrats Joe!! And Atta girl to Rylee.

The Vietnam era Marine sounds like a good dude. I wish more people had that outlook on various aspects in life.

that old marine is really cool to talk with. i met him a month or so ago when the kids had to throw a rifle squad together in about 4 days for a 21 gun salute for one of his good friends at the VFW that passed away. he was so thankful for them doing it in such short notice. glad he was at the banquet.
I'd venture to say Rylee has found her calling!! Congrats on CPO!

she is a sophomore so she still has time to figure it out.. she keeps saying she wants to do one of two things. get in to the welding union or join the navy and weld... can't go wrong either way in my opinion.. an Admiral who was a guest speaker at the banquet was talking with her a bit. told her don't pass up an oppertunity if it comes up. said he never had any intentions of joining the militarty but ended up spending 33 years in the navy. was a fighter pilot, said he was at top gun as an instructor for some time too.. really neat guy to talk to. very good speaker, he could go on for