Random pictures thread

As of 2PM I've been married for 42 years to this Gorgeous thing. Reenactment at our Daughter's wedding in 2019, as nobody got a picture in '82 when we drove the Bee to the Chapel and back.
As of 2PM I've been married for 42 years to this Gorgeous thing. Reenactment at our Daughter's wedding in 2019, as nobody got a picture in '82 when we drove the Bee to the Chapel and back.
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Congratulations to you both, and may you enjoy many more years making memories together.
Congratulations to you both, and may you enjoy many more years making memories together.
Thanks fella!

It's a bitter sweet day for us as our Daughter also passed on this day 9 years ago at 30 years old, from Ewing's Sarcoma, but we try to stay positive and moving forward despite how hard that is.
Thanks fella!

It's a bitter sweet day for us as our Daughter also passed on this day 9 years ago at 30 years old, from Ewing's Sarcoma, but we try to stay positive and moving forward despite how hard that is.
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I cannot imagine how hard losing your daughter would be, never mind it being on your wedding anniversary. Bittersweet.
That is super cool. Those look like Alco Fa-1 locos .....That has to be old because they don't make cool stuff like anymore and haven't for a long time.
I would look and get another picture but the set is back on the shelf and buried behind two layers of boxes. Read that 1954 was the last year they used brass for the wheels. Expensive set for 54, $40. Only 1 was higher priced. This was the only "set" that Dad owned. Everything else was the assemble it yourself, either wooden box cars or cardboard. I'm keeping the stainless steel locomotive and passenger cars. He was a salesman at a stainless steel warehouse in Chicago. His Dad, who died long before I was born, was an engineer in the railyards/rounhouse.

When I parked the Scamp there was no one parked beside me. When I came back out 10 minutes later the Prelude had parked beside me. I used to own that generation of Prelude. Considering a Prelude hasn’t been made for 23 years, I was surprised to see this one wasn’t clapped out.
I was about to write these exact words. I cannot fathom that and pray I never have to. No parent should. My sympathies to you.
Our younger daughter now brings our Granddaughters to camp to distract us during this period, and I think for her own reflection of her Sister and a distraction for herself as well.
Ford Thunderbird PSV-102, 1955. An experimental first generation Thunderbird fitted with a Boeing gas turbine engine. Accounting for inflation, $188,000 in 1955 is worth $2,159,859 in 2024 so that was quite an investment