Random pictures thread

Climate change or poor planning; 1950 Indiana
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Of course, "Climate Change" had not burst onto the scene in 1950. That didn't happen until we all started enjoying our post-war prosperity and industrial expansion. Climate change is only one of the hoaxes that the progressive left had foisted on our society. Sometimes it rains; sometimes it rains a lot; sometimes the snow melts upstream.
24 July 1969, CV-12 USS Hornet prepares to recover Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia.

That is super cool. Those look like Alco Fa-1 locos .....That has to be old because they don't make cool stuff like anymore and haven't for a long time.

Actually, the model railroad hobby is not only in a renaissance, but has never been better.

New offerings have sound, individually controlled lights, and network cards so dozens can run on the same track and be controlled individually.

There has also been a push towards "road specific" details, meaning the PRR FA units would have the correct, small number boards and the unique to PRR "train phone" antennas, and also only be decorated for numbers that actually existed.

