Read This - Go Get Gas!

It's gonna be like "The Road Warrior", somthing better happen pretty
soon, or we're going to be back in the Dark Ages.
at work yesterday, i stopped to fuel my tractor where i usualy do (newburg new york) the station owner told me that he might be out of diesel tommorow (that would be today) we are only alowed to use are fuel cards at registered stations only, and if they run out i might bee walking at 11:30 tonight on the side of i-84, if ya see me stop........oh and the station down the road from my terminal has no diesel as of yesterday, causing some of the drivers to stop using there strait trucks and having to use leased cube vans (gas)
I can see I-84 from where I'm sitting, so if I see you I'll pick you up.
Lime Kiln Rd. exit is right next to me.
So the guy at the sattion was right about the fuel terminal in Newburgh running low on fuel.
You all wanna do something about it, DON'T GO TO WORK FOR ONE WEEK! If we could get EVERYONE that actually does work to stay home for one week (AT THE SAME TIME) that will put the screws to them all, they don't get to sell gas and rip us off, they dont collect any tax money (especially that CROCK OF COW POOP called FICA), no cons that run so called Business will get any goods made so they will have nothing to sell. But you'll all just complain and continue to create demand and they will continue to steal the meager cash u make from u. I personaly believe we need a huge category 5 huricane to go thru washington and blow away all the worthless scum bags that call themselves politicians, (they need to change their names to CONaticians because we all know they are worthless scum.

Are you all ready for the next DEPRESSION, it's here. Be sure to send a letter to Bush and his butt buddies in saudia arabia and Greenspan thanking them for ruining our country.
I agree with you Norm and Adam..bad state we find ourselves in. The oil companies have wanted for years to get the prices of gas in the U.S. up to the levels they pay in Euorpe. The war in Iraq and the devistation from Katrina, have given them the opportunity they seek.., now they can rape us at will, prices go up by the hour. IF people would cut down on thier purchase of fuel, we COULD make a difference. BUT..we all know that isnt going to happen. As has been said before on this board, people arnt going to get out of thier cars and SUV,s and walk or bike to work or school. I am not above cycling my 12 miles to work every am just so I will not NEED thier damned gasoline. I know I will still consume some fuel..but not to the same levels as before thier red hot pocker. Just my way of pro-testing. Thanks to my Mopar family for allowing me to vent.Terry B.