Really effin' GOOD corkscrew light bulbs

Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver BC
(ref this long and contentious thread)

I just happened upon some really good compact fluorescent household bulbs that are also cheap, widely available, and although they're made in you-know-where, they're from an American company (GE) so at least the profit stays here. They're the GE Reveal compact fluorescents. I am surprised how good they are, because the Reveal incandescents are just as pathetic as all the rest of the blue-glass "whiter light" bulbs from the other makers, but these CFLs are terrific. Their light color/appearance, and the appearance of items lit up by them, is a damn close match to a good quality incandescent bulb. After the initial ~10 minute burn-in, they come up to full brightness quickly when lit from cold. There's no greenish, pinkish, yellowish, or bluish cast to the light. I put these in some of the ceiling fixtures here at the house and deliberately left some of the regular ones in nearby fixtures. The difference is huge. Can't tell the Reveals aren't incandescent once the fixture cover is in place.

I'm running the 26w = 100w variety. Got 'em for $6.99 apiece at Ace Hardware after passing 'em up for $8.49 apiece at Fred Meyer.
Thank you for sharing Dan, a must do for me here at home, I have an Ace Hardware just up the road about 6 miles before I get in to town :thumbup:
I loved it when they put the store in :thumbup: I don't have to drive in town anymore for stuff they carry :headbang:
Thanks for the 411, I`m at about 80% fluorescent in my house now. Replacing the incandescents as they fail.
OK, tell me again HOW DO I TELL exactly which ones to buy?

I mean, do they have to both say "GE" and "reveal" is that all?
"G.E." is Obama's best friend . They're on their way to becoming a monopoly ; they're government-funded ( again , Obama ) ; this is another step closer to ...

... Fascism .
cfls suck in droplights.

Don't know how you reckon it. They run much cooler so you don't burn yourself like with incandescents. They don't fail if you stare hard at them (or drop them once or twice) like incandescents. But linear fluorescent droplights are better anyhow.
OK, tell me again HOW DO I TELL exactly which ones to buy?

The packaging looks like this:

blah blah Obama scary muslim scary blah blah FASCISM scary babble babble MONOPOLY scary scary OBAMA scary GOVERNMENT scary scary!

:lol: Eeeeeyeah. This thread's about light bulbs, son, not tinfoil hats and the people who wear 'em…!

"G.E." is Obama's best friend . They're on their way to becoming a monopoly ; they're government-funded ( again , Obama ) ; this is another step closer to ...

... Fascism .

Yeah because GE just started up in 2009? Just like ford and all the other iconic American Brands/Companies the US (politicians) will not or can not let them fail.

GE is awesome, you know how much they got their hands on? Jet engines, home appliances, gov. contracts, electric motors, ect. I would love to be able to work for a company like that.


Im glad some one ells finds these bulbs amazing, I have been looking into the LED ones that are out but they are just too much. I guess if you have lights in a very hard to reach place (20ft ceiling) they maybe worth it but i cant justify them right now.
Thanks Dan. I'll be on the lookout for them since I've decided to keep the cfl's.
Don't know how you reckon it. They run much cooler so you don't burn yourself like with incandescents. They don't fail if you stare hard at them (or drop them once or twice) like incandescents. But linear fluorescent droplights are better anyhow.

You don't think the're a little .....delicate? I had been using "heavy duty" and or silicone bulbs, which are getting harder to find by the minute. Some of those I've dropped 10 times and not broken.
Back in the day an oven bulb worked a long time
They did knot blind you but these sound like 20 time's more candle light
and use much less power :thumblef:.
I am picking some up this Strongend :drinkers:
Thanks for the suggestion Dan. I had tried several different CFL's and could't stand the light output or color. Gave these a try and you are correct, after the initial burn in (which I didn't know about before) you are hard pressed to tell the difference between them and a regular bulb.