Request prayer for the next two days



Vagrant Vagabond “Veni Vidi Vici”
Apr 17, 2010
Reaction score
78002 down the road from Atascosa, Texas
I got burglarized. Got my own shotgun pointed at me twice in some schewed Benny Hill episode where a criminal escaped police on a high speed chase, ran on foot, got into my garage this morning, hid there for 5 hours (I even had the police search the garage, but it is too full of car parts) walked into my living room got my shot gun and went back into the garage.
Am ok. lost (he took) my phone and school laptop. third time he came at me after shutting a door in his face and locking the dead bolt I had to run to the neighbors, barefoot through the field of stickers. You would have been proud how high I cleared the barbwire fence on the run.

the cops never found him, he is on the loose with my pump action shot gun. the police couldn't tie there shoes when it came to looking for clues. That is a disappointment.

I have a pistol and shotgun with me now, but am holding the fort down alone, and I cannot help but sleep too heavy these days. The family is loaning me two stout guard dogs for a week.

Am more concerned about my daughter staying here later than the shot gun pointed at my face twice. I should be safe after so many hours, but we had convinced the recent exwife to come back and live in San Antonio, albeit in an RV in a park, but if that happened to her or she found out about this, my daughter would remain 1100 miles away. The divorce is going well, she doesn't want half my retirement like she is entitled to, just kept the nice car and left. It ever so slightly seems like she wants me back, but that isn't happening. Am just worried about how I am gonna keep my kid safe. Home alarm & cameras once the budget opens up, but that doesn't seem nearly sufficient. am tempted to build a second fence, like a moat, full of springed bear traps. I guess dogs will probably be best.

thanks for your prayers
Sorry this happened to you. A sad world we live in sometimes. Stay safe, and stay positive. Take it easy, and get some rest.
Dogs are great for the early warning system and excellent on intruders.
Dang brother im glad you are ok. I will be praying for your safety and peace of mind. thats got to be traumatizing. Stay safe brother.
Really sorry to find this out, John. If he returns, shoot the bastard.
He is either really brave, stupid, or on drugs, he really wouldn't want to make that mistake at my house. There is at least one firearm in every room of our house that cannot be seen. I feel sorry for anyone who makes that kind of mistake in my house. Between my wife & I (she's the better shot), he would be leaving in a body bag. I can't stand a thief or a liar because if you will lie to me, you'll steal from me. My philosophy is shoot first & ask who they are afterwards. The wife & I live in a rural area & don't have many people who show up unannounced, so draw the conclusion from there. Castle law, baby!
That guy was probably more scared than you, high on some sort of drugs and ran off as soon as he could.
Since then, he's probably woken up with a sobering headache hiding in a ditch with no shirt wondering where he got a shotgun.
I very much doubt he will be coming back.
But a prayer couldn't hurt so here you go...
Dear Lord. We thank you for hearing our humble prayers. Please watch over John and his family that they would remain safe. Please guide the hearts and minds of the police officers as they try to bring the perpetrator of this crime to justice.
And please God, bring peace and harmony between the strained family members that they would be able to enjoy their lives living in close proximity to each other.
In Jesus's name we pray...
Very scary...

Good luck and I hope he doesn't return... He most likely will not return if he is on the run...

Get a couple Dalmatians... They are great guard dogs and will protect you, your family, and your property loyally... I've had them all my life... They are not as big as a German Shephard or Doberman etc., but they are just as effective for protection - they still have large teeth that hurt when bitten... When a Dalmatian growls and shows his teeth, people back up....

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Damn!!! I don't know how old your daughter is but, keep her close. I doubt he comes back but, don't let your gaurd down for a few days. I don't want your daughter to be 1100 miles away but, I don't know that trying to keep this quiet from her mom is the right thing either. Hiding it could make it worse on you down the line....Slippery Slope here. Stay safe man!!!
Better said than I could. Doubt he'll be back but you are taking the right steps. God Bless!

That guy was probably more scared than you, high on some sort of drugs and ran off as soon as he could.
Since then, he's probably woken up with a sobering headache hiding in a ditch with no shirt wondering where he got a shotgun.
I very much doubt he will be coming back.
But a prayer couldn't hurt so here you go...
Dear Lord. We thank you for hearing our humble prayers. Please watch over John and his family that they would remain safe. Please guide the hearts and minds of the police officers as they try to bring the perpetrator of this crime to justice.
And please God, bring peace and harmony between the strained family members that they would be able to enjoy their lives living in close proximity to each other.
In Jesus's name we pray...
I am doing well. THANK YOU FRIENDS!!!!!!! I slept like crap despite having the two guns last night. Half worried about waking up to a shot gun barrel again, half worried I would shoot my knee in my sleep.

the guy was high on drugs in the morning, and left police on a wild car chase, hid the car and ran on foot, got into my garage in the morning, and hid there.

only have the shot gun after retiring, have a dog-found out yesterday that it is no good;
the guy got the drop on me twice. House was locked, but he got into the garage prior. I threw dirty laundry into the garage (washer/dryer basket) and must have left the door (to the kitchen) unlocked. (am preoccupied with finals).
I went to throw laundry in the second time that day, and just as i got up to the door, ****, it's cracked open, quick glance left, back door is cracked open ...what the- there he was in the garage, gun pointed at my face, 5 feet away talking to me, "I am not gonna hurt you, I am Christian -{Oh really? I thought-and I slammed the garage door from the kitchen in his face and bolted the dead bolt.

I ran and locked the back door. (the other interior doors to the house are super light/weak, no locks, no good)
dialed 911 on cell, gave the report (those idiots cannot figure out "home invasion, address, repeat"-they wanted a dialogue conversation), while heading out the front door- he met me there

He said he wanted me to drive him-noooo, he wanted my keys, (despite the gun on me i fumbled with a no-he noticed the phone, said to hang up on police, i shut the screen off, he said give me the phone, I threw it past him into the yard, he actually turned away from me to get the phone, i returned inside, locked the door, dialed 911 on the land line, gave the report and address twice, these operators are not getting the information, and are talking like I have all the time in the world to speak to them.
I know a third time facing that shot gun barrel isn't going to go well for me, the perpetrator circles around and enters through one of the other two doors-the moment I see movement I am gone, barefoot running through fields of stickers and thorns leaping my barbed wire fence and heading over to my aunt's house about 120+ yards away to further shelter and another shot gun. Emitt Smith might not have caught me through those fields. The aunt is 70, a busy body, and is usually looking at the window telling me and my dad how many packages I have at the gate, etc.
About the time I cleared the fence, over 20 yards from the front door I can hear the perpetrator say, "hey wait!"
Was thinking about buckshot getting picked out of my backside as I jumped. My buddy in the navy said he and his friends got rocksalt in their backsides claiming something akin to vietnam phosphorus shrapnel-motivation!!

I kept waiting for eternity for the gunshot that never came. Barefoot through those stickers would be Bad, BAD!, but with adrenaline pumping, I just felt them poke, I didn't hurt at all. It took two separate hours to get most of them out, my feet are peppered red dots. I was yelling full volume for my aunt to open the door. She didn't hear anything, barely heard me pounding at her back porch door, I heard no response, and went to the front to put distance between me and him, found a key, and got inside. She wanted to go out and look-for a desperate criminal with a shot gun-I had a FEW problems with her actions, about like the horses that want to get back into the burning barn. The neighbors showed up in 3 minutes-two at first, then a third-evidently, I have a lot of police neighbors.

Police got there in roughly 12 minutes, which is better than two other responses I have needed them before (albeit different locations). He took my school laptop, phone, old phone with daughter videos, gun and left. They didn't catch him, but later he stole a car remotely close in his escape.

1. I can not express to you how relieved I feel with this pistol in my hand today. An equalizer. Versus starring, emasculated, down the barrel of MY OWN gun trying to answer the demands of a desperado.

Second, the big dogs that are now in the house are the final key to peace of mind. They will hear trouble before me, and give me enough time to arm and respond.

3rd, the neighbors showed up with their guns in force, like a western! Three neighbors with guns were on the scene after hearing me yell out

I figured you might want the story, but thanks mostly for the prayers! I survived another round with my fellow man.
Not boasting, but for perspective, this was my second burglary (Last time in Georgia, 2005), and the second time I had a gun pointed at my face (2003, USS MAINE, a shipmate got pissed off with me and pulled out his 9mm and pointed at my head {really really fast too, safety off as well} while we were on watch together guarding nuclear weapons). In actuality, those two events really helped me keep a level head this time. I don't want to be without a gun anymore, I'm telling you! The odds are in our favor, like shark attacks, but out here in the woods, there isn't justice, it's just us (me and these big dogs).
Dang talk about dodging a bullet! HE was looking out for you and you did everything right. How about no excitement for a while?