Rescue This Dog! (or post a pic of yours!)

Not my dog, I just found it doing a search for something else.
Irish wolfhound.
The guy is 6 foot 1!!!

...actually, she's my wife's BABY. Sheila's part Queensland/part Border Collie. LOTS of energy and smart as a whip.

A couple of days after we got her:

...and on a trip to Northern Nevada:
...actually, she's my wife's BABY. Sheila's part Queensland/part Border Collie. LOTS of energy and smart as a whip.

A couple of days after we got her:

...and on a trip to Northern Nevada:

Smart and full of steam, cattle dog mixes always watching and thinking. I just don't want to know what they are thinking. She is a cutie.

Smart and full of steam, cattle dog mixes always watching and thinking. I just don't want to know what they are thinking. She is a cutie.


I love the mask on Sheila.

Your dead on! They are ALWAYS watching and they ALWAYS know what is going on. I thought Frank wasn't paying any atention to me so i took this pic and he was looking right at me while he was sniffing the ground.


It's hare to beleive that this was him 11 months ago. He was a 7 pound pig and now he is a 45lber.
Your dead on! They are ALWAYS watching and they ALWAYS know what is going on. I thought Frank wasn't paying any atention to me so i took this pic and he was looking right at me while he was sniffing the ground.


I know that look oh so well. I also get stalked when we're at the dog park and I walk away with her ball.

You guys are cracking me up with the comments. "special time" LoL! I have a couple of hounds.
I'll get some pics up today. They are over at moms because she has a HUGE yard!
This is what I get when I click on your link 68.

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I kind of lost track of what I was trying to do here, so here's a good tear jerk video for you all:

And here's another heartbreaking story:

"A big, sweet German Shepherd was thrown into a drainage wash!
All he was left with was a massive leather harness, maybe they wanted a tough macho dog and he was a lover. Now he sits so scared, waiting in a crowded kill shelter, no one will want him. He has suffered such neglect, even he doesn’t feel worthy of anything. We want to save him and care for him and love him, and show him that life can be good! We can’t do anything without your help."

I kind of lost track of what I was trying to do here, so here's a good tear jerk video for you all:

And here's another heartbreaking story:

"A big, sweet German Shepherd was thrown into a drainage wash!
All he was left with was a massive leather harness, maybe they wanted a tough macho dog and he was a lover. Now he sits so scared, waiting in a crowded kill shelter, no one will want him. He has suffered such neglect, even he doesn’t feel worthy of anything. We want to save him and care for him and love him, and show him that life can be good! We can’t do anything without your help."

Ramcharger, that's not fair - pulling out the trump card on our emotions. I love dogs and wish I could take in several more but four seems to be the limit right now. If we move to a place with some more property, I am going to build a new shop and pick up a few more dogs from the Humane Society. They'll get their own little house near the shop.
This is my sidekick Scooby, smartest dog I've ever had, she is a mutt we rescued from being abandoned by a neighbor that moved and left her. Lab,Pit,shepard mix according to the chip inserted in her. Cost us alot of my project money to get her "roadworthy" But she is worth every penny. You can teach her a new in a matter of a few minutes. Hell she just drove me to the store so I could get more beer. You shouldn't drink and drive you know.


Ramcharger, that's not fair - pulling out the trump card on our emotions. I love dogs and wish I could take in several more but four seems to be the limit right now. If we move to a place with some more property, I am going to build a new shop and pick up a few more dogs from the Humane Society. They'll get their own little house near the shop.

Hey GTX,

If you rescue a dog, any dog, that video's for you as well as anyone else who rescues or at least tries to help.

I hope you do get a place with more room. Let me know if you do, I'll bet I could fix you up with a dog that deserves you, lol! I know, chosing a dog is very personal. Hit up that humane center, dumb friends league or shepherd rescue when you get the chance. No one will mess with a shop with that many guardians.

This is my sidekick Scooby, smartest dog I've ever had, she is a mutt we rescued from being abandoned by a neighbor that moved and left her. Lab,Pit,shepard mix according to the chip inserted in her. Cost us alot of my project money to get her "roadworthy" But she is worth every penny. You can teach her a new in a matter of a few minutes. Hell she just drove me to the store so I could get more beer. You shouldn't drink and drive you know.

Wow! Scooby looks a bit like my mix. The local shelters here do a good "Tune Up" before you can pick them up. The nice thing about Maxi is she's a relatively reliable model. Low emissions at night and fill the tank with a cup of fuel in the morning and one at night and she's good to go. She sure doesn't like getting her tires rotated (nails clipped) though, it took me and four vet techs to hold her down plus a muzzle last time around, lol. Damn that was a freakin' scene, hehehe!

Nice thing about mixes, they don't have the health problems some purebreds do. Just like you said, they are smart brother. SG, that videos for you my friend! Thanks for rescueing! :cheers:

All, if you want more info on the abused shepherd I posted earlier, go here: Your not going to believe the stories there. The good news is that Amigo is still availible! I'd fly out there and take him right now, but circumstances prevent me from doing so. If he's still there in 90 days when my plan is completed he's mine! lol! Here he is:


Amigo will be more than happy to lend a paw
or better yet, a jaw. This gorgeous hunk loves to help out and will happily carry or chew on the bottles left around the house. I bet he
could learn in a day how to take all empty bottles to the recycling bin! Amigo loves to DO, and nothing is more thrilling for a shepherd than having a job. So
handsome Amigo and his 90 pound frame are ready to go home with you and help you with your house chores!"


Damn it man, I just watched the video for the first time, what a tear jerker. My wife and I just spent 10,500 installing 5' black chain link fence arround 3 acres and another 5000.00 on a nice gate and opener just mainley to give"Scooby" room to run and play and be protected from predators. Soon we will find her a playmate. A rescued dog. I don't know or understand how a person can abuse a dog. A dog will love and remain loyal to you FOR LIFE! The only down side is that they don't live as long as we do and that makes it tough when they are gone.
Damn it man, I just watched the video for the first time, what a tear jerker. My wife and I just spent 10,500 installing 5' black chain link fence arround 3 acres and another 5000.00 on a nice gate and opener just mainley to give"Scooby" room to run and play and be protected from predators. Soon we will find her a playmate. A rescued dog. I don't know or understand how a person can abuse a dog. A dog will love and remain loyal to you FOR LIFE! The only down side is that they don't live as long as we do and that makes it tough when they are gone.

Thanks again my friend and nothing could be truer than your last three sentences. :)