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TB, you know I like you, but I dont know you. Youre scaring me. But I like your style.Im kinda glad I live way over here. But I kinda know what you were feeling, as I brought two daughters to maturity,(and a son) and was/am continually concerned for them. Probably not to the extent of bringing out weapons of massive deconstruction, but non the less, they are flesh of my flesh, and bone of my bone, and the continuance of my fathers lineage, a blessing to me and bright shining stars in the world.
Im sure you have similar or stronger feelings.(kinda obvious)

It hasn't happened yet, so...
Doesn't mean it won't ever either.

I do have strong ties with my kids, but I also have strong feelings about people paying for thier playing.
I don't know the specifics on your story but if the taxi driver stopped these criminals then the law suit is just one small bad thing that came from his good deed.

I think you missed my point. Let me try to clarify it...

I'm not saying not to help, I was pointing out that when you do, even when you're in the right, in today's society, you are going to become the bad guy. You're aren't, but between the PC opinions of John and Jane Doe, the completely idiotic MSM, and the trial lawyers looking for any reason to "make a buck". Being right is often very expensive.

Personally, I'm of the same temperament as you. Stopping a bad guy from hurting someone, or getting or stealing or damaging something will always be my way of doing things...

But, "Revenge" is another thing all together. Revenge is AFTER the fact. Getting "revenge" usually requires you to start the crap all over again. DIFFERENT story.

Sorry to get off topic. Like I said though most of the time things will work themselves out without violence but there is the very rare occasion where something should be done.

Getting violent doesn't end anything, it usually just prolongs it. Though, I'll agree that it might make you feel better. At some point, the violence needs to end, and the law needs to take over. The quicker that happens, the better off everyone is.
Revenge is a dish best served cold. I like deviant, methodical and meticulous in a way they dont realize it was you nor the fact that its happening.

I have found this to be true. Revenge not properly executed can result in feelings worse than the bitterness that drove you to revenge. If whoever has wronged you in your eyes has truly wronged you, then yes karma may deal them a bad hand . Would that be enough for you though?:glasses7:
Without getting into the why's and wherefore . A few years back I had a neighbor who I put up for sale by owner open house posters up. With a lowball price. Did it like three times. Screwed up a couple of his football Sunday's.
as hinted here before, hate and anger can hurt the person carrying those feelings, put your health in real jeopardy. it can kill you the innocent one. I ask try to let those feelings heal.

I carry a weapon to protect myself, my family, my possessions, and anyone else in danger if I were to be present. mess with me, my family, my livelihood, my dog..... I will protect those things....
no after the fact reprisal. let karma take care of reprisals please....
I think some here are missing the point. Not that I'm surprised. You don't have to resort to violence to get revenge. As for karma. Seriously! Then explain People like Ted Kennedy. How about good people like Chris Kyle where's his Karma. Rant over and so am I.

Doug good luck.
well I know I am going to offend atheists here but ....Geronimo.

People throw around this term "karma" and I would go out on a limb and say that there is no such thing and its actually a higher power a.k.a God....whatever you call Him.

Being a person who believes in a higher power and is still going around fostering hate and causing destruction and hurting others is serving two masters ......last time I checked, you cant do least not without being a hypocrite. So it all comes down to what your beliefs and conscience is doing for you.

Ask not what your conscience and beliefs can do you for you but what you can do for your conscience and beliefs.

if someone does choose to seek revenge, I am not saying they are "Godless" because anger is a powerful emotion and things happen but when you think before you act you will be better off.
here's a thought... :)[


All depends on the offense. Sometimes Karma is busy with bigger fish to We talkin' murder or leaving trash in our yard?
Here's what you need to do. When Ernie isn't looking, pour about a cup full of vinegar into the jug of milk. She won't have a clue until its too late! Sweet revenge baby! But what did she do to you anyway??

Saran Wrap on the toilet seat....


Here's what started the one above, FYI:

every day, I see the wonders od this world, and personally have to believe there is a Creator. if the Evil isn't punished on this earth, then I feel it will be later.
all we can try to do is make good decisions in life, and trust we will be forgiven for the mistakes we make.
I just hope someone doesn't do "roadrage" on me tooling down the road to work this spring in the old car, 5 in the morning, rolling hills, doing about 55 on these old hilly curvy backroads!? you would think anyone that can drive, a modern vehicle could get GO around!???? LOL where did they learn to drive????? LOL
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