Reverse Osmosis....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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We have a Spectra Pure one. Have had it for years. I used there equipment when I was playing with salt water swim tanks and liked the quality of it. Recently replaced the filters and the membrane. Membrane is a "90 gallon a day" piece. Have spoken with Spectra Pure about how they come up with this number. It is at a certain pressure, don't remember the psi. Water temperature of 77*. I checked our water temperature today...57*. This was after I had a hydrant open and free flowing for a few minutes. I had my hand on the hydrant, felt the pump come I know I was measuring water directly from the aquifer.
Any suggestions on how to warm the water up to 77*?
Why do you need it to 77*?? One way you can do it use black poly coiled up so it warms up in sunlight.
Just asking, but you're allowed to operate hydrants there Doug? Is it private or municipal?
He needs 77* for the unit to produce the 90 gpd rating, The feed water temp. has a direct bearing on the output quantity on reverse osmosis units.
You'll need to have some tempering tanks in a warm room , or an electric heater element in the system.
At 57 degrees, I presume you live in an area where you have winter, so solar heating of the water cannot be relied on except from July to October.
The suggestion of moving to Phoenix is the cheapest and most dependable way to get 77 degree water straight out of the ground.
You'll need to have some tempering tanks in a warm room , or an electric heater element in the system.
At 57 degrees, I presume you live in an area where you have winter, so solar heating of the water cannot be relied on except from July to October.
The suggestion of moving to Phoenix is the cheapest and most dependable way to get 77 degree water straight out of the ground.
Live in Eastern Washington. Spent 15 very long years in Smogville....aka The Oven....will NEVER live there again.
I talked to the tech guy at Spectrapure a while back...we didn't really discuss the temperature. From what I remember he said that is the culprit in low production. That and now I have lower pressure. Back when I spoke with him I had the well switch & bladder set up so that I had 65psi...just to see if it helped. Which it didn't. I do know that all the basalt we have here creates all kinds of interesting things. Collect a glass of is full of bubbles. Talked to one of the local well drillers...they have done almost all the wells in our area...told me that is basalt "gas". If we don't use any hot water for 12 hours or so you will be greeted with quite a bit of an air pockets.
We also get quite a bit of debris from our well. Pump has a screen, or so the paper work claims. I have a 20 micron filter followed by a 5 micron filter. Not uncommon for the 20 to have sand in the housing. Have talked to several neighbors.. they all have the same problems...
Why do you need it to 77*?? One way you can do it use black poly coiled up so it warms up in sunlight.
Just asking, but you're allowed to operate hydrants there Doug? Is it private or municipal?
Steve, I may have used the wrong terminology....some folks call it a frost free.......
We have several of these in our yard. Private well.

Don't know if the mist is visible.
When we lived in Mesa Az there was a water treatment facility just outside our 'hood. Had a buddy living with us that worked for the Central AZ Project. Pretty much supplies all the water to AZ. We would get home from work and fill a glass...and bet if all the visible crap in the water was going to sink or float...he who lost bought dinner the next day. Water was so heavily chlorinated you could smell it from 2' away.
One morning it took 8 tries to get a drinkable pot of coffee. Had a company come out and test the day we had a softener and an RO. Installer had to turn the softener all the way up...said we had the hardest water he had ever seen.
if you're not using the hydrants for domestic water for house hold use. Why would you have to run it through the reverse osmosis unit. You should be able to add a connection for outside the house use before the osmosis unit. the it wouldn't have to go through the osmosis unit.
Unless the unit is set up before your pump. Of course this wouldn't matter if it is a submersible pump in the well and not a jet type pump. Then could have a larger storage tank to warm the water before it goes through the osmosis unit.

Then I don't know how your system is set up. What I said maybe just garbage.

Hope can get it figured out. I'm sure someone on here deals with this kind of stuff.
if you're not using the hydrants for domestic water for house hold use. Why would you have to run it through the reverse osmosis unit. You should be able to add a connection for outside the house use before the osmosis unit. the it wouldn't have to go through the osmosis unit.
Unless the unit is set up before your pump. Of course this wouldn't matter if it is a submersible pump in the well and not a jet type pump. Then could have a larger storage tank to warm the water before it goes through the osmosis unit.

Then I don't know how your system is set up. What I said maybe just garbage.

Hope can get it figured out. I'm sure someone on here deals with this kind of stuff.
Our house is hooked to the same supply as the hydrants. I just used the hydrant to measure the water temperature... didn't see the point of letting a faucet in the house run long enough to empty the well storage a lot of water going into our septic system...
im actually looking at one of these systems too, but why do you need 90 per day? Are you running everything thru it (washer, water heater, etc?)
Any reason your using my signature banner @norshorblufish

I've had norshorblufish since I joined FABO in 2007. It appears to be 2years before you did.
If you're talking about my avatar picture I drew it.
Or if it's the banner at the bottom with the ww2 P47n. It's a picture of my father in law's plane he flew in ww2.

Sorry for getting of topic, but I had to answer. Suppose I could have sent a pm.
Wow... I must admit I'm on my PC and see my banner sig instead of his. But when I use my phone and bring up the forum I see his. What a weird glitch. I'll see if I can post what I'm seeing.

Like I said on my PC he has my sig banner but on other devices he does not. What a glitch.

I run RO for my salt water tank and my water comes out the tap cold as well. I don't worry about it and have had no issues. But I'm also storing the water in barrels, to be used later.

We have a fabo member in the water business. Just ran across him mentioning it recently. Hopefully he sees this thread.
When we lived in Mesa Az there was a water treatment facility just outside our 'hood. Had a buddy living with us that worked for the Central AZ Project. Pretty much supplies all the water to AZ.

We lived in Tucson when they decided to put part of Tucson on CAP water - within a couple of months, everybody's plumbing was leaking - the chemistry in that water was different than what the old galvanized pipes were clogged with, and it fubar'd the pipes/joints and everybody started leaking - plus it tasted and smelled bad. They ended up deciding to pump the CAP water down to recharge the aquifer and keep everyone on the aquifer instead.

Bringing Water to Arizona Desert Proves Costly for Tucson Residents
I don't even know what frontards osmosis is, much less reverse. Is that like reachin 68 and havin to turn around for 69?
I sent a pm to administrator Joey about it. He check it out couldn't find anything wrong.
I'm sorry about it, it's not my fault. It looks ok on my screen.

This is what it's suppose to look like.
Thank you veterans!

Let Joey know.
Must be those darn AMC Gremlins causing problems.