Why is it dumb if it works?
I got a nice autometer temp gauge, engine warms up to 170 in around 5 to 7 mins max. Never goes over 200 even if i get caught in a 5 min traffic jam. Driving around town in 80 degree weather, its right around 180, do a good wot pass, stop later at the light for a good min, temps 180's and creeping up, usually holds 190 unless slow traffic fails to make it through the first green light (how some folks drive I got no idea).
Sure i could spend $$$ on a alum rad, high flow pump, up graded fans, but WHY, when the dirt cheap way works in cool Michigan's summers.
Yeah I heard the water flows too fast talk before, but my little 340 runs a little cool with NO T-stat...if it works why knock it. Besides how hard it it to remove the Stat and just see how your engine responds--before shedding out $$$. If I lived in Texas it be another story, for cool Michigan summers in even 90 degree heat, the no Stat gets the job done over here
even at night in mid 60 degree weather, 170 or higher the temp is--yes come cooler weather it needs a Stat the help keep the heat in. BTW, I run the intake exhaust heat all year round--guess thats another dumb idea but again it works, engine warms up fast and runs great, even mid day driving the car hard--I think the heat in the intake helps to burn this low vapor gas--not sure, just know it works--that is what counts, correct?