SAD..Seasonal affective disorder.. how do you northern guys deal with it?



Idiot In Training
Jun 28, 2018
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I always used to think this was just baloney lazy bullshit. I'm in central Wisconsin.. go to work in the dark, sit in a office with a small window up above my head I can't see out of. Leave in the dark. When I get home, I just want to eat, and go to bed. No ambition. Lots of thoughts during the day..and just no energy to do anything. In the summer, the wife has a hard time getting me to come in by 10 on a weekday, having fun doing stuff. It's almost 8:30 and I'm not in bed yet.. odd for me right now.
Just wondering if any of you get this way in the winter.. and what you do, if anything, to get motivated.
Watch tv shows with the wife, then watch a bunch of car videos on YouTube and motortrend app. Force myself to go in the garage and do things for a couple hours.
My head does. My body doesn't. :(
well, there is always FABO :lol: We are gearing up for a snow storm ourselves. Supposed to be a ice storm then 6-10 inches on top of that!
Its not what I do but they sell "happy lights". Before I quit my job I just made up for it during the weekend. Skiing and snowmobiling and fishing.
well, there is always FABO :lol: We are gearing up for a snow storm ourselves. Supposed to be a ice storm then 6-10 inches on top of that!
Got a 1/4 inch of ice on the steps now and getting colder. Still kinda rain/ice chunks coming down. Just makes me wanna crawl into bed more, lol.
Lol, sometimes you gotta close your eyes and grab a handfull err roll the dice and hope for the best.
I always used to think this was just baloney lazy bullshit. I'm in central Wisconsin.. go to work in the dark, sit in a office with a small window up above my head I can't see out of. Leave in the dark. When I get home, I just want to eat, and go to bed. No ambition. Lots of thoughts during the day..and just no energy to do anything. In the summer, the wife has a hard time getting me to come in by 10 on a weekday, having fun doing stuff. It's almost 8:30 and I'm not in bed yet.. odd for me right now.
Just wondering if any of you get this way in the winter.. and what you do, if anything, to get motivated.

I just got the f*** out of there and vowed to never go back lol. I grew up in central PA, winters have 3-week-long bouts of dark gray overcast with no direct sunlight. Many days where it almost doesn't seem like the sun came up at all. I would get pretty regular headaches as a kid and when the sun went away for more than 3 days or so I became very tired and unmotivated just like you describe. I now live in CO and the sunshine really does wonders for me I'll never live in a place without lots of sun again. Sometimes we have storms move in where it gets cloudy here for 2-3 days and I still tend to get headaches and fatigue when that happens.

I will live anywhere in the U.S. besides the Northeast or northern Midwest, just can't handle it I'm afraid I'd end up going insane.
I just had a dip in the pool:poke:. Had to the wife was out skinnydippin. Full Moon , Van Morrison's Moon Dance playin . I HAD TO
I just got the f*** out of there and vowed to never go back lol. I grew up in central PA, winters have 3-week-long bouts of dark gray overcast with no direct sunlight. Many days where it almost doesn't seem like the sun came up at all. I would get pretty regular headaches as a kid and when the sun went away for more than 3 days or so I became very tired and unmotivated just like you describe. I now live in CO and the sunshine really does wonders for me I'll never live in a place without lots of sun again. Sometimes we have storms move in where it gets cloudy here for 2-3 days and I still tend to get headaches and fatigue when that happens.

I will live anywhere in the U.S. besides the Northeast or northern Midwest, just can't handle it I'm afraid I'd end up going insane.
I never really had a problem before.. built models, played video games (old school war games.. anyone want to play by e-mail? Slitherine games has some awesome stuff).. just seems worse this year.
OK. Skinny dipping at night.
Yeah, we had like three nights in the forties this week. It was brutal.
My kid came home yesterday, parked his car in the driveway, and walked up to the house. It was 10 degrees. He was wearing shorts, sandals with ankle socks, and a t-shirt. That's his regular winter attire.
I always used to think this was just baloney lazy bullshit. I'm in central Wisconsin.. go to work in the dark, sit in a office with a small window up above my head I can't see out of. Leave in the dark. When I get home, I just want to eat, and go to bed. No ambition. Lots of thoughts during the day..and just no energy to do anything. In the summer, the wife has a hard time getting me to come in by 10 on a weekday, having fun doing stuff. It's almost 8:30 and I'm not in bed yet.. odd for me right now.
Just wondering if any of you get this way in the winter.. and what you do, if anything, to get motivated.
First, use bright full spectrum lighting indoors whenever you can and spend time exposed to it. Second, go outside during the day when the sun is shinning even if it’s just to sit in your car with the motor running and the heat on.

The key to combating SAD is light exposure to a full spectrum that is and/or mimics the Sun for some prolonged period each day.

Humans have rodent DNA from our evolution that makes us want to hibernate in Winter. Since we can’t, the key is light to counter-act that desire buried deep in our genome.
First, use bright full spectrum lighting indoors whenever you can and spend time exposed to it. Second, go outside during the day when the sun is shinning even if it’s just to sit in your car with the motor running and the heat on.

The key to combating SAD is light exposure to a full spectrum that is and/or mimics the Sun for some prolonged period each day.

Humans have rodent DNA from our evolution that makes us want to hibernate in Winter. Since we can’t, the key is light to counter-act that desire buried deep in our genome.
I think I need to get some better lighting in the house. Something that mimics sunlight. Thanks!
I think I need to get some better lighting in the house. Something that mimics sunlight. Thanks!

Yes, I think they call it light deprivation. Need more light in your life even if it is artificial.

I always feel so much more motivated when the sun is shinning. I have 18, 4' long florescent lights going all day long when I am in the shop, guess I am good there.