Well-Known Member
I read someone said that they had a hood sandblasted and the guy didn't warp the hood. Can someone explain what that means and how do you warp it by sand blasting?
Heat. By concentrating too long in one spot which is EASY to do with sand. Glass beads or crushed glass is much more forgiving.I read someone said that they had a hood sandblasted and the guy didn't warp the hood. Can someone explain what that means and how do you warp it by sand blasting?
yes thats me. i am running late but when i get back later ill answer the question.Who is the guy inthat is a professional sandblaster? @chrisf maybe?
most "sand" guys don't give two ***** about their health. lol My local "blast for beer" guy uses a welding helmet with no respirator with beach sand, after he is done he pushes used sand and waste/lead paint into the creek below his place. downstream people actually get their water from the creek. he amazingly does not have silicosis after 30 years...yet its a terrible way to die.Thanks Chris, I might also point out, that it's not legal in the States any longer to sell real sand for 'sand blasting' least to the best of My knowledge. I had blasted the Olds 15×7 Rallys with dried & filtered play sand from Lowes, but don't tell them that's what You're using it for, better yet.....protect Your lungs & just use Black Beauty or the like. Silicosis is chronic, so unless You're looking forward to a life of asthma attacks, just don't.