Save money on your gas bill, LOL



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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I'm about to plumb my NG line out to the corner of the house. Not only can I run my (seldom used) BBQ on it, but I can also run hose to a space heater when working on my car.

So I'm Googling quick connectors and found this on the www:

The meter reader should've caught this little money saver, LOL

Lol, putting the QC ahead of the meter ought to help keep the cost down. I wonder if his elec meter has a similar tech approach?
A lot of places have gone to special meters that don't have to be manually read. I know in Phoenix, they just drive by the house and can get the reading. The readers don't have to go into my back yard any more either. If that guy is ever found out, he's in for a world of trouble.
I'm about to plumb my NG line out to the corner of the house. Not only can I run my (seldom used) BBQ on it, but I can also run hose to a space heater when working on my car.

So I'm Googling quick connectors and found this on the www:

The meter reader should've caught this little money saver, LOL


Maybe they did and that is how the picture made it to the internet.