Say a prayer for McKinley

McKinley is out of surgery and going to recovery. After that she goes to intensive care for a couple of days. She will be here 3 to 6 days depending on how she does.
Thank you everyone for praying for her.
This is McKinley early today. The Dr. said everything looked good, her vitals and all were good. She was sedated yesterday and today she will be able to be held.
Being her brain was effective, the Dr. said that today she may not recognize anyone, or could be angry. Possible personality change is possible as well. Praying for her complete healing and recovery.
Thank you

My daughter just text me that McKinley had been awake and did know them, which was a fear according to the Dr.. She was able hold her for a few minutes but they had to give her morphine because she got upset when they were removing one of the iv's. Thank you for your prayers
McKinley is still in the ICU and although her vital signs are good, she is having a hard time. She got sick and threw up when we were there last night and again during the night. The Dr. is trying to cut back on the morphine, which is a good thing, but she isn't able to take anything by mouth. I am praying today will be a better day for my precious little granddaughter.
Thank you for praying with me.
Please keep us up to date on her recovery Tommy! I'm praying that she comes through this with flying colors!! She is such a cutie pie, and in her pic in ICU, she looks so scared!! She really needs a hug, I wish I was there to give her one!! Her papa will have to give her one from all of us, and let her know she's in our prayers!!!
With I could hug her, but we can't lift her out of bed with the iv's she has. Her arms are immobilized so she can't pull the bandage covering her head. We can talk to her and touch her.
Thank you for your prayers
With I could hug her, but we can't lift her out of bed with the iv's she has. Her arms are immobilized so she can't pull the bandage covering her head. We can talk to her and touch her.
Thank you for your prayers
hang in there - it'll all be worth it - you're there and she knows it :thumbsup:
Continued prayers from us Tom. Toughest part is over. Glad to hear it didn't affect her memory. Makes Mckinleys healing so much easier knowing/recognizing all of you.
Good news, McKinley seems to be a lot better today. Her eyes are swollen almost closed and her head is swollen, but she is more alert today. She reached out for grandma and grandpa when we came in. Still in ICU, but much improved.
Thank you everyone for your prayers
McKinley is coming home today! I thank each of you for your prayers and support. Had you been with her 3 short days ago, I would have never imagined she would be so much improved. Our God is an awesome God!
Thank you again

I gotta say, that is one cute kid. - Glad to hear that things are getting better. :):):)
Glad to hear things have turned out good for her. Keep up the good work and give her all the free hugs you can.
Thanks for sharing the great news, leaving the hospital already, amazing. She looks like a mini- super-hero.
Thank you for all of your prayers. McKinley is home, but had a rough night last night. I'm not sure what is happening, but she is hurting. The Dr. has been called and hopefully they can do something without putting her back in the hospital.
McKinley has been in our prayers and we're glad to see her home and are hoping she adjusts well. Children are amazing healers after ordeals like that. Best to you and your family.
Thanks Dan, they do recovery quickly, no doubt. All of the prayers are so important. She is improving, but had a set back yesterday and had to have her medicine increased. She just wants to be held some, but then wants to jump and play. How do you tell a baby not to jump. That seems to make her hurt more. She certainly doesn't like that helmet either.
Thanks again