Say a prayer for McKinley

McKinley had a better night. The new medicine helped her with the pain
Thanks for your prayers
Glad her nights are better! Trying to keep her calm/comfortable has gotta be a tough go.
Continued prayers from up here
Definitely difficult to explain to a 7 month old that she doesn't need to jump and the helmet is for her own good
Thanks Dan, they do recovery quickly, no doubt. All of the prayers are so important. She is improving, but had a set back yesterday and had to have her medicine increased. She just wants to be held some, but then wants to jump and play. How do you tell a baby not to jump. That seems to make her hurt more. She certainly doesn't like that helmet either.
Thanks again
She's such a sweetie she's even cute in the helmet. The really good thing is she'll hopefully never remember any of this experience.
Great news! Went to Brenner's hospital for a checkup with McKinley. Dr said everything looks good and the swelling was going down with no sign of infection. Will have to wear the helmet for 4 months or so

Today she is 8 months old.
Thanks for your prayers

Great news! Went to Brenner's hospital for a checkup with McKinley. Dr said everything looks good and the swelling was going down with no sign of infection. Will have to wear the helmet for 4 months or so

Today she is 8 months old.
Thanks for your prayers

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good stuff!! can't blame her about the helmet for sure! gonna be a tough 4mo. but it'll eventually be alright... hang in there!
Yes indeed, seeing her smile does make me happy
Great to see her smile and hear her pain is being relieved. Give her plenty of those hugs because they help more than medicine.