Selling help



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Oct 23, 2024
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New to this and need advice. I used to have mopars back in the day. Came across a pile of stuff I'd sell. (Mostly 73-76 duster dart sport) Never sold online. Best way to get paid? Shipping? Posting? Or someone come buy the pile. Thanks
New to this and need advice. I used to have mopars back in the day. Came across a pile of stuff I'd sell. (Mostly 73-76 duster dart sport) Never sold online. Best way to get paid? Shipping? Posting? Or someone come buy the pile. Thanks
Go to our classified section. Read the rules FIRST. Then figure you some prices, post pictures per the rules with prices and post your ad.
New to this and need advice. I used to have mopars back in the day. Came across a pile of stuff I'd sell. (Mostly 73-76 duster dart sport) Never sold online. Best way to get paid? Shipping? Posting? Or someone come buy the pile. Thanks
Try a local news paper or trader paper thing.
You're a new member here and other members may be reluctant to purchase from you. Other people who'd rather steal than work have ruined that for you. If a member here is local to you, perhaps you could make a deal? That guy leaves you good feedback and you are on your way!

I've had good luck buying and selling on Marketplace but you have to deal with the scammers and flakes. Since Craigslist went away, that seems the most popular way to sell things. Good luck!
I would come clean you out , if we were closer !!
I think your best bet would be to put it on Facebook marketplace, someone will come and make a deal with you.
You're a new member here and other members may be reluctant to purchase from you. Other people who'd rather steal than work have ruined that for you. If a member here is local to you, perhaps you could make a deal? That guy leaves you good feedback and you are on your way!

I've had good luck buying and selling on Marketplace but you have to deal with the scammers and flakes. Since Craigslist went away, that seems the most popular way to sell things. Good luck!
Craigslist went away..?
New to this and need advice. I used to have mopars back in the day. Came across a pile of stuff I'd sell. (Mostly 73-76 duster dart sport) Never sold online. Best way to get paid? Shipping? Posting? Or someone come buy the pile. Thanks
Hello Slapstikjim.
Your user profile has Redding Pa, That said if you can wait Carlisle Fair Grounds has a Mopar show / Swap meet every year.
Some of the members on her including myself sell and buy there, Plus for A Bodiesonly has a tent there (Good times for all).
You can get a spot and sell your stuff without the hassle of posting on line, shipping, scammers, and how to get paid.
Its not limited to only Mopar at this show But that is most of what is there.
Carlisle Events - Event Details
Hope this helps...
Happy Mopar :)
New to this and need advice. I used to have mopars back in the day. Came across a pile of stuff I'd sell. (Mostly 73-76 duster dart sport) Never sold online. Best way to get paid? Shipping? Posting? Or someone come buy the pile. Thanks
Selling your stuff is largely going to depend on what the stuff is. If it’s small items that can fit into boxes, then list the stuff, get some flat rate boxes from the post office (free), and some packaging materials and start listing and selling. Flat rate boxes are easy to use, the shipping price is always the same for each size box, and there is a post office in every town, making it easy to ship your stuff. Myself, I have a PayPal account, I get paid through PayPal, and use my PayPal debit card to pay for shipping. . Easier to keep track of that way.

For larger stuff like body panels, doing as mentioned above and getting a spot at a Mopar show like Carlisle will be way easier to sell large items. And you get the chance to meet folks and build up a reputations as a trustworthy seller.

Places to list stuff would be here and the other sites related to here, Marketplace, joining model specific sites on FB, and your local community sites on FB.
You're a new member here and other members may be reluctant to purchase from you. Other people who'd rather steal than work have ruined that for you. If a member here is local to you, perhaps you could make a deal? That guy leaves you good feedback and you are on your way!

I've had good luck buying and selling on Marketplace but you have to deal with the scammers and flakes. Since Craigslist went away, that seems the most popular way to sell things. Good luck!
Thanks. Yea I figured you have gain trust. T his site is very specific, been checking it out for a lil bit and thought I should try here. Could be fun. Things like PayPal type payments is one thing I never used. What is a popular pay site on here? Shipping I'm also clueless on what's popular, easy etc. And Craigslist is pretty popular here but not car parts. Thanks again
Thanks for all your feedback. I'm thinking I need to set up a online pay me site. Any suggestions that most use? Popular? And shipping with us post office boxes seems as convenient as it gets for smalls. Do I need to print labels or just write address on it? And carlise is like an hour away and back in the day me and a bud used to scrap and sell parts there back in the 1990s Yea I know scrap uggg. We always had lie 6 spots and did great. Don't realy have time but would consider meeting someone here there in between etcc.
Thanks. Yea I figured you have gain trust. T his site is very specific, been checking it out for a lil bit and thought I should try here. Could be fun. Things like PayPal type payments is one thing I never used. What is a popular pay site on here? Shipping I'm also clueless on what's popular, easy etc. And Craigslist is pretty popular here but not car parts. Thanks again
Buyers like Paypal because of buyer protection, plus it's very easy to use. That's the only way some people will pay. Including me.
Buyers like Paypal because of buyer protection, plus it's very easy to use. That's the only way some people will pay. Including me.

I agree. PayPal is best.
When you set it up, you'll have to link your bank account to it.
There should be some youtube videos on how to set it up and use it.
Thanks everyone. This is where I'm at. I'm looking into paypal account of course this mean I need to do some sort online banking. So I'm looking into all that. And shipping those us post office boxes would work great for smalls. When I get the paypal up I'll try seling here. Might be alil bit , but I'm going to try this. I'll be back.
Thanks everyone. This is where I'm at. I'm looking into paypal account of course this mean I need to do some sort online banking. So I'm looking into all that. And shipping those us post office boxes would work great for smalls. When I get the paypal up I'll try seling here. Might be alil bit , but I'm going to try this. I'll be back.
Hello Slapstikjim.
Just keep in mind that depending on the way the transaction is completed on PayPal (Friends / goods and services) there may be a charge to use the service.
Happy Mopar :)
Thanks everyone. This is where I'm at. I'm looking into paypal account of course this mean I need to do some sort online banking. So I'm looking into all that. And shipping those us post office boxes would work great for smalls. When I get the paypal up I'll try seling here. Might be alil bit , but I'm going to try this. I'll be back.
I have a PayPal account, I use it to get paid. I also have a PayPal debit card, I use it to pay for shipping for the items I sell. I also have a FedEx account and use FedEx to ship larger items. I set up my FedEx account to withdraw my fees from my PayPal account.

I “dumpster dive” for larger boxes, I drive through warehouse areas and construction sites looking for boxes. I put an ad in our local community sites asking for folks who are tossing their swimming pool solar covers to let me know when they put them out and I go pick them up. Many, many square feet of free bubble wrap. I go to the carpet store and get free carpet tubes to ship trim, torsion bars, and other items that will fit in them. They’re very sturdy, and free. I try to keep shipping costs to just the actual shipping. Yes, I have about 300 boxes up in the attic of my shop.

When I list something, I almost always have it already in a box. Not officially packed and ready to ship because I may have to take additional pics of something, but close enough to weigh for a shipping quote. I never list more than 6 items at a time, I find it too hard to deal with more items than that, mostly because I also have a day job.
Thanks again. Yea I figured paypal charges a fee. but these parts just sit here so if I price it right , I make alil cash, paypal makes a lil cash you gets a good for all us.
Shipping I'm starting small that can go post office boxes keeps that simple for now.
Paypal I need to link a bank account, but I don't do online banking and thinking to open an new account just for online reasons. Keep my other accounts safe. So I need to check with my bank and get that done before I get to paypal.
Like the idea of FedEx for big stuff but let me get comfortable first with you guys.
Ps. Love your duster dive resourcefulness lol
Thanks again. Yea I figured paypal charges a fee. but these parts just sit here so if I price it right , I make alil cash, paypal makes a lil cash you gets a good for all us.
Shipping I'm starting small that can go post office boxes keeps that simple for now.
Paypal I need to link a bank account, but I don't do online banking and thinking to open an new account just for online reasons. Keep my other accounts safe. So I need to check with my bank and get that done before I get to paypal.
Like the idea of FedEx for big stuff but let me get comfortable first with you guys.
Ps. Love your duster dive resourcefulness lol
Just stipulate that the buyer pay the fees. I don't know of anyone who would have a problem with that.
Or just figure that in price and pretend there is no fee and one less thing to worry about. These parts been in my way for a long time. Just want to have a lil fun, make room, and pocket so e money. I'll be pricing to sell. I'm not realy hurting for money. Just don't want to throw it out. . I know these parts are probably hard to get since junkyards probaly. Don't have 50 year old cars. Like how much can fees real be?
When i sell parts on these web sites, i always give the buyer a quote what the total price would be, if they pay me thru Family or Friends, or Goods or Services, with their fee added on.
That way they can make up their own mind on how they want to pay you, and then you don't loose out paying any Pay Pal fee.
Then there also is the good old fashioned way, with a postal money order.
This online selling is all new to me. Yep I'm gen x stuck in 1979. Lol. I'll just keep it simple at first then can expand into things as i get comfortable with paypal.
Or just figure that in price and pretend there is no fee and one less thing to worry about. These parts been in my way for a long time. Just want to have a lil fun, make room, and pocket so e money. I'll be pricing to sell. I'm not realy hurting for money. Just don't want to throw it out. . I know these parts are probably hard to get since junkyards probaly. Don't have 50 year old cars. Like how much can fees real be?
Yup, you can do that, too. I think it's somewhere over 4%.
I just sent money to a guy and the PayPal fee was 3.05%

I don't understand sellers insisting that buyers pay the 3% or send the money Friends and Family. When you're haggling with a guy at a swap meet on a $100 part, would you turn down an offer of $97? Heck no you wouldn't. When someone insists I use F&F it makes me suspicious of their intentions and I add the 3% in on my own.

To the original poster @slapstickjim like I said earlier, I would go ahead and list a couple of the easiest parts to sell here, and maybe someone local to you could buy them. That person could pay CASH, just like on Marketplace or Craigslist. When that person leaves you positive feedback you have a little credibility that should lead to later sales.
Yea I'm going to get paypal. Just need to set up a new account at the bank for this, like a play slush account. I think paypal and us post office and selling smalls would be a good start. As far as the paypal fee I'm not worried about that. These parts just sit here and if I got to pay a fee oh well. Elon and his 23 buddies need to make a living too haha. Example if I'm selling seat belt for $10 plus shipping. I'll know that the buyer is paying shipping and I'm getting 7 bucks and paypal gets 3 bucks. My aditude is win for buyer win for Elon win for me.