Semi truck strap binder versus human jaw

What I'm seeing here is a lot of people that are not from here they're from across the border they're driving big rigs for 12 bucks an hour, cut you off, go out in front of you jump two or three lanes at a time and even had a full size dump truck running freaking stop sign and almost hit the Dakota with me in the old lady, just last year. His lug nuts were taller than my hood it probably would have hurt even if barely touched us, it's quite possible we could have got sucked up or kicked sideways under the back tires or something by the way those air brakes ain't all that,cuz after he ran the stop sign, he locked em up took him another 200 ft to fully stop...
Yep, ive seen stuff like that also, but myslef I place the blame on the owners of those rigs. They know exactly who they are hiring and they dont care.
Yep, ive seen stuff like that also, but myslef I place the blame on the owners of those rigs. They know exactly who they are hiring and they dont care.

Owner-operator is a lot more common that you'd think for those situations.

There's a lot of perverse incentives in the industry that leaf to some significant unintended (hopefully) consequences. Most the result of short sighted feel good laws.
Owner-operator is a lot more common that you'd think for those situations.

There's a lot of perverse incentives in the industry that leaf to some significant unintended (hopefully) consequences. Most the result of short sighted feel good laws.
Maybe you can elaborate on that
I don't understand why people tailgate so close on the interstate. I like to see what's ahead of me.
Drivers supposed to do a walk around, the responsibility is on the driver. Check off major/minor defect.
Heard a cardboard box story. Middle of the road. Driver decided to stop and see what, if anything was inside. Puppies. I had one friend that would run over boxes, until i told him that story.

Even in rural canada there is complacency when it comes to load securement and safety.
Drivers supposed to do a walk around, the responsibility is on the driver. Check off major/minor defect.
How do you know he/she didn’t? The defect may not have been obvious, or may not have occurred yet. (And it’s more thorough than a walk around, at least it should be.)
We weren’t sure if it was attached to a truck and fell off or what, for all we know it was in a pile of scrap and bounced out. The first driver who hit it said it was part of a much larger assembly.

Either way, it was a terrible accident.
I saw a car in front of me hit something on the interstate the other day and thought it was a big snake the way it flopped when they hit it. Turned out to be a ten foot long, 3/8 log chain with heavy duty hooks on both ends. We both got lucky. Them for not getting it wrapped up under their Lexus and me for the finders/keeper's chain! I'll admit though, if it hadn't been in the right lane, I would have left it and called NCDOT to remove it. No way would I have gone more than the 5' out into that lane to get something, even when no cars were in sight in either lane. It's amazing how quick they get there from the time you see them a quarter mile or more away! :eek:
People are so nonchalant driving along in their 3000 pound weapons. A friend of mine was killed when a young girl leaned over to get the soda (pop) she dropped. She came across the highway from the opposite direction, and hit my friend in the left quarter, driving him into a tree.
I've always said that the highway is the most dangerous place you can be, other than a battlefield.
I worked with a guy years ago that told me his brother in law ran over a broken semi trailer spring laying on the highway. Kicked it up under the driverseat,through his pelvic/hips and paralyzed him. OUCH.
People are so nonchalant driving along in their 3000 pound weapons. A friend of mine was killed when a young girl leaned over to get the soda (pop) she dropped. She came across the highway from the opposite direction, and hit my friend in the left quarter, driving him into a tree.
I've always said that the highway is the most dangerous place you can be, other than a battlefield.
3000 pounds?

a 2 seater perhaps
any car with enough size to be usefull will be in the 5000 pound range
I don't want any of that thing on any part of my body through my windshield ever, never ever okay!
The there was that time I was working up north a couple years ago, and a trailer came off of a truck coming the other way. It came into my lane, so I went into the ditch, but it did also. So I was all the way up on the embankment along an old farm fence and it hit me square in the bed of my truck. Had I stayed in my lane I might’ve missed it, but the tongue skewering me through the cab was in my mind and I did my best to avoid it. It had but one safety chain the he didn’t hook up because “it was too short”, and he didn’t close the hasp on the ball or pin it. He did however have the light plug plugged in??? 3 months later and my truck got fixed, but I didn’t get injured, just had to drive with a crushed in bed, no taillight, the bumper pulled mostly off the truck, tailgate damaged and wouldn’t open. All because of laziness on his part. I had pics but I think I deleted them.
The there was that time I was working up north a couple years ago, and a trailer came off of a truck coming the other way. It came into my lane, so I went into the ditch, but it did also. So I was all the way up on the embankment along an old farm fence and it hit me square in the bed of my truck. Had I stayed in my lane I might’ve missed it, but the tongue skewering me through the cab was in my mind and I did my best to avoid it. It had but one safety chain the he didn’t hook up because “it was too short”, and he didn’t close the hasp on the ball or pin it. He did however have the light plug plugged in??? 3 months later and my truck got fixed, but I didn’t get injured, just had to drive with a crushed in bed, no taillight, the bumper pulled mostly off the truck, tailgate damaged and wouldn’t open. All because of laziness on his part. I had pics but I think I deleted them.
you may call it laziness now, because noone was hurt
but if that trailer had hit you and taken you out, the proper term would have been "depraved indifference" which would have lead to a second degree murder charge
The there was that time I was working up north a couple years ago, and a trailer came off of a truck coming the other way. It came into my lane, so I went into the ditch, but it did also. So I was all the way up on the embankment along an old farm fence and it hit me square in the bed of my truck. Had I stayed in my lane I might’ve missed it, but the tongue skewering me through the cab was in my mind and I did my best to avoid it. It had but one safety chain the he didn’t hook up because “it was too short”, and he didn’t close the hasp on the ball or pin it. He did however have the light plug plugged in??? 3 months later and my truck got fixed, but I didn’t get injured, just had to drive with a crushed in bed, no taillight, the bumper pulled mostly off the truck, tailgate damaged and wouldn’t open. All because of laziness on his part. I had pics but I think I deleted them.
I wrote about this once before. Some years back some idiot was towing his boat when it came off the ball struck two young woman riding their bikes, killing one
From what I remember there were no safety chains and the wrong size ball for the coupler
The driver was arrested and charged and I believe he did time