Site sucks for mobile users because of ads

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Yup but without the staff, the site would suck imo. IF all the members were self-policing, there would be no need for mods but would still need someone to make sure the site stays up and running good.
I agree 100%.
See? This is part of the problem here. Some mods here are always looking for a fight where there is none. Proof of that is right in this thread. Just look at my comments you responded to. You didn't even acknowledge that you incorrectly assumed that I was talking about bad mouthing the forum, yet I was not, I was talking about stopping recommending the ad blockers. Some of yall need to wake the hell up and back off. I wasn't looking for confrontation and yet you still are.
See? This is part of the problem here. Some mods here are always looking for a fight where there is none. Proof of that is right in this thread. Just look at my comments you responded to. You didn't even acknowledge that you incorrectly assumed that I was talking about bad mouthing the forum, yet I was not, I was talking about stopping recommending the ad blockers. Some of yall need to wake the hell up and back off. I wasn't looking for confrontation and yet you still are.
You're fighting a losing fight.
You're fighting a losing fight.
Oh, I know. But I've long said this. I'm not going to just sit down and let someone run over me. I even backed off promoting the ad blocker and got zero response from that, yet, he wants to keep poking me for nothing.
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