Dr John OConnor PhD
Pimp juice a Hemi's best friend
if it can crank it surely can spark. you may have altered the distributor timing: put your compression gauge on #1 and turn the fan belt to turn the motor (or bump it just a touch at a time) until you feel pressure start to build. stick a rigid wire in the #1 spark plug hole and then run the motor up until the wire tops out (piston at TDC) now look at damper pulley, see TDC mark? check #1 wire tower location and pull the cap. The rotor MUST be sitting on #1 or a few degrees away. If its not, turn the distributor until its as close as you can get it or possible rewire the cap if its way off. We dont know if you replaced the wires correctly (I wired up a 360 like a 400 and obviously it didnt work) or did it 1 tower off. IF you got spark and enough compression to feel it blow your thumb off, it should light off even some old *** gas...its a slant!
we used a new battery much more cranking power but we found the plug wires are old going to replace