slick shift cuda


67 cuda kid

Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
so i got a 67 barracuda and found it had a slick shift 4 speed transmission. would i need to replace it and get a new transmission or would i be able to keep it and drive it on the road?
so i got a 67 barracuda and found it had a slick shift 4 speed transmission. would i need to replace it and get a new transmission or would i be able to keep it and drive it on the road?
slick shift is the synchros have every other tooth removed so it can slide into gear quicker when racing
you wont be able to drive it on the road. wont be able do downshift well.
it is set up for drag.
if you wanna sell or trade for a standard 833 let me know i have several non and o/d
Talked to a very knowledgeable person named Paul at Liberty Gears today.
Slick Shift- Removed every other synchro tooth off the gear itself of second, third and fourth.Discarded the brass synchro rings, engagement keys ,and wired spring rings, and removed every other internal spline on the "slider" (slider hub that the fork engages into). First gear synchro teeth on the gear were left alone yet no longer allow synchronization with the brass synchro discarded. 36 engagement teeth and internal splines become 18. Do Not try to remove two keep one, remove two, keep one etc. This will create an impossible mesh pattern.Yes this is race only.