


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Went out for a ride last night. Stopped to get gas and a bottle of water. Young guy in front of me got a pack of Marlboro's.......$8.80........damn sure glad I don't have that habit....
That one habit I glad I gave up thirty years ago. I use to buy cartons from the Indians in hollywood when I quit at $15 a carton and thought that was outrages. Really hooked if you pay that for a pack.
Smokes here are over $10 a pack(25) or $70-$80 a carton.Lots of people hit up the Indian reserves for cheap smokes here.$30 a carton=No Taxes.
Smokes here are over $10 a pack(25) or $70-$80 a carton.Lots of people hit up the Indian reserves for cheap smokes here.$30 a carton=No Taxes.

Pretty sure that is what some folks do here, hit the reservations....
you know how hard it is to quit.i'm paying five bucks a pack .it sucks.i have heard it is easier to quit ****** than smoking.
Went out for a ride last night. Stopped to get gas and a bottle of water. Young guy in front of me got a pack of Marlboro's.......$8.80........damn sure glad I don't have that habit....

How much did he pay for the bottle of water?:wack:
.Lots of people hit up the Indian reserves for cheap smokes here.

I don't smoke, but people do go to the reservation. Years ago, the WSP set up a sting to inspect cars coming back from the Worley/ Plummer ID area back to WA. They (WSP) caught hell over it, too. It IS illegal to possess reservation smokes off the reservation, and in fact may be illegal for ANY non American Indian.
How much did he pay for the bottle of water?:wack:

It was one of the smaller ones. Was like $1.29 for one or $2 for two. WA has a real high "sin tax" from what I understand. They rape you on soda, candy bars etc. Even though liquor sales are no longer state run they slaughter you on the tax. Luckily I do not drink, beyond a few hot buttered rums during the winter and an occasional beer with dinner. Last case of beer we bought is going 3 months now.....I used to "self medicate" pretty heavy but once I figured it out it was only making my troubles worse I stopped.....

Have not been to a Starbucks in years, can only imagine how bad they are screwing people. One of the ones we go past all the time always has at least 8 cars at the drive thru. NS,they are closer to 15 bucks a pack...that is why all the kids are switching to flavored cigars for half that...I am too cheap to be a smoker now :)
I was a smoker 15 years ago cigarettes were $11.00 a carton for Marlboros when I quit. I talked to a friend who is a truck driver he always buys his smokes 2 packs at a time and spends on average of $25.00 for the two. I don't see how people can afford it even buying the cheap smokes runs into a lot of money.
You and your gf are smoking up Ruby's restoration. I have a buddy and we figured he has smoked up four brand new fully loaded trucks... He is working on number 5 now and he is always wondering why he is broke.

You mean the lawn ornament?
$5 - $10 bucks a pack... some people at 1 pack per day.....nothing like paying a premium to kill yourself off. Sheesh...

Holy crap thats why i smoke the cheap smokes .

Around here, the cheap smokes ARE eight bucks a pack!

I remember my uncle telling me that when he was in the Army, he switched from Camels to Lucky Strikes. The Luckys were five cents a pack cheaper at the PX! (He quit about 20 years ago.)
smokes are 16.33 here for name brand and 13.50 for the cheapies
Stopped tens years ago. Cheap ones were about $3.80 a pack. if you want to quit you'll quit but you have to do it for yourself , not the wife or the kids or the dog. i used a pill from the doctor . I don't know if it was real or fake and i don't care He gave me enough for a month. It helped take the edge off I didn't get the jitters and had no mood swings . By the end of the month I was smoke free after 30 years. One of the best things I ever did.
$1825 a year habit at 5 bucks a pack and one pack a day. That's a lot of MoPar money.